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    Passing Strange

    Passing Strange

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    Passing Strange is a comedy-drama rock musical about a young African American's artistic journey of...

Coming to America (1988)
Coming to America (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Romance
Classic Eddie Murphy
An old school classic comedy that showcases a great comedic actor at his very best.This was Eddie Murphy is at his most funniest (and serious in parts) role ever (imo anyway)

Murphy plays an african prince who wants to find a woman who will love him for himself not because he is royalty so he decides to head over to America to find said bride.He poses as a poor african student and when he eventually does find that special woman he goes all out to win her over while trying to keep his identity a secret.

A sequel is due to this next year (32 years after the original!!) and I just hope they dont ruin the legacy of the original with a painfully unfunny film.