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Caribou recommended track Batsumi by Batsumi in Batsumi by Batsumi in Music (curated)

Batsumi by Batsumi
Batsumi by Batsumi
2017 | Dance
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Batsumi by Batsumi

(0 Ratings)


"I love the South African jazz reissue label Matsuli Music. Everything they release is worth a listen, but this album is in a league of its own for me. ‘Anishilabi’ and ‘Lishonile’ are absolute masterpieces, if you ask me—very much in the vein of spiritual jazz that I love, but unique in so many ways. Both are club bangers too… at the right club."

Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
African culture (3 more)
Everything I wanted
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie is so important, in the nerd culture community and in the societal human community at large especially for America. An entire movie about African life and culture, celebrating and showing and teaching those things unapologetically. An entire movie that is not specifically for teaching anecdotally about African culture but was a movie for something else that saw that there was the opportunity to take it and force it to also be so importantly about the culture behind the superhero.

On top of the wonderful culture, we get amazingly Badass feminist Black women. They take care of themselves, they fight, they run the science department for the entire country, they save themselves, they go out and save the world, they stand up against stupid decisions. Just absolutely amazing.

You also, of course, get all of the amazing superhero moments. Action-packed for the right amount, the plot makes sense and is followable. A twist that is amazing and once you see it you see all of the lead up to it, which is so absolutely wonderful, it doesn't just appear out of nowhere.

I walked out wanting to immediately buy the dvd and watch it again and that was over a week ago. Absolutely stunning and everyone should go see it and fully absorb it and the message it gives.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Zulu (1964) in Movies

Mar 2, 2018 (Updated Mar 2, 2018)  
Zulu (1964)
Zulu (1964)
1964 | Classics, Drama, War
Politically somewhat problematic tale of stoic imperial soldiers blasting the hell out of disgruntled African tribesmen isn't quite as bad as it sounds, also made a star out of Michael Caine. Based on the true story of the battle of Rorke's Drift in 1879, at which 150 British soldiers fought several thousand Zulu warriors to a standstill.

Made at the time as a piece of aren't-we-great jingoism, Zulu still stands up well as a stirring war movie and a story of men finding common ground under pressure. Good performances from Caine and Stanley Baker (who was the actual star at the time). Many memorable moments, too, such as the sing-off between the two armies. The Zulus are actually treated with respect, as shrewd and honourable fighters. Chief Buthelezi (later a minister in the South African government of Nelson Mandela) plays his own great-grandfather.
This book is written in the form of a diary. Though This book shows you thing though the eyes of any African American. This book is about the Negro Leagues. It tell about the times where Baseball was still considered a White man's game.

Around this time in 1948, Baseball was starting to ingrates with African American. It was when Jackie Robinson was brought to place for the Major Leagues though though out the book. People were still think that there were still a few segregated seating in ballparks. They were still signs for blacks and White signs stating around.

Though this does change though you understand what it like at that time along with baseball changing and other things about american history. You do learn about the different thing though Ameican History and good for young children and adult to understand and learn about that time.
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Conquered or conqueror
Does a nation or peoples with ability have a responsibility? That seems to be one of the central questions. There is a long history of nonwhite civilizations that developed more advanced technology that became conquered by the white nations (more through their disease, but that is another story, than their weaponry although they had that too.) Wakanda and its king have remained hidden in an effort to prevent such a tragedy.
China gave us gunpowder, Japan feudalism, Arabs medicine and math, Africa astronomy, and Mayans soccer. Yet all of these people became conquered and enslaved over time. T'Chaka seems to attempt to prevent this eventuality, but T'Challa soon faces his own dilemma. When an African-African cousin wants to expose Wakandan ability to his oppressed "others," Black Panther, king of Wakanda, must come out of hiding to assist the world and possibly expose their many secrets.
Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals
Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals
Ahmadou Kourouma | 2001 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This is a humourous, irreverent and unabashedly political novel; it is an enraged lament about post-colonial Africa and how the leaders who inherited supposedly independent countries went on to fail their citizens. Some leaders are closely modelled on real characters – Mobutu of Zaire and Lumumba of the Congo are impossible to miss. The simplified summary of Kourouma: Colonialism has spawned monsters in the name of African leaders, and the West is the creator of these Frankensteins. The narrative is complex. There is a wonderfully oral quality to the telling, and many stories and anecdotes are laugh-aloud funny. Kourouma insists – and this underlies the narrative – that African dictators are mostly guided by their belief in the traditional, the supernatural, and that Islam or Christianity are mere window-dressing. This is a good example of an intelligent and important book that’s also genuinely interesting."
