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The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
1955 | Drama, Mystery
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I was twenty years old when I first saw it. It terrified me then, and still does.
 The preacher, played by Robert Mitchum, is the most frightening
 psychopath I’ve ever seen depicted. This is the only film directed by Charles Laughton, and its haunting, over-the-top storytelling is reminiscent of Laughton’s own character portrayals. The poetic, expressionistic images are by Stanley Cortez, a true American master who I fortunately came to know many years before his death. Stanley photographed, among others, The Magnificent Ambersons and The Three Faces of Eve, in which his lighting is equally unique. The disturbing orchestral score is by Walter Schumann, who also wrote the Dragnet theme and whose music underlines and drives the horror the way Bernard Herrmann’s does in Psycho. This is one of James Agee’s rare screenplays—another was The African Queen—and it captures America in the Depression as
 well as did his book, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, with photographs by Walker Evans. The film’s story is an American equivalent of the Brothers Grimm."

The Fires of Vengeance
The Fires of Vengeance
Evan Winter | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Superb follow-up African fantasy
The follow-up to Rage of Dragons follows Tau and his sword-brothers as they seek to take back control of their country after its civil uprising and invasion by the less civilised former inhabitants of Xidda.
I had my misgivings about reading this second book as I had some issues with "Rage ...", finding the first two thirds really quite a slog. My love of the final third, where all the action was, really made my mind up. I am so glad I decided to read this book as it is truly superb. It has been a long time since a book kept me up reading at night, normally my eyes go quite quickly. Not so here, I was reading for over an hour at times.
The book is a nonstop thrill, every page either filled with action, strategy or concise dialogue that moves the plot along. There is simply no filler material at all.
I received a free copy in advance from the publishers and netgally in exchange for an honest review
Marshall (2017)
Marshall (2017)
2017 | Drama
Marshall is the biopic of Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, and it focuses on one of the first cases of his career.

I was enthralled by this film. It popped up on my listings and I went to it without knowing anything more than the fact it was a biopic. Just like Hidden Figures, this was an interesting, heart-breaking and moving tale.

Chadwick Boseman, who some of us will know as Black Panther in the Marvel Universe, was a brilliant lead. Josh Gad felt like such an odd choice, I've only ever seen him in comedy films or staring as our favourite feathered or Frozen friends, but the two of them together brought this powerful story to life on the screen.

There aren't many films where I come out knowing that I didn't miss a second of what happened, but this one had me on the edge of my seat. Not so much for the guy across the aisle though, I'm fairly certain that he was snoring at one point.


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