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Vegan Everyday: 500 Delicious Recipes
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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post
Feb 23, 2021
Nick Rhodes recommended Remain in Light by Talking Heads in Music (curated)
Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies
Sep 25, 2019
Rightly, this one has sailed over everything else that's out there at the moment. Yes it's a Marvel film, but honestly, it's also not. It still has it's funny moments (and I will always snigger at that sneakers joke) and you still get the Stan Lee cameo, but the rest of it really takes a diversion from what has become a very in your face franchise.
With a completely different pace it has shown us a wonderful possibility of how the MCU can diversify.
A few familiar faces pop up by way of our villain, Klaue, CIA Agent Ross and obviously Black Panther. We're also given a whole new array of strong and formidable characters.
I have to say that my favourite is definitely Shuri, played by Letitia Wright. What is not to love about this young woman who is taking technological Wakanda to the next level? While she clearly loves the fast paced life outside tradition, she still ultimately believes in the Wakandan way. She's fierce, she's brainy, and she's hilarious (Sneakers... still chuckling), she's everything you'd want in a role model. Just. Yes.
Hopefully we'll see more of these characters sneaking into other movies. There's definitely potential to have more Shuri as Wakanda opens it's doors to the oblivious world outside its valley, and she could certainly drag some others along with her.
Sarah (7799 KP) rated You Will Be Safe Here in Books
Jul 10, 2019
This isn’t a book I would have ordinarily thought of reading, but I’m glad I did and would highly recommend reading it!
Safari Hunting 4x4
Safari Hunting 3D simulator is an unforgettable adventure for real guys on the African continent,...
MTrade Sri Lanka for iPad
Finance and Business
MTrade Sri Lanka for iPad! The power of DirectFN – on your iPad DirectFN is the pioneer in...