The Fires Beneath: The Life of Monica Wilson, South African Anthropologist
The Fires Beneath is a powerful and affecting story of love and loss. Monica Wilson, nee Hunter, was...
Sustainable Management Development in Africa: Building Capabilities to Serve African Organizations
Sustainable Management Development in Africa examines how African management and business...
Promises of Citizenship: Film Recruitment of African Americans in World War II
Since the earliest days of the nation, US citizenship has been linked to military service. Even...
Chinese Investment in Africa: How African Countries Can Position Themselves to Benefit from China's Foray into Africa
China leads the world when it comes to investment and influence on the African continent. The extent...
Statistical Tragedy in Africa?: Evaluating the Database for African Economic Development
Deborah Johnston and Morten Jerven
What do we know about economic development in Africa? The answer is that we know much less than we...
The Portable Nineteenth-Century African American Women Writers
Henry Louis Gates and Hollis Robbins
Edited by Hollis Robbins and Henry Louis Gates, Jr; this collection comprises work from forty-nine...
African Photographer J. A. Green: Reimagining the Indigenous and the Colonial
Martha G. Anderson and Lisa Aronson
J. A. Green (1873-1905) was one of the most prolific and accomplished indigenous photographers to be...
Rise and Fall of the Associated Negro Press: Claude Barnett's Pan-African News and the Jim Crow Paradox
For more than fifty years, the Chicago-based Associated Negro Press (ANP) fought racism at home and...