Advancing Research Methodology in the African Context: Techniques, Methods, and Designs
"The mission of Research Methodology in Strategy and Management is "to provide a forum for critique,...
Africa39: New Writing from Africa South of the Sahara
Wole Soyinda and Ellah Wakatama Allfrey
Africa has produced some of the best writing of the twentieth century from Chinua Achebe, Ayi Kwei...
Learning in Womanist Ways: Narratives of First Generation African Caribbean Women
Learning in Womanist Ways explores the benefits of lifelong learning for black Caribbean women who...
African Modernism - The Architecture of Independence. Ghana, Senegal,Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Zambia
In the 1950s and 1960s, most African countries gained independence from their respective colonial...
Power Relations in Black Lives: Reading African American Literature and Culture with Bourdieu and Elias
According to relational sociology, power imbalances are at the core of human conflicts. They shape...
However Long the Night: Molly Melching's Journey to Help Millions of African Women and Girls Triumph
When Molly Melching arrived at the University of Dakar in Senegal to study French literature in the...
Endogenous Development: Naive Romanticism or Practical Route to Sustainable African Development
Chiku Malunga and Susan H. Holcombe
Western ideas, worldviews, actors, tools, models, and frameworks have long dominated development...