Region-Building in Africa: Political and Economic Challenges: 2016
Daniel H. Levine and Dawn Nagar
This landmark book is the first of its kind to assess the challenges of African region-building and...
NG Traveler: South Africa, 3rd Edition
This guide covers all the main towns, cities, and parks of one of the most beautiful countries on...
Managing Heritage in Africa: Who Cares?
Webber Ndoro, Shadreck Chirikure and Janette Deacon
Managing Heritage in Africa provides a wide-ranging, up-to-date synthesis of heritage management...
David Livingstone, Africa's Greatest Explorer: The Man, the Missionary and the Myth
In 1841, a twenty-eight-year-old Scottish missionary, David Livingstone, began the first of his...
Globalization and Socio-Cultural Processes in Contemporary Africa: 2015
In different but complementary ways, the chapters in this collection provide a deeper understanding...
Africa's Land Rush: Rural Livelihoods & Agrarian Change
Ruth Hall, Ian Scoones and Dzodzi Tsikata
Africa has been at the centre of a "land grab" in recent years, with investors lured by projections...
Theatre as Witness: Three Testimonial Plays from South Africa by Yael Farber
These are three testimonial plays from South Africa by the hugely influential and highly acclaimed...
Roberts VII Multimedia Birds of Southern Africa
Reference and Education
The ROBERTS MULTIMEDIA BIRDS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA iOS EDITION is a comprehensive and interactive...