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  • Jennifer Cody

    Jennifer Cody


    Jennifer Cody writes gay romance of a variety of sub-genres, though her favorite is paranormal/urban...
  • Anna Sparrows

    Anna Sparrows


    I’ve been writing* for as long as I can remember. I started with silly short stories as a kid,...
  • Myf Wren

    Myf Wren


    Myf Wren lives among the gum trees and kangaroos of rural Australia with her family, a Great Dane...
  • William A. Glass

    William A. Glass


    Bill is a retired business executive now living in South Carolina with his wife, Bettina. She...
  • B. Ripley

    B. Ripley


    B is a self described weirdo from the wild prairies of Alberta, Canada who lives on a diet of...
  • TL Travis

    TL Travis


    TL Travis is an award-winning published author of LGBTQIA+ contemporary and paranormal romance and...
  • Sue Brown

    Sue Brown


    Sue Brown is a Londoner with a dream to live on a small island. Coffee fuels her addiction for...
  • R.A. Frick

    R.A. Frick


    R. A. was born and raised all over Northern California. They started telling stories to make friends...