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Nine Small Sips (Tales Of Bryant #2)
Nine Small Sips (Tales Of Bryant #2)
V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
my only fault? No Brian!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is NOT a stand alone, you really MUST read Tales of Bryant before this one, it is a continuation of Isamu and Brian’s story.

Brian and Isamu have a wedding coming up, and with an over sensitive-to-change wedding planner, a grandmother who demands traditions and a job that could take Isamu away from Brian so soon after their wedding, things are not going to plan!

Again, only the fact that Brian does not have a say is the only fault I can find with this book!

Adrian, the wedding planner, provides hysterical moments, that made me laugh out loud, cos the man simply does NOT like to change his wedding plans. But as Brian points out, it is NOT Adrian’s wedding, it is Isamu and Brian’s wedding, and Isamu needs to stand his ground.

Isamu’s grandmother and parents provide the serious side to this tale. Baba wants Isamu to embrace his Japanese heritage and include a ceremony that would honour his grandfather. I loved Isamu’s family. While they were still unsure about the age gap, they could see that Brian loves Isamu, and Isamu loves Brian.

We catch up with Isamu’s boss, Canada, oh, sorry, Caiden (love that Brian calls him Canada!) and with Isamu’s friend, Devon. Devon and Caiden have instant and powerful attraction, and I hope they get a tale of their own!

Its sexy and steamy in the most sweetest way, not quite as sweet as Tales of Bryant but still sugar rush enducing.

Like I said, just the fact that Brian isn’t given a voice, is the only reason I can’t stretch to 5 stars, and I am sorry for that!

4 very good stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!
2018 | Action, Action/Adventure, Fighting
I, like many people my age, spent a good chunk of their childhood playing through Pokémon Blue and Red on the Nintendo Game Boy, and then not long after, Pokémon Yellow.
These games took the world by storm and it was easy to see the way. An top down adventure game, with light RPG elements, and the satisfaction of collecting different creatures, whilst the games tag line urged you to 'catch 'em all', it was a set of games that were enjoyed by adults and children alike.

All these years later, Pokémon Yellow has been given a new lick of paint, and re released as Let's Go Pikachu (or Eevee if you prefer).
It's the same in nearly everyway, just with modern graphics, and it's just great.
Firstly, seeing all of these beloved characters in full shiny 3D graphics is pretty special.
The game retains all of the simple camera angles and vibrant colour palette, and it really works.
The game mechanics are identical as well. It's a simple game to get used to, and one that takes a lot longer to master.
The music is also given update, but all the classic score is intact. This 'if it ain't broke' approach that has been applied works wonders, much like the recent Crash Bandicoot and Spyro re releases.

The Nintendo Switch format allows the player to dock the console, meaning that you can play Let's Go through a TV and turns the controller into a Wii style remote, enabling you to 'throw' Pokéballs if that's your style, or you can opt for a classic handheld approach.
Another feature allows you to import Pokémon from the Pokémon Go app, which is a nice touch

With games like Breath of the Wild showing off just what the Switch can do in terms of huge beautiful looking maps, im longing for a proper open world Pokémon game at some point, but Let's Go is a nostalgia filled and fun stop gap that will steal hours and hours of your time.