Genius Alarm- Weather Smart Alarm Clock, Set up wake-up alarms according to the weather forecast!
Weather and Utilities
Genius Alarm Clock is the new smart and dynamic alarm that allows to wake you up according to the...

Windria - Adriatic (ALADIN wind forecast)
Weather and Navigation
Looking for the most accurate Wind Forecast for the Adriatic? Windria is the only App showing you...

Sol: Sun Clock – Daylight Forecaster & Solar Alarm
Weather and Photo & Video
What time is sunset today? Or sunrise tomorrow? When is the "magic hour" next March 20 in Paris?...

Raincoat Rain Alarm - Minimal Local Weather and Precipitation Forecast App for US & Canada
Weather and Lifestyle
Rain sucks. That's why Raincoat will notify you 15 minutes before it starts raining. So you can GET...