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Eye In The Sky (2016)
Eye In The Sky (2016)
2016 | Drama, Mystery
An interesting but slightly dull morality tale
The politics and morals behind this film are what keep you watching, as the plot is so relevant to today’s current political climate. You don’t doubt for a second that this is how issues like this play out, especially if you’re like me and know how horrendous government and public sector politics are. The problem is that all the to-ing and fro-ing of the politics doesn’t exactly make for an exciting film. It tries to build a little tension, but for me this doesn’t come across as well as it could and parts of the film ended up a little dull. 2 hours is a long time for politics like this.

There are some great performances in this from Helen Mirren and Aaron Paul, and of course it’s great to see the late Alan Rickman in his last ever film. Sadly he isn’t in this film as much as I’d like, it could’ve done with a lot more Rickman! Overall it isn’t a bad film and is worth watching for it’s very relevant storyline, but it isn’t exactly thrilling.
Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)
Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)
2016 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
5.8 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well, that was weird.

Surreal, maybe.

Sequel to 2010s 'Alice in Wonderland' which, truth be told, I don't really remember all that much about other than it included the Jabberwock, and that it took liberties with source material.

As I'm not all that familiar with the source material here (Alice through the Looking Glass), I can't really comment on that aspect here (although I have heard that it only has the name in common).

Still heavily relies on the visual aspect, with Johnny Depp again doing his weird and wacky sthick, and with Helena Bonham Carter also returning as the Queen of Hearts alongside the likes of Anne Hathaway, the late (great) Alan Rickman and Sacha Baron Cohen being introduced as Time.
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
Peak action
I am absolutely incapable of understanding why anyone wouldn't like Die Hard. It's level of adoration is there for a reason.

The plot is simple and brilliant - When New York cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) travels to meet his wife at her company Christmas party in Los Angeles, he is unwittingly caught in a hostage situation when the building is seized by terrorists, lead by Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman). With the help of a police Sgt. on the outside (Reginald VelJohnson), McClane takes it upon himself to save his wife, and take down Gruber.

Die Hard takes a little while to set up, as we're intorduced to all the key characters, and it takes a while for everyone to catch on to what is happening. However, when the action starts, it's literally non stop. The practical effects, and fantastic stunt work make the action scenes a stand out of the genre, and they still stand up today.
The script is hugely corny at times, but is pulled off with aplomb by Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman. John McClane is one of the most likable protagonists in cinema history. He's calm, badass, and stands up for what is right. It's hard to imagine anyone else but Willis pulling off some of his one liners.
Equally, Hans Gruber is one of the most likable bad guys in cinema history. He's ruthless, yet charming, and gives John a proper hard time.

Most importantly, Die Hard is just stupidly entertaining. What was released initially as another action film of the decade, with a then relatively unknown Bruce Willis, quickly became a legitimate classic.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 30, 2019

Such an awesome movie!


Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Die Hard (1988) in Movies

Jan 16, 2021 (Updated Jan 17, 2021)  
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
The casting (3 more)
Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman in general
Most of the sequels (0 more)
Welcome to the party pal!
In 1988 Hollywood Gambled on a lesser known tv star for it's high budget action thriller.

Laughed at when hearing their choice of actor, it was the 80's and when you heard action movie you'd immediately think "Schwarzenegger or stallone, maybe even Kurt Russel" Hollywood wanted obe of the bigger stars and reached out to them, but they all turned it down so average Joe became their Vacationing NYPD hero, so they stuck with the man known as Bruce Willis!

Whilst Visiting his estranged wife at the (fictional) Nakatomi plaza (Fox plaza) the building and it's workforce are quickly taken hostage.

Enter John McClain (willis) a rough looking, smooth talking (the guy literally has a smooth/relaxed voice) witty, sarcastic NYPD cop who just can't seem to catch a break.

Armed with everything I wrote above, aswell as bare feet, air-vents, and a fire hose, McClain pursues the terrorists in an action packed attempt at proving his wife wrong and maybe saving a few people in the process.

Die Hard is a classic 80's action epic that spawned many terrible sequels (excluding 'with a vengeance') that we still paid to watch aswell as countless knockoffs.

Did you know?
. The team behind die hard was laughed at because of their lead choice (you should do I just told you)

. The movie was almost shut down because they used a real life helicopter around the building whilst local residents tried to sleep causing an outrage and filed complaints.

. miniature explosions were set of atop the building for affect.

. Alan Rickman was lied to about when he'd be dropped from the "building" the capture a natural look of fear (about a 30ft drop).

. It was Alan Rickmans first movie ( what a way to hit the ground and keep running)

. A replica model of the building was built to film the remaining explosions on the building.

. The original Vest (tank top) is on display in the Smithsonian.

.the movie was filmed during official construction of the fox plaza aka nakatomi plaza.
A Little Chaos (2015)
A Little Chaos (2015)
2015 | International, Drama
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Better suited to T.V.
From the mind of director Alan Rickman, everyone’s favourite Slytherin, A Little Chaos follows the story of a gardener as she tries to prove her worth, creating a fountain at the beautiful Gardens of Versailles. But does this historical drama have any depth?

Kate Winslet takes on the role of Sabine De Barra, a visionary landscape gardener who is tasked with creating the stunning piece of architecture in Versailles for King Louis XIV, portrayed by a typically on-point Rickman.

8379_poster_iphoneThe plot is stretched out into a film that lasts a little over two hours and despite some breath-taking scenery and excellent performances, A Little Chaos couldn’t be further removed from its title – in fact it’s all a little flat and Saturday night TV drama-esque.

A promising supporting cast that includes Stanley Tucci as Louis XIV’s gay brother and Matthias Schoenaerts, a former Cesar award-winner, as the king’s principal gardener, is wasted as the film spends much of its running time trying to tie together numerous loose ends, from a tragedy plot to a new-found romance.

Rickman’s direction is admirable and he certainly knows how to get the best out of his landscapes, but like the many shrubs in A Little Chaos, it all needed pruning back slightly more with at least 20 minutes of exposition being completely unnecessary.

Moreover, for a film that has its secondary focus on horticulture, there is very little in the way of gardening, and I for one was hoping for more beautiful shots of the stunning grounds rather than rain-soaked Winslet and admittedly impressive hair pieces.

Nevertheless, both Winslet and Rickman are superb in their roles and it’s nice to see the latter take on something a little less sinister after his well-received performances in the Harry Potter franchise and of course his brilliant turn in Die Hard.

The former is, alongside Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore, one of the most reliable actresses in cinema. Her performance here is excellent and through her tragic past, we see more to the character of Sabine the further we get into the picture.

It’s just a shame that none of it registers. After a disappointingly slow first half, things only moderately gain pace as the film

reaches its poorly CGI finished conclusion. Winslet’s character is given more depth than she needs and the audience faces the difficult task of dealing with numerous bits of information that don’t really come together.

Overall, Alan Rickman’s latest effort in the director’s chair lacks the magic and sparkle that he brings to his acting and despite mesmerising performances from Kate Winslet and Rickman himself, A Little Chaos is more at home on the small screen, rather than the big.

After all, if an overly camp Stanley Tucci fails to generate interest, there’s something seriously amiss.
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
Could there be a better action movie? Don't think so...
When you first heard about Bruce Willis being in an action movie, your first thought had to be "Oh, no! Not the star of Moonlighting" and "Blind Date"! Kind of similar to Michael Keaton in Batman or Heath Ledger as The Joker.

The movie is one of a very few that helped define the modern action genre and propelled Bruce Willis to the complete dickhead he is today ?. He is very believable as John McClane, the everyman who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The cat and mouse he eventually plays with the common thieves led by the menacing, perfect Alan Rickman has hardly been equaled.

The sequels eventually got a little (or a lot) stale, but the first film is an action classic and one of my faves!

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) May 24, 2018

you didn't mention that it's a Christmas film!

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
2007 | Drama, Musical, Thriller
Super talented actors (2 more)
Beautiful songs
good story
Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd: the demon barber of Fleet Street it’s a musical by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd, Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs Lovett and Sasha Baron Cohen as Signor Pirelli and Alan Rickman as Judge Turpin.
The story is about Benjamin Barker ( later known as Sweeney Todd), a barber, that had a wife and child. And he was taken away from them because this Judge fancied Benjamin’s wife. He comes back to London to see his wife again after years until he meets Mrs Lovett who tells him she poisoned herself and that Judge Turpin has his daughter as his ward. So Sweeney Todd plans his revenge with Mrs Lovett.
I’ve watched this film more than 10 times and I love it still.
The film is all in shades or browns, greys and reds and the voice choices are marvellous.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 9, 2018

What a fantastic film!

Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
The best action film ever?
When it comes to action films, Die Hard really can't be beaten. I'd even go so far as saying it's the best action film of all time.

 It has everything that makes for an excellent action film. A likeable protagonist in John McClane, who's a pretty awesome action hero that Bruce Willis was born to play. Alan Rickman too is fantastic and strangely likeable as the bad but you still love him villain Hans Gruber. The film itself may be a little cheesy at times, but after a slow but necessary build up it really gets into it's action stride and is full of some brilliantly funny lines and moments too. For an 80s action film as well, it looks surprisingly good.

Whilst I'm not convinced this is a Christmas film (being set on Christmas eve doesnt mean it has festive feels!), it's still a hugely entertaining action flick and one that more modern films can't match up to.
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
I will even go so far as to say that this might be my favourite Christmas jumper of all time... oh my god I just had a fantastic idea for this year's Christmas jumper... anyway...

You've got to love Alan Rickman in this one. Our favourite Die Hard villain, with a dubious accent and that slightly unfortunate slow motion death scene. But if you talk Die Hard and that "ho ho ho" you always have to say it in his accent.

Holly is rocking the big hair, I'm not sure her shoulder pads were big enough for someone in her position at a major company, but we can let that slide. Quality powerful woman moment when she makes her demands of Gruber. Well done, Holly.

The one thing I always find dubious about this movie is the fact that McClane gets a little maniacal at times... but he does go through the ringer a bit so that's understandable.
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
For my money, this is Bruce Willis's breakout role as New York detective John McClane, who - when visiting his estranged wife Holly for Christmas in Los Angeles - gets caught up when a group of criminals (led by Alan Rickman, in another brilliant role) seizes control of the high-rise building in which she works.

On his own, and presenting a more everyday action hero than the like of Schwarzenegger or Stallone (who would probably walk over broken glass without flinching in one of their films), the wise-cracking McClane finds himself taking on the group one by one in the cramped confines of the high rise.

There's a reason many-a-film since has been called "Die Hard on a xxx"

In short, oft imitated but never bettered

(and, back here, McClane has not yet transformed into the almost-superhero who shrugs off injuries that would cripple a lesser man that he becomes in the alter films)