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Love, Nina: Despatches from Family Life
Love, Nina: Despatches from Family Life
Nina Stibbe | 2014 | Biography
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This book is a series of letters that a young Nina wrote to her sister back home after she became the live-in babysitter for an astonishingly interesting London family in the 1980s. She’s hilarious about the goings on. And Alan Bennett was their friend and neighbor. ‘Nuff said."

Spenser Confidential (2020)
Spenser Confidential (2020)
2020 | Action, Crime, Drama
Alan Arkin (0 more)
If you wanted to turn this into the series it is, you should not have hired Mark Wahlberg to play PI Spencer. I read many of the later Robert Parker novels in the series so Cissy is a huge shock when Susan is his soul mate. Bokeem Woodbine looks more like Hawk than Winston Duke (although Winston Duke is a convincing young Hawk). I am probably biased since Spencer is such a long-in-the -tooth character now and this is a first in a series type movie.
V for Vendetta (2005)
V for Vendetta (2005)
2005 | Action, Thriller
Remember, remember, the fifth of November ...
2005 adaptation of the 1980's Alan Moore classic, set in a near-future dystopian Britain where the populous is afraid of the (fascist) government, and where a vigilant known only as V uses terrorist tactics to rebel against said government and slowly falls for a young reporter named Evie

The story, then, has more than a hint of The Phantom of the Opera about it - both involve masked figures who live in the shadowy underworld, both involve melodrama and a star-crossed love story - with Hugo Weaving never once showing his face through the entire runtime, but still - impressively - able to convey his emotions through his acting.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
1979 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Given the longevity of this series, this has never struck me as an auspicious start. Yes, it has its positives…

The much repeated classic score by Jerry Goldsmith never fails to impress.
There’s a striking ‘Deltan’ heroine in the shapely form of Indian model Persis Khambatta (who sadly died very young).
And a twist in Alan Dean Foster’s story is genuinely clever (for those who know their space history).
However, all of this is outweighed by a story that is treacle-like in its telling. It’s a classic example of “look at how clever we are”, with special effects overriding everything else. A scene where Kirk travels to the Enterprise takes 5 minutes and 56 seconds (I looked up the Goldsmith track length): a scene involving nothing more than Scotty’s smug looks and Kirk’s awed reaction shots. Later in the movie, there are ENDLESS shots of the Enterprise travelling towards the centre of the cloud. Yawn! FOR F**CK’S SAKE GET ON WITH IT!!!

If this grand-standing was the quiet interlude between high-octane action sequences, then it might be partly forgiven. But even the action scenes are little less than soporific.
The Angel of Vine
The Angel of Vine
Society & Culture
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Brilliant storyline (4 more)
True Crime inspired
Amazing cast
Glorious suspense
Truly Wonderful writing
Fantastic Fiction
As a fan of true crime podcasts, I have very few fiction podcasts in my favourites (mostly things like King Falls AM, for the wackiness) and I tend to avoid crime fiction, primarily because the real thing is better, crazier, and so much more twisted.
The Angel of Vine is a sublime fictional podcast, written to sound like true crime in the Noir tradition being retold in the modern podcast format. The podcast begins with the discovery of some old cassette tapes by the family of a deceased ex-cop turned private detective, and their choice to involve a podcaster/reporter to help them investigate the story enshrined in those cassettes.
Following the investigation into the murder of a young actress in Hollywood, the podcaster makes use of the recordings to tell Harry's story.
Voiced by some amazing talent (including the gorgeous growl of Joe Manganiello, the incomparable Alan Tudzyk, and the delightful Mischa Collins) the story is gripping, compelling, and extremely difficult to not binge.
For fans of true crime, crime drama, and any sort of Noir (Sam Spade eat your heart out), this is a podcast to listen to, save, and listen to again later.
<b>Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick</b> is a pure adrenaline rush from start to finish, never letting up for a moment. The tagline: "Ferris Bueller Meets La Femme Nikita in this funny, action-packed young adult novel" pretty much describes it to a T (though I'm sure there are other influences involved too), except in this case the main character, Perry, is closer to Alan Ruck's Cameron than Ferris himself. While reading, I couldn't help but visualize this as a movie, as it'd work very well developed for the big screen. This is definitely a plot-driven book, with less characterization than action, though the author gives just enough to get a sense of who both Perry and the pseudo-foreign-exchange-student-but-in-reality-assassin, Gobi, are that goes beyond two-dimensional. If you're looking for a realistic book, this isn't it, but if you're looking for a wild ride filled with death, violence, rock 'n' roll, humor, mystery, and a main character who grows as the night unfolds, give this a shot, it's loads for fun. A very short book (190 pages), ARCEC is a fast, non-stop action read that would be perfect entertainment if your brain is overworked from work, school, or just every day worries and should appeal to both males and females who enjoy light YA novels.
The Redeemed ( Jenny Cooper 3)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
39 of 235
The Redeemed (Jenny Cooper 3)
By M.R. Hall ( Matthew Hall)

A man's body is discovered in a church yard, the sign of the cross carved into his abdomen. Later he is found to be Alan Jacobs, a troubled psychiatric nurse. It seems to Jenny Cooper, Severn Vale District Coroner, this is likely to be an open and shut suicide case, but something tells her to probe a little deeper ...Then an enigmatic young priest, Father Lucas Starr, entreats Jenny to hold an inquest into the death of reformed porn actress, Eva Donaldson. Jenny's investigations will lead her to a powerful new religious group The Mission Church of God; and when it later emerges that Jacobs was also a member of the church, Jenny realises that more could link the deaths of these victims than she could have realised. Meanwhile Jenny must finally confront the demons of her past; and as her private life threatens to shatter, faces intense pressure from all angles to cease her investigations. But to Jenny Cooper, whose whole life has been governed by deception, the truth is everything..

I really like this series I really do but this one while it was good and I enjoyed it to a point it was just lacking a little. Seemed very rushed at the end and I’m not quite sure that the ending with Craven was needed. Maybe it’s just me? Overall I like the writing style and detail in his books I just wanted more from this. Still a decent read.
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
2006 | Comedy
Adorably heartwarming
Film #17 on the 100 Movies Bucket List: Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine is a quirky gem of an indie film from 2006 that whilst a favourite of mine and Oscar nominated, has likely flown below the radar for many mainstream viewers. Which is a huge shame as this is such a fun, heartwarming and enjoyable film

Directed by husband and wife team Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, Little Miss Sunshine follows the life of the dysfunctional Hoover family from New Mexico. The Hoovers are a family of unfortunates, misfits and losers, and probably one of the most realistic family depictions you’ll ever seen on screen outside of reality TV. There’s Sheryl (Toni Collette), the harassed mum who keeps her family fed on fast food. Dad Richard (Greg Kinnear) who’s trying to peddle a failing business that focuses on teaching others the secrets to success. Grandpa Edwin (Alan Arkin), an ageing hippie with a drug habit that has been kicked out of his retirement home. Sheryl’s brother Frank (Steve Carell), a gay man currently recovering from a suicide attempt after his partner left him. Son Duane (Paul Dano) who’s goal to get into flight school has led him to take a vow of silence. And finally there’s young daughter Olive (Abigail Breslin), who’s obsession with beauty pageants leads the family to take a cross country trip in an ageing VW van to help her compete in the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. Along the way, the family encounter a variety of mishaps and events that can potentially change their lives.

The Hoover family for the most part are ridiculously lovable and this is entirely down to their flaws that they are so likeable. Aside from Dad Richard who has a number of questionable ethics and morals that demean others, the family and their unique quirky personalities are the main reason why this film is so enjoyable. And the fact that the entire family are all brought together by young Olive across the span of the film makes this incredibly heartwarming. Olive is an underdog and being realistic, not the type of girl who you’d see in your typical American beauty pageant, but you still find yourself rooting for her all the same.

The cast are fantastic and while you can always rely on Toni Collette, Alan Arkin and Greg Kinnear, it’s Steve Carell and Abigail Breslin that shine brightest. Until this, I didn’t think Steve Carell could do serious and especially not a role that like. But he excels, bringing a sad, intelligent air to Frank and personally I think this is his best role to date. And then there’s Abigail Breslin, a 9 year old who steals the show and pulls the entire cast and film together. Together with a clever, well written script, the cast pull together a heartwarming and surprisingly funny film where emotions and family are key to an eventful road trip.

What I enjoyed the most about Little Miss Sunshine is that while the journey the family take is obviously most important, we do at least get the joy of seeing Olive enter the beauty pageant and this is such a fitting end to the story. There may be some slightly unbelievable or predictable events that occur across the journey (the police traffic stop being one), but ultimately you come out of this feeling incredibly satisfied and rather warm and fuzzy inside. One of the most enjoyable family road trip movies I’ve ever seen.

Bob Mann (459 KP) rated Minari (2020) in Movies

Apr 23, 2021  
Minari (2020)
Minari (2020)
2020 | Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ensemble cast acting (2 more)
Music and Cinematography
Engrossing story
Abrupt ending leaves too much speculation (0 more)
A Korean Hillbilly Elegy, done right
In "Minari", a struggling Korean immigrant family - the Yi's led by Jacob (Steven Yeun) and Monica (Yeri Han) - leave California for Arkansas farmland to seek a better life. While employed sexing chicks at a factory, Jacob dreams of farming the land on which they live to improve their lives. But will his obsession for this dream stand between him and his family?

The tale is told through the eyes of young David (Alan S. Kim), who is struggling with a hole in the heart and doubts about his mortality. The arrival of Monica's mother (Yuh-Jung Youn) is resented by David, but the woman is wise (as well as foul mouthed) and perhaps the pair will eventually learn to respect one another?

- Gloriously bucolic cinematography (by Lachlan Milne) frames an engrossing story of an immigrant family striving for the American dream. The fact that it is semi-biographical for the writer/director Lee Isaac Chung (also Oscar nominated for both) makes it all the more fascinating.

- All of the leading cast work fabulously as an ensemble. Steven Yeun and Yuh-Jung Youn have all the Oscar nomination glory (with Youn as the Grandmother odds-on to win the Supporting Actress award on Sunday). But Yeri Han is also great and the film wouldn't work unless the two child actors (Alan Kim and Noel Cho) delivered, which they do in spades.

- The music, by Emile Mosseri, is strikingly good and - deservedly - also Oscar nominated.

- The ending. Now, I'm all for leaving things in a thoughtful way, allowing the viewer to ponder on things. But this ending was a little too obscure for me. You need to understand (with thanks to this article) that the vegetable Minari purifies (water), grows in unfavourable soils and only really thrives in its second season. Now, forgive me for not being 'up' on my Korean plant botany, but this was too much of a leap for me. For the uninitiated (I assume 95% of the audience) the ending will feel abrupt and unsatisfying.

Summary Thoughts on "Minari":
Having watched "Hillbilly Elegy" and "Minari" on consecutive nights, I was struck by the unexpected parallels between the films (over and above the Yi's calling themselves "Hillbillies"). Both feature a dysfunctional family (though less so here). And both also feature a lead character, from an impoverished background, trying to better themselves and follow the 'American dream'. And front and centre is the growing relationship between a young boy and their grandmother.

But there the similarities end. For I just loved the simplicity of the story-telling in "Minari". No fancy flashbacks and disjointed timeline here. And a sense that you were really in on the journey of both Jacob and his farm and of the relationship between David and his Grandma.

This was heading at one point for a 10 star rating for me. But - for me anyway - the obscurity of the ending left me with a "WTF" feeling. So I've tempered my rating. Still a great film though, and recommended.

(For the full graphical review, please check out the post on One Mann's Movies on the web or Facebook. Thanks).
Hark! The Village Wait by Steeleye Span
Hark! The Village Wait by Steeleye Span
1970 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This one's not quite as contemporary as Electrelane – in fact, that's putting it mildly! It's an old folk song that dates back to the seventeenth century, so it's been passed down through the generations. “This is the version that fits the mood of this collection of songs the best I think. It's another one about losing somebody; it's about a young woman who's lover has been kidnapped by a press gang and taken out to sea and she's not going to see him again - it's a terrible, terrible tragedy. “Steeleye Span are a funny band; they came out of a scene that's not too far removed from Kevin Ayers and that electric folk movement of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. They evolved into something that perhaps wasn't so cool later on - there's a record called All Around My Hat that's a bit Alan Partridge - but those early albums are really great. “I definitely have a personal connection to ‘The Lowlands of Holland’. It's an unusual song, actually, in that I can never figure out whether it's Scottish or Irish in origin. It doesn't really matter, but it has significance for me because I live and have my studio in Dumfries and Galloway, and in the song, Gabe Woods is singing about the man from Galloway. “So I imagine it's where I am and when I'm hundreds or thousands of miles away from home, I hear that song and I imagine being back in Scotland. It generates a degree of homesickness and wistfulness and it's good to feel that, because it reminds you of what home is, and why you should return there.”"
