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JT (287 KP) rated The Purge (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Purge (2013)
The Purge (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Ethan Hawke has been here once before, and when you look deep into the mechanics of The Purge it almost mirrors the remake of Assault on Precinct 13. Director James DeMonaco who wrote the script for the latter has taken the premise of that film and given it a more personal feel, something which we could resonate with.

The year is 2022, Ethan Hawke plays James Sandin who’s made his wealth by selling security systems that help protect people against the yearly purge. The purge is a twelve hour long free for all in which the government has allowed all crime to be legal, with the intention that people will get it out of their system.

As a result crime has dropped and unemployment is at an all time low so something must be working? Of course not everyone takes part and those who choose not to, stay behind the confines of their locked down house waiting for the mayhem to pass.

This particular night for the Sandin’s runs like any other normal purge. They sit down to eat, discuss their day and then wait for the alarm to sound which begins the carnage. When Sandin’s young son lets in a stranger looking to take shelter from a group of mask wearing savages events take a turn for the worse.

Lead by the smiling Rhys Wakefield who should take credit from his performance and one so disturbing that it could be compared to Michael Pitt in Funny Games. The gang are desperate to get their hands on the stranger the Sandin’s are harbouring and so give them an ultimatum, “send him out or we’re coming in”.

And so a decision must be made, do they turn themselves into the people on the outside who have no remorse when it comes to killing or do they stand and fight? The Purge is confused as it is disjoined and the script is weak leaving the tension to do the talking which is filled with horror cliches left, right and centre.

From tight shots of darkened corridors to things lurking in the shadows out of sight it rarely delivers a unique treat. The cast is not particularly strong, Wakefield aside. Hawke moves through the gears but offers nothing that we haven’t already seen before. Leaving the majority of the dramatic turns to his on screen wife, Lena Headey .

Despite the short run time, the film is practically over before it has started and it even tries to save itself with a twist ending which you could see coming a mile off.
The Wife Who Knew Too Much
The Wife Who Knew Too Much
Michele Campbell | 2020 | Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the moment I finished It's Always the Husband, Michele Campbell quickly became one of those authors whose books are added to my TBR pile immediately. The two titles that followed, She Was the Quiet One and A Stranger on the Beach, were similarly excellent. Now, with The Wife Who Knew Too Much, Michele Campbell has solidified her position among my favorite authors.

Rich boy meets middle-class girl at his country club and embarks upon a summer fling that becomes a little more. Rich boy can't bear the thought of giving up his money for the love of the middle-class girl, and so their summer fling is unceremoniously concluded. Some years later, middle-class girl is waitressing when rich boy (now married, still rich, but with his wife's money instead of his grandmother's) pops back up in her life (is this orchestrated somehow, or fate?), and the ride truly begins.

"I'm writing this to raise an alarm in the event of my untimely death. This is hard to admit, even to myself. For obvious reasons. He's in love with someone else. And he wants my money."

Connor's wife, Nina, is a rich widow whose diary entries we are privy to, detailing what she believes to be the plot between her husband and his mistress to kill her and inherit her millions, and this is what immediately sucked me in to the story, because of course I wanted to know if he/they killed her! The author almost manages to make Nina a sympathetic character, but never quite gets there; she's quite unpleasant, but she probably didn't deserve to die.

Tabitha (middle-class girl) can be a semi-annoying character. She makes questionable decisions and justifies them to herself all for her love of Connor (rich boy). Half the time you can almost see the hearts in her eyes. I understand being in love, but being so completely besotted that you disregard some major red flags? That's something else entirely.

And Connor? Well, Connor's kind of a dick, while also being clueless in many ways. As a teen, he "loves" Tabby but gives her up for his grandmother's money. As an adult, he "loves" Tabby but can't quite leave his rich wife just yet. Come ON.

I do have to say that I saw the big reveal coming, so it was a bit predictable in that way, but everything builds to a satisfying conclusion. See for yourself June 9th!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the digital ARE!
Allied (2016)
Allied (2016)
2016 | Drama, Romance, War
There's a great film in here somewhere
Director Robert Zemeckis has some impressive film credits to his name. From cult classics like Back to the Future to last year’s nausea inducing The Walk, there hasn’t been a genre his skills haven’t graced over the last four decades.

His most recent effort, Allied, sees the veteran director tackle the war genre with a film that certainly has its moments, but just how good is this wartime romantic drama?

Max Vatan (Brad Pitt) and Marianne Beauséjour (Marion Cotillard) are World War II operatives who never reveal their true identities. After falling in love during a risky mission, they hope to leave all that double-dealing behind them and start new lives. Instead, suspicion and danger envelop their marriage as both husband and wife become pitted against each other in an escalating, potentially lethal test that has global consequences.

Allied is an assured piece of film-making that tackles the claustrophobia of war incredibly well, but considering the talent at both ends of the camera, it lacks depth, harmony and above all; a plot that remains coherent throughout.

Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard are their usual dependable selves but they lack chemistry until the closing act and as a result, their relationship lacks believability, hampering what is in effect, a love story.

Elsewhere, the cinematography is too often blighted by poorly lit scenes that restrict the talents of Allied’s director. Robert Zemeckis is at his best embarking upon projects that leap off the screen with their vibrancy. Take Back to the Future and Forrest Gump as prime examples of this.

Nevertheless, the film’s final act almost makes up for these shortcomings and turns a plodding romantic drama into a tense, well-acted and above all interesting movie that has a great script; it’s just a shame the first hour lacks any punch.

When it comes to special effects, well, they’re used sparingly, with the upside of this being that they liven up the film nicely. The scenes of London during the blitz are harrowingly beautiful, with one sequence in particular being a standout throughout the entire running time.

Overall, Allied is a decent stab at constructing a meaningful wartime romantic drama, though looking to history should have perhaps sent alarm bells ringing; Pearl Harbour anyone. The story is intriguing most definitely, and it has some nice special effects, but the script it’s crafted around lacks depth until the final hour. It’s probably fair to say that this may slip under the radar when we look back at Robert Zemeckis’s illustrious career.

JT (287 KP) rated The Call (2013) in Movies

Mar 16, 2020  
The Call (2013)
The Call (2013)
2013 | Mystery
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good performances (0 more)
The odd familiar cliché (0 more)
Don't Hang-Up on The Call
Brad Anderson directed one of my favourite horrors, Session 9, a film that is not particularly gory but is extremely unnerving in a variety of ways. It’s a film that leaves chills down your spine and fixates you to the screen, Anderson has a great way of building tension to almost breaking point, and with The Call, he’s achieved very much the same.

Halle Berry is 911 operator Jordan Turner who takes hundreds of distressing calls each day and generally manages to keep a cool head when the going gets tough. One particular day she takes a call from a young girl who has an intruder in the house, things don’t go well and as a result, Jordan takes a back seat from answering the phone to training the next generation of 911 operators.

It’s not long before she’s called back into the fray to face her fears and a familiar foe on the end of the phone, using her nerve and judgement she must help another young teenage girl from facing a similar fate. The acting is generally pretty good all-round, nothing wooden about these performances as everyone gives their all in making the situation as believable as it can be.

The film holds itself well, for the most part, maybe only wobbling when bog-standard clichés are introduced into the mix, but it’s not detracting at all and I genuinely cared about what the outcome would be. We know that suspense is driven through genuine fear, and there is no fear like being trapped inside the boot of a car which is what happens to young Abigail Breslin after she’s abducted.

During that part of the film where she is frantically on the phone to Jordan looking for a way out, we do wonder if it is going to be the end for her, and that every chance she gets to raise the alarm is thwarted as is always the case in these types of situations. The killer has a pretty good motive and the backstory is somewhat disturbing, it’s left to the audience to deduce just what his reasoning is for undertaking the horrific crimes.

The film then sets about racing away to the conclusion and it does feel a bit rushed, some have been harsh in their reviews of the way it ended, but I enjoyed it. There was a distinct nod to the original Saw which if that is correct, was a nice touch, although I think that is just me reading into it. Overall its a hell of a lot better than some other mainstream thrillers and is definitely worth the time.