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Framed/Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
Framed/Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
2002 | Pop
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"The album with Faith Healer. No one else around the midwest, apart from us guys, was following this kind of music. The Sensational Alex Harvey Band were incredible. They were another band I knew about from reading people like Chris Welch. I could picture what they sounded like just from reading, because back then the writers were real writers. I never got to see The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, but I could visualise what they were like. Alex Harvey got up and played with us at the Hammersmith Odeon in 1980, a couple of years before he died. We did 'Shakin' All Over' and he ate a cassette - what the fuck? They were a mash of cool stuff: the music was haunting and heavy and fun, all at the same time."

Framed/Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
Framed/Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
2002 | Pop
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Album Favorite

"They were a fantastic live band and I saw them loads of times. Watching the way Alex was onstage taught me to let things flow and not be so tight-arsed. He improvised a lot. The Sensational Alex Harvey Band had a sense of threat – this feeling that he was a gangster, a bit of a hard guy, a bit shifty. There was a sense of menace in their stage performance, with Zal Cleminson dressed as this wacky clown, which was unnerving. We went through a phase like that – Paul used to get made up, half his face white and half black – when we did a lot of theatrics and a lot of that comes from Alex Harvey. I used to nail Steve Dawson’s DMs to the stage and he’d lean forward because he was nailed to the floor at the back."

Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
1973 | Metal, Pop, Rock
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Album Favorite

"They were very theatrical. Alex Harvey was 40 something, he was an old guy. And - at the time - that was ancient for rock n roll. He won the Scottish Tommy Steele competition in 1957. The prize? Meeting Tommy Steele! What a bizarre business. That was two years before I was born and he must have been in his late teens/early 20s by then. To be in your early 40s and starting out was unheard of. David Bowie and Alex Harvey knew each other, actually: they bonded over a shared love of Jacques Brel. 'Faith Healer' is one of the best things that ever came out of the 70s. And the end triplet of 'Last Of The Teenage Idols' – which is about the competition that he won. That was amazing. I loved his voice: he screamed his way through life. His version of 'Crazy Horses' is hilarious. He did a song called 'There's No Lights on the Xmas Tree Mother… They're Burning Big Louis Tonight'. It was about a guy in the electric chair who takes all the power off the grid on the night of his death. Nobody in this little town in America gets the Xmas lights. What a brilliant idea for a song. It was theatrics and bravado. Alex Harvey was off kilter - it wasn't like The Sweet or Mud, he was musically brilliant."
