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Christine A. (965 KP) rated The Whisper Man in Books

Aug 31, 2019 (Updated Aug 31, 2019)  
The Whisper Man
The Whisper Man
Alex North | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

In The Whisper Man, recently widowed Tom Kennedy moves to Featherbank for a fresh start. What he does not realize is the town has a dark history and, as the old saying goes, history always repeats itself. Twenty years ago, a serial killer abducted and killed people whom he lured out of their house by whispering at their windows at night. Kennedy quickly becomes too familiar with this because his son hears whispering at his window.

The Whisper Man is a dark, suspenseful thriller by Alex North. According to his bio, North is a British crime writer who has previously published under another name. This is his first book published under Alex North. sums up the mystery by saying "So, who is Alex North? Time will probably tell, but in the meantime, the biggest thriller of 2019 has been written by the Whisper Man himself."

The short chapters move the story at a fast pace. I had a hard time finding an appropriate place to stop reading because each chapter ended with me wanting more. There is a supernatural element but it is not the main focus.

I am looking forward to more by Alex North, whomever he is.

This 200-word review was published on on 8/30/19.
Wanting Secret Baby
Wanting Secret Baby
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Naomi has the worst luck finding men. She wants to find someone to settle down with and start a family but all the men she keeps interacting with are duds. At her friends engagement party she encounters the brother of the intended groom and sparks fly, at least on her end. Is Alex the man she needs in her life?

Naomi has enchanted Alex since first glance. He’s barely spoken to her, yet she envelops his nightly dreams. He cannot get her face out of his conscience and tries to come up with any excuse just to see her again. When his brother asks him to be his best man, knowing Naomi is the maid of honor gives him a perfect excuse to see her again.

Naomi is powerless whenever Alex is near her. She needs to find a way to be as far from him at all times as possible. He messes with her concentration to a point that she knows she can’t trust herself near him. One stolen kiss is all it takes to send her over the edge.

Alex and Naomi can’t fight the pull that is constantly at work when they are near each other. After sneaking away from the wedding reception they find themselves at the point of no return. A tragic phone call after sends Naomi running from Alex, but can she stay away from him forever?

Alex and Naomi find themselves apart but never far from each other’s thoughts. After an unexpected gift leaves Naomi scrambling to escape, will she ever be able to come home again? Alex has to get Naomi out of his mind, for good this time. He tries to move on but every woman has Naomi’s face. When she shows back up in town a year later, he realizes he still cares for her more than he’s ever cared for any woman. Can he convince her to give him a chance?

Include some big secrets in the mix and Naomi and Alex find themselves fighting even harder to stay apart. Their chemistry is palpable. I received an advance copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own.
The Fallen Idol (1949)
The Fallen Idol (1949)
1949 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Carol Reed was a brilliant director and a sweet man, but he was not a one-man band like David Lean; he required a strong, patient producer who loved him, as my Uncle Alex did, and a gifted screenwriter, which Alex found for him in the novelist Graham Greene, as well as an art director of genius—my father. He was at his best surrounded by talented people who loved him, who were virtual family, and that shows in his best films, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, and The Third Man. One unusual aspect of Carol’s gifts was that he was among the rare directors good at working with children—go watch The Third Man and you will be astonished at the brilliant inclusion of the ghastly little boy who accuses Holly Martins of murder. Most of the great directors hate working with animals or children, but Carol—himself the illegitimate son of the great Edwardian actor and theatrical producer Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree—had a natural sympathy and understanding of children. He was in fact childlike himself—hence his choice, later in life, to make a film of the musical Oliver!—and this shows in his direction of Bobby Henrey in this, another of those English films in which good manners manage to hide passion and even murder, except in the alarmingly clear view of a child. Ralph Richardson, dear Ralph, is at his best in the role of the butler."

Alex Cross (2012)
Alex Cross (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Alex Cross starts with homicide detective Alex Cross (Perry) and his team Thomas (Burns) and Monica (Nichols) needing to show their skills when a new hired killer nicknamed Picasso (Fox) uses his torture and pain techniques while eliminating people.

When the team learns of the targets they must work with who they think is the main target Giles Mercier (Reno), but this has made his team the newest targets for Picasso, who makes the killings personal.


Thoughts on Alex Cross


Characters – Dr Alex Cross is a homicide detective, we have seen this character before, but this time we meet a younger version of him, before he becomes the FBI agent we know. Alex has a family and is on the way to making his big career decision, when Picasso comes into his life, Alex will need to balance his skills and rage to stop him. Picasso is a hired gun, he is one of the very best in the world, he enjoys the pain he gives and receives, he makes his mission personal and drives Alex to limits he has never been pushed before. Thomas is the partner of Alex, he is shorter tempered, but loyal to Alex. Giles Mercier seems to be the main target of Picasso mission, he is the rich man that gets what he wants.

Performances – Tyler Perry was considered a strange choice for the leading role in this movie, known mostly for comedy and taking over from Morgan Freeman, he just doesn’t reach his levels, but is good through the film. it is Matthew Fox that shines the most as the cold calculated killer that enjoys the pain. The commitment Fox showed to this role needs to be praised because of the physical change he put his body through makes him an unlikely looking threat. Edward Burn is good as the partner while not being anything special and Jean Reno will always be good in the role he takes.

Story – To step into another Alex Cross story is always going to be interesting, picking up before he became an FBI agent helps us understand what drove him to be the determined man we know. Making the story personal for Cross shows how he can balance the law and revenge in his attempts to solve the crime. The story might not reach the level of intensity is could have for a personal story, it does everything we need for an entertaining crime mystery thriller.

Action/Crime/Mystery – The action involved in the film is good, even if moments of the effects used are weak. The crime is an interesting one to watch unfold, but it takes away from the mystery because we are always on the same level of the cops, we are not feed anything to solve.

Settings – Detroit makes for a good setting, it always feels like it is a place known for the crime rates.

Scene of the Movie – Picasso introduction fight.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The Rocket effects.

Final Thoughts – This is an easy to watch crime thriller, it does everything it needs to do and is carried by a wonderful villain performance from Fox.


Overall: Crime fans watch.

LittleCrow (62 KP) rated The Shadows in Books

May 25, 2020  
The Shadows
The Shadows
Alex North | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
ARC That drew me in from start to finish
Mister North has delivered once again! Just as expected, he took me on a grim adventure with many twists and turns. You can never quite figure out where it's going next and never see the final plot twist coming. I also loved the little reference to Whisper man, I like a good easter egg. I can not wait for Alex North's next book. I devour them from cover to cover.
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
1971 | Crime, Sci-Fi
I learned new words!!! (0 more)
Did it end? Was that the ending? (1 more)
Why did they have to use Singing in the Rain..... now it's never gonna be the same
Contains spoilers, click to show
So, I thought for this review i would make up some new words to expand your vocabulary.... but let's be serious, I'm a lazy reviewer. So, plot.... Alex and his friends get drunk on milk and go on an escapade. They befriend a homeless man and a couple. Alex gets chastised for being a bit naughty and has a eye widening television experience. He meets up with some old friends and...... oh wait, that was the end of the movie? Well.... ok then. Why does Stanley Kubrick just... I don't think he finishes movies. He just gets to a point and goes 'yeah, I'm done now'. Overall, interesting watch. One to show your friends.
Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)
Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)
Rayanne Haines | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alex Taleisin’s has finally been let in on the secret – she’s an Elemental Immortal plus a little something more and her life is in danger. Guardian of the Races and savage King of the Dragons, Collum Thronus made a promise to protect Alex and find her father’s people. A Battle is coming and Alex knows the only way to get answers is to trust her powers and become the warrior she was destined to be.
The first book in this exhilarating new paranormal romance series has a hero and heroine that are beings of fire, so readers should expect to be burned as the chemistry that flows between is volcanic and the sparks start flying in every direction upon first meeting. Alex and Collum’s attraction is one thing but the relationship has emotions raging out of control as well due to the situation these strong, vibrant characters find themselves in, especially Alex is not really allowed the time it takes to digest her all new reality.
The plot is fast pace and full of exciting events and is extremely suspenseful, keeping readers from being able to put the book down at any time. This story is also a bit complex as it is at the whim of a man who is a little bit insane and the mercy of all his manipulations. This keeps the story on a twisted path of secrets, betrayals and downright hide and seek games. There is no way for readers to become bored during this explosive, thrilling and entertaining story with one sexy dragon shifter guardian and flammable heroine.

I went between 3&4 stars for this it showed massive potential and I enjoyed most of the book! I really like the storyline and the fact she’s not a wingy female lead, I actually liked her a lot! I think we need to see more of this power she is supposed to have! The bit I struggled with was the scenes between Alex and Collum I think they were rushed and a little cheesy but overall it was a good read!
The Problem (Single Dad Support Group #1)
The Problem (Single Dad Support Group #1)
Piper Scott | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted the audio version of this book.

I'm turning this review on it's head, writing about the narrator first, cos, you know, I can, it's my review :-)

Michael Ferraiuolo has been a bit of an enigma for me, I either love his work, or hate it, I won't lie. But THIS time? I freaking LOVED it!

Alex has synesthesia, which means he sees his emotions in colour. The whole book, Alex was seeing how Laurence was affecting him, and he wasn't sure what it meant. The best bits of this book were when Alex was describing his colours/emotions, to Laurence, to himself. I have no doubt I would not have been so moved by those scenes, had I READ this book. Ferraiuolo nails it, he really does. Moved me to tears in places!

Laurence is solid, a good man, with his 16 year old son, Matthew. I liked how, very quicky, he was wanting more from Alex, not just for the sex(but PHEW!) no. But MORE. He has lived his life for his son, and in one meeting, Alex makes him see that he still has life to live, that he does not have to been locked away. Matthew is growing, making *quite literally* a life for himself. Laurence needs Alex, and rapidly, Alex sees that he needs Laurence too.

I loved the voices given to all the characters, but I especially enjoyed the voices given to the Support Group when they were chatting. It annoyed me a little bit at first, I will admit, but once I got used to the way the group chats were delivered, I loved them.

When the reason Alex behaved the way he did, before Laurence, becomes clear, I was out walking. And I stopped in the middle of the street, and cried. And cried to whole way through that bit. THEN, when other things happen?? I stopped in the middle of the street, and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO came out my mouth, so loud, the woman across the road shouted to see if I was okay! I did NOT see that coming at me, no way, never in a million years!

So, yeah, loved the book, and loved the narration.

And now I'm left with a bit of a pickle! This is the only one of the series that is available in AUDIO, the books are out, all 6, but I don't like to flip from listening to reading in a series (or vice versa) So my pickle is, do I READ the next one? Or do I wait (im)patiently for the next one in audio? ARGH! Such decisions!

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
An Exaltation of Larks (Venery, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a confusingly beautiful story. The beginning was my favorite. How the Author wrote these characters into life. The characters where given more than just another story. They were given true life. No life is perfect we have ups and downs. We just learn to navigate it better. I wasn’t a fan of how everything went down. But it was beautiful in it’s tragedy. Alex and Val have been destined for each other from the first time they didn’t let language be a problem. I loved reading their story and how they found each other after years of pushed aside affection. You add in Jav and things get really hot. I wasn’t expecting the ending but I am glad it ended the way it did. I would’ve had a hard time accepting their relationship when Jav didn’t want Val too just Alex. I see them as a packaged deal and Jav and Alex broke it. Val was amazing like I couldn’t cope with the thought of someone else loving my man. But she was so understanding and brave to try and make everyone happy. I think if they crossed that line anymore relationships would’ve been lost. Not saying it wouldn’t work just that someone would’ve been hurt and it would be Val. Love is a powerful and painful thing.

Brian Raferty recommended Repo Man (1984) in Movies (curated)

Repo Man (1984)
Repo Man (1984)
1984 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I first encountered Alex Cox’s sci-fi slamdance when I was a sullen, unworldly, unformed teenager—which is the perfect time to find a movie both as rageful and as hopeful as Repo Man. So much of the film’s DNA has been Brundlefly’d with my own—from its hardcore-punk soundtrack to its corporate-conspiracy mindset—that I rewatch it at least once a year, just to make sure I can still connect with Otto and his legion of goons. And the cover artwork, by the great Jay Shaw, is absolutely my favorite bit of Criterion edition art (I’m still trying to track down a poster on eBay)."
