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Farewell to Paris (Legend of the White Snake #2)
Farewell to Paris (Legend of the White Snake #2)
Martin Chu Shui | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Farewell to Paris (Legend of the White Snake #2) by Martin Chu Shui
This is the story of Caitlin and Charlie's son, as he grows up and becomes a man. You stay with him as he trains with Alice, as he meets and trains with the Grandmaster and how his whole life has revolved around him saving his mum from the ICSC. As this is Sean/Shilin's story, there is not a lot going on with Alice or Charlie and definitely not with Caitlin but even so, this book follows seamlessly. It is full of action with many a twist and turn to keep you attentive. There is romance with a question but it doesn't overpower the story.

I was looking forward to reading this book and haven't been disappointed.

* Verified Purchase ~ February 2013
Reviewed on Goodreads ~ February 2013 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Louise (64 KP) rated After Alice in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
After Alice
After Alice
Gregory Maguire | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
4.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
After Alice by Gregory Maguire is told from two alternating point of views, we hear from Ada who is briefly mentioned in Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll as one of Alice’s friends and from her older sister Lydia. Ada is setting off to deliver a package to her neighbours when she manages to escape the clutches of her housekeeper and accidentally falls into the world of Wonderland, and so, begins her mission to find Alice.

I thought this was going to be more of a retelling when I requested it, but it’s more of a sequel from other perspectives. Lydia’s point of view gives more of a background into their family life and the Victorian society, with even some famous names added into the mix.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and was hoping this would have a bit of a spin on it. The writing is very ‘Wordy’ so be prepared to get a dictionary out and the world building was a bit wishy washy, some bits were good and others I just couldn’t imagine. As well as the normal characters like the White Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat there were additional characters added, which was interesting and they felt right in the world of Wonderland.

I was very bored reading this book and it seemed all a bit pointless,I was expecting so much more from the man who created Wicked!

I rated this 2 out of 5 stars
Edna Lewis: At The Table with an American Original
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Most Americans have never heard of African American chef and cookbook author Edna Lewis. Despite her importance—she inspired culinary luminaries such as Alice Waters, MFK Fisher and James Beard, and is considered the progenitor of the farm-to-table movement—Lewis never became a household name. Though Miss Lewis’s contributions to the food culture of this nation far surpassed those of many of her white contemporaries, she and her work have actively been forgotten. This book is vital, introducing a new generation of readers and eaters to the deeply important life and legacy of Miss Lewis."

Alice Takes Back Wonderland
Alice Takes Back Wonderland
David D. Hammons | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

When a book starts with “‘Do you know fairy tales are real’ asked the cat,” you know you are in for a magical ride. Nearly everyone knows the tale of the seven-year-old girl from nineteenth century London who falls down a rabbit hole and spends a day of madness in the magical world of Wonderland. In David D. Hammons version, however, Alice was a young girl from twenty-first century Missouri. On her return to the real world she was diagnosed with ADHD and Schizophrenia and forced to believe that the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter were figments of her imagination. But ten years later a white rabbit appears and leads Alice back to the world where nothing makes sense.

All is not well in Wonderland. The Cheshire Cat is dead and the Ace of Spades is in charge. Barely anything is the way Alice remembers. Everything looks far too “normal” and similar to the world she comes from. Ace is determined to remove the wonder from Wonderland and create a place where madness is forbidden. Alice has a big fight on her hands as she tries to end this former playing card’s tyrannous reign and restore Wonderland back to its original insanity.

<i>Alice Takes Back Wonderland</i> is not purely a retelling of Lewis Carrols famous story. Although many of the well known and loved characters appear in this book, so do others from a variety of different fairytales: <i>Peter Pan, Pinocchio</i>, and various tales from the <i>Brothers Grimm</i>. As readers will discover, all is not exactly as it should be for these characters either. Despite them being contrasting, magical stories, Hammons has successfully merged them all together in an imaginative manner resulting in a humorous young adult novel.

Although mostly focused on the goings on in Wonderland and the other fictional locations, it is also a subtle metaphor to describe what Alice’s life had been like back in present day America. For a decade Alice was forced to take medication to help her understand the difference between reality and fantasy. It got rid of most of the nonsense thoughts she picked up during her first visit to Wonderland. In a way, that is what the Ace of Spades is doing to characters he believes are mad. He is taking the wonder out of them, just like the pills to the wonder out of Alice.

Lovers of fairytales will definitely love this book, especially those who grew up loving <i>Alice in Wonderland</i> and <i>Peter Pan</i>. In some ways it is a continuation of the original tale, yet in other ways it could be viewed as an alternative way the story could have gone. Primarily targeted at young adults, <i>Alice Takes Back Wonderland</i> is much darker than Carrols version and combines a mix of real life with fantasy. It also goes to show that no one is too old for fairytales!
One Little Lie
One Little Lie
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yep, one little lie is all it takes for it to snowball out of control and turn into a humdinger of a white, furry monster. By the way there are no yetis in this story, that was just me trying to be clever…
Onwards and upwards… You know you want to…
Psychologist Connie’s patient, Alice Mann has a son who is a murderer. Alice’s son killed Deborah’s son and is desperate for her forgiveness. Connie wants Alice to leave it all alone and to not get involved with Deborah, however, in an effort to redeem herself, Alice starts up a support group for the parents of murderers, but there’s one little lie she’s told which is about to snowball out of control.
Confused? You should(n’t) be. But stick with me…
Tension grows between Alice and Deborah and a young girl goes missing. Soon the police are suspecting not only foul play, but that maybe the wrong person was locked up for Deborah’s son’s murder and still out there. (Slaps head, I mean, how thick are these policemen?)
After a slow start (there are several characters and it does jump around a bit) I found the twists and turns of this story really had me on edge. At times I felt I was walking on eggshells around Alice and Deb, just waiting for it all to explode. In my minds eye I can see this as a really good film or BBC drama! Visually I don’t think it would be so complicated. But then, maybe that’s not what I should be taking away from all this.
Incidentally, this carries on from Bad Sister, featuring the same psychologist Connie, and DI Lindsay Wade, but can easily be read as a standalone story. Actually I really liked this aspect, I wasn’t expecting that when I picked up the book.
Once I got into this, I discovered it is actually cleverly written so when you reach the end of each chapter, you’ll not want to stop!
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog at <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I've been dying to read this book since I first heard about it months ago. I love zombies because, well, zombies are just so darn cool! However, I think I built myself up a bit too much and bought in to the hype a bit too much. I didn't think the book was bad, but I didn't think it was that great either.

Alice, or Ali for short, thinks her father is crazy. He has so many rules when it comes to his daughters, especially things that involve go out during the night. He's worried about the monsters, but Alice just thinks he's going insane until one night, her whole family is killed in a car crash. It is then that she sees her first monster. Maybe her dad wasn't crazy after all. Alice will have to enlist the help of the school's bad crowd if she wants answers, and that means getting close to Cole Holland, the resident bad boy. Will Alice have her heart broken? Will she even be able to survive long enough to have her heart broken?

Okay, I absolutely, positively love, love, love the title of this book: Alice in Zombieland. It just has a certain ring to it. I'd say the title definitely describes the story. If I were to sum up this book in three words, Alice in Zombieland would be exactly what I'd say.

I do think the cover is pretty, but I feel that it's lacking. I do love the little details there are to see when you look closer at the cover, but as I said, something is missing from the cover. I think it would've been cool, maybe, to have a few zombies on the cover as well.

The world building is fantastic! Gena Showalter makes it feel as if a zombie apocalypse is actually happening or really could happen. It's so easy to get lost in Alice's world and forget that you're actually just reading a story. The author makes the world of zombies come to life, and it does get a bit scary.

The pacing is what really bothered me. I felt as if it was a bit all over the place. At the very beginning, I felt I was losing the will to live as the pacing was so slow. Then it got a bit better, then it'd get slow, then it'd get better again. My interest in this book was all over the place. I never knew what to expect in the next chapter. Was it going to be super slow or fast paced?

The dialogue was believable for the teenagers. They spoke exactly how I'd imagine teens of today to speak. However, Alice has a seven year old sister who spoke like she was at least thirteen years old. Her vocabulary, and the way she spoke were definitely not normal for a seven year old. With that said, I did enjoy the dialogue immensely especially when it came to interactions between Kat and Alice. I even loved the sarcastic interactions between Cole and Alice. There wasn't any swearing in this book which I admired.

I thought the characters were fantastic and very believable. I loved how Alice was willing to do whatever it took to avenge her family and how she wasn't willing to take anything from anybody. Cole is your typical bad boy: moody, snarly, sarcastic, etc. There is something likable about Cole, and as the story progresses, we find out a little bit about why Cole is the way he is. My favourite character had to be Kat though. I loved her witty and sarcastic sense of humour. In fact, I wish I could be like Kat. She definitely had me laughing quite a bit. The only non-believable character was Alice's little sister Emma. As stated in the previous paragraph, she didn't speak like a normal seven year old, nor did she act like an everyday seven year old. Because of that, I had a hard time relating to her as a character.

One thing I really loved about this book was the chapter names. I loved how they were zombie related but still had the Alice in Wonderland feel about them. Unfortunately, this was not enough to warrant a higher rating for this book. Perhaps it's just me though as this book does have quite high reviews, but I just couldn't enjoy it that much. I might carry on with the series in the hopes it gets better, but I'm not dying to read the next book in the series.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14+ if I really had to recommend it. However, I'd say don't waste your money. Rent it from a library or borrow it if you really want to read it.

Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles #1) by Gena Showalter gets a 3.25 out of 5 from me.
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything no seriously it was so bad I couldn't finish it. (0 more)
This was bad. read in 2013
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have to say this is one of the most misleading titles I have ever seen. I was really excited to read this book it sounded interesting and I've been a fan of both Alice in Wonderland and Zombies since I was just a kid so this seemed right up my alley..too bad that's not what I got at all. I read a little less than half the book and I just couldn't make myself finish it it was causing me actual pain.

One of the things that really got to me that actually had nothing to do with the plot was that it was so damn preachy and that was only in the first chapter, I don't mind books that talk about religion or a charter having a set religion but please do not make me feel like I'm being tricked in to going to church with out warning.

The only thing that this book had to do with Alice in Wonderland was a cloud that looked like a white rabbit, the name Alice and a few very small things.

Also, it was like the author looked up every cliche for a YA book and every teenage cliche from books and movies,(the perfect popular girl, the stunningly pretty but I'm so average protagonist, and the dark bad boy and slut shaming.)threw them in a blender and came out this.

Alice or Ali could have been a strong female lead but she came off as a mean, selfish, and a whiny person that I did not connect with at all, actually the only character I kind of like was her little sister Emma..and that didn't last long.

Cole was absolutely horrid, please stop making these alpha male asshole characters in YA books it's not clever or cute or romantic it down right unhealthy.

The writing was about average and since I know nothing about this author it doesn't really make me want to give any of her other works even a chance if this is what I'm in for.

The only thing I liked about this book was the title which wasn't even original and the cover art.

So all in all if you're looking for:
A take on Alice in Wonderland
Zombies and everything that comes with them
A teen girl kicking ass and killing the undead
Actual zombies at all
A good book

Then move along and don't waste your money because you'll get none of that here.
I'm probably more obsessed with ED books than is healthy, but it's so reassuring to read other people's experiences that are similar to my own. This book was absolutely fantastic - not only did it help me see that I'm not alone or abnormal, but I was also able to read a mother's point of view on the experience. I understand now how awful it must have been for my own mother during my inpatient hospital stay and the initial battle of getting a diagnosis.

I found it interesting that they gave Jo (the mother)'s perspective first, instead of Alice herself. We learn about what she witnesses before we find out exactly what Alice was actually thinking and feeling.

They don't include weights or numbers in this, which is tremendously helpful. Like Jo says, this is a competitive illness, and even parents seem to want to compete in having the "most poorly" child. But it's so triggering for other people to read about how much weight someone lost, and it's not really relevant. Weight loss is just a side affect of the illness, and not the main issue itself.

The reality is addressed so honestly in this book, all the feelings and experiences that we may be ashamed to admit are written in black and white. It made me feel a lot less guilty about things that I've felt, knowing other people have felt the same way, too. And the recovery aspect was not unrealistically easy or happy; Alice is not completely recovered even at the end of the book, but is managing her illness. That is how most of us will live for a long time, if not for the rest of our lives. But Alice expresses how she is so much happier "managing" her anorexia than she was when she was suffering years ago. It gives hope - even if you don't fully recover, life can be good. 

I really loved this book. I'd urge anyone with a loved one who is suffering from an eating disorder (or has one themselves) to read this, as it would really help seeing both perspectives on the journey. 5 stars.
Snow White, Blood Red
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
62 of 230
Snow White , Blood Red (Fairy tale anthology book 1)
Edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling

Exploring the darker side of popular fairy tales, this anthology features dark and erotic tales of trolls and ogres, bewitched princesses, and magical kingdoms.

There were a few I picked out that I liked and I found a few new authors to try.

The Frog Prince by Gahan Wilson - Really enjoyed this it was a strange little story very Alice in Wonderland feel.

Stalking Beans by Nancy Kress - This is definitely a different adult spin on Jack and the beanstalk!

Snow Drop by Tabitha Lee - This was my favourite by far. A dark twisty version of Snow White and her step mother very dark.

Little Red by Wendy Wheeler - This gave me creepy shivers. Very well written unfortunately I can’t find anything by this author!

The Root of the Matter by Gregory Frost - This is a very adult version of Repunzel kinda dark and to the point.

The Changelings by Melanie Tem - Strange little story with some very sad undertones.

Troll Bridge by Neil Gaiman - I love Neil Gaiman he has such a unique storytelling ability and this did not disappoint!

Overall it was a good little anthology!
Wandering in Wonderland (Book #1)
Wandering in Wonderland (Book #1)
Aislinn Honeycutt | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lewis Carroll didn’t get it right?
A GIANT thank you and gratitude to The Parliament House publishing and the author for giving me this opportunity to read this book. I did a cover reveal and I knew right off the bat that I was going to love this book. I was right.

We follow Jessica whom eats a bit of cookie and winds up forgetting her past life. Once she is told that she has died and is now in Wonderland, Jessica struggles with the acclimation of this unique land that is only read in a book. She’s escorted by a White Rabbit named Horace (Not a genuine rabbit, but in this story, White Rabbits is Wonderland’s term for queen’s guards). She comes across Rion, the Caterpillar (but disguised as a man at the time) and he gives her a journal that belonged to a Hatter named Rorie (quite a few R names here.)

Anyway, she is taken to the Queen of Hearts, whom happens to be Alice. As a new comer to Wonderland, the new comers are to look through the Looking Glass to show where they are meant to be in Wonderland. You could be a Crafter or a part of the court, the Looking Glass shows you who you are. When Jessica looks through the glass, she is struck as are the other members of the palace that she is shown to be a Spade.

Spades declared ware on the palace before Alice took the throne. Wonderland is a magical place, but it can choose who it likes and doesn’t like, and who gets to leave and stay.

I don’t want to give away too much, so I’ll stop there for time being.

I’m going to be the first to say that Alice in Wonderland is not my favorite story. I don’t like the Disney cartoon (though I did as a child, what was I thinking?) I do love Tim Burton’s spin on it (IT’S NOT A REMAKE!) but the original story I just couldn’t get into it. The summary and the excerpt to this story was just too good to pass up. I had a feeling I would enjoy the story, I just didn’t realize how much I would.

I read this in days (would have been less if I didn’t have a full time job). It’s a unique spin on the story. This isn’t so much as a retelling as it is a what if or an addition to it if Alice became the queen of hearts. So don’t go into this story and think it’s a retelling, because it is not.

I adored the characters including Alice and Jessica. There are some dark moments, but me being a highly sensitive person, it wasn’t as triggering, but I will say there are some there. I loved the twists in the story and how Jessica really does come to terms with her new found role in Wonderland.

This is a first in a series. That’s my only complaint! Why must have the (im)patience for the next book and the wonder (lol) as to what is going to happen with Jessica? Can’t tell you the ending, Wonderland wants you to know it from beginning to end.