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Andy K (10821 KP) created a poll

Mar 19, 2019 (Updated Mar 19, 2019)  
Director Ridley Scott's greatest film (can only pick one) ?

Blade Runner
Black Rain

0 votes

Thelma & Louise

0 votes

1492: Conquest of Paradise

0 votes

G.I. Jane

0 votes

Black Hawk Down

0 votes

Matchstick Men

0 votes

Kingdom of Heaven

0 votes

American Gangster

0 votes


0 votes

The Martian
Alien: Covenant

0 votes

All the Money in the World

0 votes

Something else?

0 votes

Ridley Scott sucks

0 votes

Alien: Blackout
Alien: Blackout
FoxNext and D3 Go have presented Alien fans a new game for mobile devices entitled Alien: Blackout. When it was first announced; many fans thought it was the Alien Shooter that had been announced earlier in 2018 but that is to come at a later date according to FoxNext.

The game has players play as Amanda Ripley; Daughter of the main character of the “Alien” film series and star of the Alien: Isolation game. Although it is described as not being a sequel to Alien: Isolation, Amanda does briefly mention events from the game as her prior experience with the title creature.

Hidden in an Air Vent; Amanda must direct members of a docked shuttle through seven levels as they attempt to locate items and accomplish tasks needed to escape.

There is of course an Alien on the loose and using Motion Trackers, video cameras, and luck, players have to protect Amanda and the shuttle crew as the movie around the map.

The Alien can come after Amanda who can protect herself by closing a vent. The issue is in doing so she cannot look at the map and cameras, and as such The Alien can vanish anywhere including one of the other tunnels that lead to her. Having to watch two or three tunnels as well as a map can be difficult as players have to rely on sound and luck to assume when the Alien is creeping down a tunnel towards them.

Players also have to make hard choices like allowing the Alien to attack and kill a character so another one can move along toward a goal. Being able to open and close doors also allows Amanda to help fence in the creature but it does not always appear on the cameras and as such players have to guess where it is. Amanda can tell characters to hide or hurry up, but there is also the matter of a ticking clock which requires objectives to be completed before a timer runs out.

The game does offer some fun and challenge but is short as with only seven levels, you can complete the game in under an hour once you get the basics down. The game allows players to pick up from the chapter they last completed and does offer some fun cut scenes to enjoy.

The biggest issue is while affordable at $4.99 fans may want more out of the game as aside from the short play time; this style of game may not be the best use of the Alien franchise. It would make a great segment of a larger game but after guiding Amanda through Alien: Isolation; having her hide in vents and direct others seems to be a step down.

While Alien: Blackout is not the game that fans had hoped for; it does offer some decent entertainment and hopefully will tide players over until the next game in the series is released.
Evolution (2001)
Evolution (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
New way for aliens to be found sort of.
WHat alien movie would be good with out the number 1 alien investigator in Duchovny. Two state college professors come across a meteor that has struck in the middle of the dessert that has an entire alien civilization on it. We see the aliens go from cells to full grown species in very little time and three underdogs have to find a way to destroy the species. Orlando Jones really comes through as the comic relief in a film that I believe to be very underrated.

Richee (20 KP) rated Life (2017) in Movies

Dec 29, 2017  
Life (2017)
Life (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Strong cast (1 more)
Great ending
Not as tense as it thinks it is (1 more)
Best Alien film of the year
I enjoyed Life. Was hoping for a bit more with the cast it had, has one shocking moment, other wise it's predictable. The Alien has a great design, but is a bit over powered. Full podcast review on my blog.
Predator (1987)
Predator (1987)
1987 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Quotable Lines (2 more)
The Alien / Predator
Action and Suspense
The Classic Hunter being Hunted "Get to the Choppa"
This is classic 80's cinema

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) May 24, 2018

Found this amazing Alternate movie poster, thought I would share...


Dean (6924 KP) rated Species (1995) in Movies

Feb 20, 2018  
Species (1995)
Species (1995)
1995 | Sci-Fi
Cool slick sci-fi film, silly plot but the creature looks good, designed by H.R.Giger who also designed the look of the Alien!!
Aliens: Bug Hunt
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A compilation of Alien(s) stories, set during the events of all 4 of the original movies (Alien, Aliens, Ali3n and Alien: Resurrection), with a large portion of these concentrating on just-about-everybodies favourite characters from the second movie: that of the Colonial Marines.

As a compilation, some of these stories are better than others: the stand-outs (to me) are the one about Bishop, the one about the history of the Pulse Rifle (yes, seriously! Somebody actually took time to write up a piece on that!) and the one told from an Alien Point-of-view (such as it were).

However, some of the others seem overly-formulaic: Marines get sent to distant planet that has lost communication with the inhabitants, to find the Weyland-Yutani has a hand in the proceedings ...
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Ripley (1 more)
Queen alien
This time its war
Ripley is back for this time she brings an army with her just as good as the orignal with james cameron dierecting the sequel this time giving us queen alien weaver is brillant as ripley so is the rest of the cast get away from u bitch classic line best of the sequels

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 23, 2018

One of the greatest!

Alien Tango (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #2)
Gini Koch | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every bit as fun as [bc:Touched by an Alien|7283762|Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #1)|Gini Koch||8498290]! Come on, [bc:Alien in the Family|8714075|Alien in the Family (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #3)|Gini Koch||13586954]! (It says "expected publication April 5, 2011" which is pretty specific if you ask me! I know from reading other authors' blogs, though, that these dates can get changed at the last minute, so as much as I want it, I'm not holding my breath.)
Aliens: Alien Harvest
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Based, apparently, on a dark horse comic of the same name and released before Alien: Resurrection, this book is really only a light read that adds nothing new or exciting to the whole Alien concept: if anything, some of it detracts from that concept (eg the Alien hive easily being penetrated by a small group of characters).

I think I bought it in a sale years ago for round about £2.50 (that's the price written on the inside cover): I'm quite glad that I didn't pay full price for it, which would have felt like a major waste of money!