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King of Tokyo
King of Tokyo
2011 | Dice Game, Entertainment, Fighting, Science Fiction
Short-medium length (3 more)
Skill/Luck Combo
Different strategies can win
Excellent theme
This is a game I consistently come back to as a lightweight game to spice up a hohum evening. I love the theme of this game and how the cards that you are able to buy play so well into the theme and add tremendous amounts of replayability to it. The mechanics in the game are super simple and I have no problem brining it to the table for gamers and non-gamers alike. Pertaining to it's wide assessibility, this game scales so well for all of its player counts. I've even been able to play a four monster game with 2 and 3 people. Lastly, this game was one of my first Yahtzee style, dice manipulation games, but due to my fiance and my enjoyment of the game, we've been excited to try more with the same mechanism.

David McK (3227 KP) rated JLA: Earth 2 in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
JLA: Earth 2
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been watching the second series of the Grant-Gustin starring 'The Flash' TV series, and they've introduced the concept of the multiverse: the concept of worlds alike, but slightly different, than our own separated by a slice of reality.

This is one of the cases where that idea came from - in this, we have evil counterparts of <quote>Earth's Mightiests Heroes<unquote> Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Superman who are the 'Crime Syndicate of Amerika' (note the 'k'), with the JLA (that's the Justice League of America) travelling between realms when the good Alexander Luthor (i.e. the good counterpart of 'our' Earths evil Lex Luthor) finds a way of traveling between realms and looks for their aide in his constant battle against the CSA.

And if that all sound confusing, trust me: it is.
Charlie Goes to School (Adventures with Charlie #1)
Charlie Goes to School (Adventures with Charlie #1)
Charles Schoen | 2014 | Children, Education
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlie Goes to School is a story based on a true story. It is about a little boy that has some special needs. The book focuses on what Charlie can rather than what he can not do. This is a good book for children and parents alike. An to show that being different is okay. They may look and do things a bit differently.

This book goes through the adventures that Charlie does to go to school. It shows and tells us how he goes about his day at school. It shows the help and friends he does have at school and in town. Some of his favorite things he likes to do and classes. The pictures are done well.

I love reading about different children and learning what they can do with their abilities, whether they are physical or mental. This book can teach children and parents that having someone with special needs can teach and inspire others how they do things.

This little boy is an inspiration and a charmer, just being himself, and his family accepts him for being him. If you love him and do what is best for him, that is all that matters. Charlie seems like he been happy and is learning to do some adventures of his own. This series is called “Adventures with Charlie” Charlie Goes to School. Charlie seems to join the fun of trying new things. What fun will you do on a school bus and at school?
Thrawn Ascendancy Book I: Chaos Rising
Thrawn Ascendancy Book I: Chaos Rising
Timothy Zahn | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grand Admiral Thrawn


The blue-skinned, red-eyed Imperial antagonist of Timothy Zahn's 'Heir to the Empire' series of Star Wars novels from the early 90's, and one of - if not [i]the[/i] breakout characters from that book.

Yet to make his appearance in live action (as an aside, I imagine maybe someone like Benedict Cumberbatch in the role), although he is one of the few characters to survive the 'great purge' when Disney bought out Lucasfilm and re-branded the old Expanded Universe as 'Legends', appearing in the later seasons of the animation 'Star Wars: Rebels'.

This is the first in a new trio of novels, with the opening text reading something along the lines of: 'A long time ago beside a galaxy far far away ...' which, in itself, helps set the scene. Beside a galaxy. So we're not in the realms of the Empire/The Rebellion here, or even in the realm of the Clone Wars, although we are - as the novel later makes clear when Thrawn encounters a key character from that period of time - in that particular era.

So, a prequel then? Maybe, but - I have to say- to me, this particular version of Thrawn just somehow *feels* different than that from the old EU. There's a certain Je Ne Sais Qua about that - I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's like meeting the identical twin brother of your best friend: they may look alike, sound alike and even dress alike but there's a certain indefinable *something* that's not quite right ...

Is it this version of Thrawn's political naivety? His seemingly not-quite-so-ruthless tactical genius? I don't know, but I will probably read more to see if/how the character evolves into that I am more familiar with.
The Daughter of Auschwitz
The Daughter of Auschwitz
Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant | 2022 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” ELIE WIESEL

This is an extremely hard book to read but one I feel necessary so the past is not forgotten.

Tova was born just prior to the start of World War II; her earliest memories being of living in the ghetto her family and parents were sent to by the Nazi's. From the ghetto, she and her parents are sent to a labour camp; Tova is 5 years old. At the age of 6, Tova and her mum are separated from her dad for the first time as they are placed in different cattle cars and sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Tova describes her experiences from the eyes of an innocent child trying to make sense of the horrors she hears and witnesses every day. How someone, let alone a child, can survive what went on in that hell and come out the other side and live even close to a 'normal' life is beyond me. It is testament to the strength of her mother and the lessons she taught Tova that she survived and became the woman she did.

Many thanks to Quercus Books and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of this powerful, heart-breaking but uplifting book. This should be required reading for all school children and adults alike.
The Commuter (2018)
The Commuter (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
A businessman is caught up in a criminal conspiracy during his daily commute home.

Yet again, Liam Neeson has a certain set of skills that prove to be useful. Honestly, he really should start trying to stay out of trouble. Was this film ground breaking? No, not really. But it was enjoyable in a completely unbelievable way. It feels like a lot of different films that have been cut and pasted together, a little bit of Taken, a smidge of Source Code, but then at some point a lot of these films do tend to all look alike.

A good bit of entertainment, but when it comes to me recapping what films really stood out for me this year it won't be remembered. It's already not the worst Unlimited film of the year though... congratulations have to go to Downsizing for that one.
Fast &amp; Furious Presents: Hobbs &amp; Shaw (2019)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Plenty of banter (0 more)
Ridiculously over the top (0 more)
Fast and furious presents: Tango & cash
Ok so I was one of those people excited for this movie as I'm a big Statham/Johnson fan and wanted to see these characters work together after previously seeing their onscreen chemistry, although remained at ease as I've been duped by Hollywood before.

The movie starts by showing how different and alike the 2 characters are before throwing in some very welcome surprises.
During the movie, Statham shows how very comical he can be which is great to see but Johnson's attempt at being comical came across a little dry but was still entertaining.

This movie needs to stay far away from F&F as both are way too over the top and can only drag each Other down.

Aside from being what seems to be an odd attempt at combining F&F with the MCU, this was a great action movie none the less.

The back and forth Alpha male macho- testosterone filled competition between the two, with is worth the coin even if the story isn't you thing.

Quick note: this movie is very similar to the classic frenemy cop movie Tango and cash.
The Girl Who Saved Christmas
The Girl Who Saved Christmas
Matt Haig, Chris Mould | 2017 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Girl Who Saved Christmas by Matt Haig is a very charming story that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. It is the story of Amelia Wishart, who is the first child ever to receive a gift from Father Christmas. She never loses hope throughout the misery she encounters in her very young life and however much she would like to stop believing in magic and goodness, she never fully does. Her hope made that first visit possible, and, just a couple of years later, her hope might just save Christmas itself. 

The story takes place in two locations that couldn't be more different: Elfhelm, where it is clean and only ever gets as cold as you want it to be, and in 1841 London, where it is dirty, cold and unfriendly place to orphans.

The characters in the story are quite fun. Amelia and Father Christmas both have strong personalities with a firm determination to get things done. Mr. Creeper is just as his name predicts, he is creepy and not a nice man at all. The guest appearances of a ruling head of state and a famous author are perfect. One passage was hilarious and it took me several minutes to sop laughing before I could continue reading. I was amused.

I recommend this book for read-a-loud's to children and for middle grade readers. 

I received this book from NetGalley via Random House Children's Knopf Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review.

Micky Barnard (542 KP) rated Artemis in Books

Oct 6, 2018  
Andy Weir | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lunar escapades
The opportunity for an early read of ARTEMIS was an easy decision considering my love for The Martian. The similarities in context are there in terms of genre and setting. ARTEMIS is set on the moon and the moon of the future is a large city, corrupt and problematic, but home for many.

Jasmine (Jazz) Bashara is the protagonist for ARTEMIS and I can now say that Andy Weir writes a female lead with ease and natural ability. I liked her, her little criminal heart and all her dealings. She was the epitome of a strong female. I championed her ambitions and loved finding out about her culture and upbringing. Moon culture was something of a diverse melting pot of people, with guilds that separated the cultures and trades. It was just fascinating reading, that painted colour and interest in my imagination.

The moon was an interesting read but at about 30%, the story just went BAM! The plot was gripping but complex, you need to concentrate and like The Martian, ARTEMIS requires some patience with the technical speak but I didn’t get lost on the whole. Whilst Jazz was front and centre of this story, I enjoyed other characters, her father, Rudy, also Trond and Svoboda (he’s still waiting for her to test that condom).

I’m really thrilled that Andy Weir was able to follow up The Martian with something solid, different but still with the same thrills, tension and characterisation. I now know that I’m going to jump on any release he has. I recommend to Sci-fi fans and open minded readers alike because I don’t think you need to be a staunch sci-fi fan to appreciate ARTEMIS.
Betrayed (House of Night, #2)
Betrayed (House of Night, #2)
P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast | 2007 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maybe once upon a time I wouldn't be as picky about this book, but this was a disappointment compared to the first. The little things that bothered me in the first book magnified and expanded in this one. The 'Aww, shucks. Little ol' me?' routine and attitude of Zoey is wearing, to say the least. C'mon, give her some flaws or something, nobody is perfect and the false modesty is cloying.

Now the bane of the book (and series thus far)... the 'Twins.' Ugh, need I go on? The authors repeatedly bash the reader over the head with how alike they are but how different they look and how they grew up. Almost every sentence they utter contains the word twin. Such as, 'Twin, I get what you're saying.' 'Twin' this, 'twin' that! WTF? No one speaks like that. Which brings up a whole different issue with the unrealistic dialogue, but I won't get into that. I think the 'Twins' are supposed to add comedic value, but they don't, they're just annoying and I wish they'd die in the vampire transition (horrible of me I know). They're one-dimensional, don't have any depth, and are pointless to the story except for being part of the elements, which they can be replaced I'm sure. We get that they're twins, but not, we get it! We don't have to be hit over the head time and again!!

Now for the basic plot. Not as interesting as the last, but okay. Hated what happened nearer the end and I don't really get why it was done. I could have offered two other alternatives. ;P The three love interests? Overkill to the nth degree. Are we supposed to like Zoey, or hate her? I think it'll be a while until I pick up the next book, if I even do that, but I do wonder what'll happen to you-know-who. (Don't want to give anything away for those who want to read it.)