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The Walking Dead  - Season 2
The Walking Dead - Season 2
2011 | Drama
Jon bernthal (0 more)
150th disney plus review
Finally reached my 150th Disney plus review when I started my quest to watch everything on Disney plus was about the time of the first uk lockdown in 2020 and now I've reached 150 what's to come who knows at the moment more movies and TV shows some u wouldn't normally associate with disney and those u would.
On with the review itself as I'm on the last few episodes of season 2 and boy probably one of my favourite seasons more episodes this season after only six new characters hershel and Maggie and the farm where the season takes place of course got to mention the walkers as well especially the make up team who've created there look. My favourite character of the season goes to Shane played brillianty by Jon bernthal as u watch his decent into madness thruout all 13 episodes I can see why he was chosen to play the punisher for marvel. Overall good season bring on the governor next season
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Women: Be the Best Version of Yourselves!
So, after much brouhaha and trolling – probably mostly from woman-hating teenage nerds who can’t get laid – Brie Larson‘s hyper-hero barrels onto our cinema screens.

Stan Lee tribute.
First off, what a Marvel-lous idea to pay tribute to Stan Lee in the Marvel production logo for this film. Michael Giacchino‘s rousing Marvel anthem leads to a simple title card: “Thanks Stan”. Poignant and touching.

Lee makes another cameo in this film. I wonder how many more of these they have in the can? Will they “do a Princess Leia” in future films and CGI in his cameos? I’m not a great fan of this, but he’s such a staple part of the show that – with his family’s permission of course – I would actually welcome having that happen in this specific case.

The Plot.
The movie opens on the Kree home world of Hala where Vers, a member of Starforce (“a race of noble warrior heroes”), is being put through her paces by her mentor Yon-Rogg (Jude Law). But she is one mixed up lady, having some exceptional powers but no memory of her past. As an example of this, when she communes with the ‘Supreme Intelligence’ (who looks different to everyone) she sees a woman (Annette Bening) who she clearly admires but she has no idea why.

The Kree are at war against the race of terrorist thugs known as the Skrulls. (Their name reminds me of a classic Mitchell and Webb Nazi SS sketch – “We have skulls on our caps…. does that mean we’re the baddies?”). After a Skrull ambush and some judicious brain-delving, Vers surfaces memories that leads her back to the Terran home world and a past that is set to redefine her future.

What’s good.
A lot. I really enjoyed this Marvel outing. With all the nay-sayers, I went in with low expectations, but the story actually built well and Brie Larson makes the role her own. It goes without saying that she looks gorgeous and fills out that costume very nicely! (The zero gravity ‘hair scene’ is spectacular). But she manages to convey with that style superhero grit with an essence of quirky humour running underneath it. In doing so she holds the whole film together.

Also spectacular were the ‘youngified’ Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) and Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg). The effect could have been ‘uncanny valley’ with knobs on, but is actually done so well I didn’t even notice. The chemistry between Jackson and Larson is great.

In the strong supporting cast Annette Bening is pure class, and a well-toned Jude Law seems to be having enormous fun. Elsewhere, Ben Mendelsohn (of “Rogue One” fame) is the leader of the Krulls and “Goose” is played by Reggie, Gonzo, Archie and Rizzo! (Flerkin hell!)

 The Marvel/DC Laff-ometer.
A key characteristic of the Marvel/DC films is the humour injected (more it has to be said in Marvel than DC), and in terms of the Marvel/DC-laffometer, this film probably lies fairly in the middle of the range. It’s not the snort-fest of Ragnarok or GotG, but neither is it at the po-faced Man of Steel end. Much fun is made of the 1995 setting with gags from Arnie in “True Lies” to computer loading times being well-exploited.

There are also lots of great Marvel in-jokes, not least of which is the story behind Fury losing his eye: hilarious!

What’s not so good.
The problem I have with “Transformers” films is that there is little tension for me in seeing robots hitting ten-bells out of each other. I’ve similarly commented that many superhero movies have the same flaw that (Thanos aside, as things stand) they are pretty much indestructible and there is little threat implied. Captain Marvel however takes this to entirely different levels: the Hulk smash is a mere gnat-bite compared to what Carol Danvers can deliver; storming through planet-busting nuclear weapons and starships without a scratch. It’s so over-the-top that a showdown scene in the finale, although played for a laugh, also becomes laughable in the wrong way.

The film also ladles on female empowerment as if it was gravy in an Australian chip shop! (I bet Theresa May has the film on permanent loop in the Downing Street home cinema). Don’t get me wrong, I am a big supporter of #MeToo (and indeed #SheDo), but the film is a bit too heavy handed in its messaging in this area.

A troop of monkeys.
There are two extra scenes in the end titles (“monkeys“) and they are both corkers. The first bridges directly from “Infinity War” to “Endgame”, picking up (literally) that pager that Nick Fury was no longer able to hang onto; the second a nice sight gag featuring Goose that links the end of this film to the “monkey” at the end of Thor! Well worth waiting for!

Final Thoughts.
This was a Marvel film I really enjoyed, and which I would definitely re-watch. It’s been written and directed by ‘indie’ writing duo Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck (with Geneva Robertson-Dworet also contributing to the screenplay), and very well done it is in my view. Not everyone seems to have liked it: but I did!

On April 25th, the Danvers vs Thanos match is going to be a bout that will be worth buying tickets to see!
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Pretty good origin story
I am fairly new to the Marvel world knowing more via the movies than the comics compared to diehard fans. While I only know the basics about Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, this movie was a good origin story for me to learn more. Or at least the more the MCU wants us to know.

Carol has no memories of her past, only flashes when she goes to the supreme intelligence. The woman she sees was apparently important to her but she can't remember why. When she gets kidnapped by Skrulls and her memories cut into she sets out to find out where she came from.

Finding herself on Earth she meets up with Nick Fury and together they try to find out about her past. Fighting off Skrull invaders has Carol and Nick on the run along with Goose the cat. Carol comes to realize all she has been told about her past has been a lie manipulated by the Kree. She then takes on the role her mentor Mar-vell had of protecting the Skrulls.

She leave Nick Fury and Earth with a way to contact her in the future if needed. And Nick comes up with the Avengers initiative based on her call name of "Avenger".

It was a typical origin story, though knowing or thinking she was going to be an important part of the Avenger storyline had me looking for more action I guess. Will have to wait to see how she figures into the MCU future phases and Endgame.

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Apr 28, 2018 (Updated Apr 30, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great Action (as always) (3 more)
Incredible visuals
Brilliant cast
A f*ck fest of emotions
Not as impactful (2 more)
Another film that seems to happen too fast
A f*ck fest of emotions
10 years in the making
Contains spoilers, click to show
As stated this review contains spoilers so leave now lest ye want to ruin the film!

So this films has been everything marvel has been building towards for the past decade and that in itself is truly incredible and whilst I am not as big a Marvel fan as I am DC, I can honestly say I have loved every step of the way. The films only got better with each wave of the universe and there have been some true masterpieces, Superior to the DC cinematic universe for it's continuity and it's structure, I am not afraid to admit that or foolish enough to deny that.

However at the time of writing this I have literally just come out of the screening of Avengers: Infinity War and I have to say I was impressed but also slightly disappointed. Here's why...

I was impressed with the performances, and everything that has connected the Marvel cinematic universe up to this point and the cast portray that history incredibly well. You can really tell that these characters have had all this history and even the newer cast like Black Panther, fit well into that history and the overall atmosphere of the universe.

Brolin was incredible as Thanos and the writers did something unexpected with his character that really makes the audience think about his intentions.

However, the overall impact of the film was a little lost on me and possibly me alone, for the simple reason that it all happens so fast. There's a lot of action, a lot of laughs and a lot of serious impact moments, but without spoiling names, the loss of characters in this film didn't impact me as much as I'd hoped.

But here's why that might just be me, and it really comes down to 3 words:

Comic Book Movie

No matter how hard I try, I can't escape that when I watch these films. They are comic book movies and we already know a lot of these characters have more movies to go. So I know that no matter what will happen, it will all work out one way or another in the end you'll lose some characters but will they really be gone gone, or will we see them in another film, or at least hear about them in another film.

It's not because I'm a DC fanboy or anything cos honestly I know I'd feel this way about any comic book movie. It's just not something I can seem to grasp when it comes to my feelings towards comic book movies. The whole "they made comic characters feel real and live in our reality" I get to a certain extent but that doesn't mean I'll walk out of a movie in tears over the death of even my favourite comic book character if it were to happen. Some films have that impact on me, I'm not a robot, but comic book films just don't seem to work for me when it comes to that true emotions of loss. But as I said that's just me. I was hoping infinity war would change that cos I knew this was a biggy, but sadly it didn't quite happen. It came close with certain scenes. But not quite.

So overall I give it 9/10 because it was a brilliant film. Without a doubt ONE OF the best comic movies, not the best, but certainly one of.

Becca Major (96 KP) Apr 29, 2018

You're not the only one who was less than tearful afterthe movie. I walked out feeling perfectly fine, even though all my favorite characters just died.

Death of Wolverine
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The DEATH of Wolverine?

As if.

The Temporary Absence of Wolverine? (from the Marvel Universe). perhaps.

Admittedly, that doesn't sound *quite* as catchy, but I think that we all know by now that the death of any major comic character rarely stays that way: Superman, Captain America and Spider-Man (for instance) have all previously 'died' and later been resurrected. In the comics, indeed, I can only think of a few characters - all with mainly supporting roles - who have died, and stayed dead. Characters such as Uncle Ben (Spider-Man), Jonathan Kent (Superman) or the Wayne's (Batman), for example.

With all that said, this story starts with Logan stripped of his healing powers by unspecified events and with a huge bounty placed on him, leading several of the worlds bounty hunters to try to collect.

How this all fits into 'Old Man Logan' (which I haven't read, but have heard of), I have no idea - in this, he does, indeed, 'die' by the end of the stories. Like the character, the (linked) stories are also pretty brutal, with the art not shying away form showing the injuries sustained by a healing-powers-less Logan, and with blood spilt on a fairly regular basis.

There's also a throw-away line in one of the X-Men movies (the first?), where Logan is asked - when referring to his claws popping out - if that hurts, and in which he answers "Every damn time". The reason I bring that up? Because that fact is woven into this story as well, with Logan trying to avoid using his claws until absolutely necessary and with close-ups of his hands (when he does) showing just how painful it can be.

Worth a read? Yes, but I very much doubt the character will stay dead for long!
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
The team That mixtape The prison break sequence Chris pratt as Starlord I am groot Goofy but fun Distinct visual look (0 more)
Ronan the accuser is another underwhelming villain Final battle isn't satisfying (0 more)
“You said it yourself bitch, we’re the Guardians of the Galaxy”
The Marvel marathon continues. We started with the story of a soldier out of time. Now we move on to the tale of a group of losers having to learn not to kill each other and maybe, just maybe, becoming friends along the way. Guardians of the Galaxy I view as the movie that fully cemented Marvel Studios as the powerhouse we know today. The popularity of Iron Man and Thor spiked after their respective films, but I'm gonna guess if you pulled someone random off the street and asked them who either character was before their movies were released, they could probably at least tell you who they are. Now, not too far separated from the humongous success of The Avengers, here comes Marvel with a film about characters next to no one, not even some avid fans of comics, knew existed. And wouldn't you know, five years after Guardians came out and made Groot a household word, it's still one of their best films Marvel has made.

Guardians of the Galaxy almost off the bat confronts two major complaints I hear about Marvel flicks. First, that they don't look cinematic. Call it the "TV show aesthetic." Moderately flat shots, muted colors, forgettable music, etc. Second, that they're too heavy on witty banter and don't leave enough room for genuinely meaty substance. In regards to the first point, this film looks gorgeous. The color palette and cinematography are both creative and have an absolute blast with the concept of creating a grandiose space opera with equal parts charm and toilet humor. Each planet has its own distinct decor and aliens. Gunn managed to create a fleshed-out, lively, and unique galaxy. In regards to the second point, while there is all sorts of banter to be found throughout, including a Jackson Pollock cum joke, Guardians of the Galaxy has to have the biggest heart out of any film in the MCU. The movie is a full measured ton of fun, but it tugs at the heartstrings in a way few modern blockbusters have been able to achieve.

Four of the five Guardians have something in their life that lead to great tragedy. Peter and Drax lost family very close to them. Gamora and Rocket were tortured and bred to be bloodthirsty warriors. But then, there's Groot. Sweet, unassuming Groot. A beast in battle, but a gentle giant otherwise. His existence seems simple. He eats a leaf off of his shoulder, he drinks water straight from a fountain, and he's more than willing to grow and give a flower to a small girl. He's perhaps the closest we have to a lead character who is wholly happy. The Guardians all start off as renegades, loners, folks reasonably hardened by lives that have enjoyed fucking them over. We get to see them by the end of the film not just grow into heroes, but friends and good people. I am Groot. You are Groot. We are Groot.

Marvel took a big gamble with this movie, but it payed off so absurdly well. The humor is great, the characters even better, and the atmosphere equal parts fun and emotional. Guardians of the Galaxy stands out in the sea of superhero films as a movie that wears its heart on its sleeve. It's weird, but it's damn proud of the fact that it is. Maybe it's alright to be a loser. The world could use a few more losers to help us along the way of life. I think what I'm trying to get down to is this: It was polite of James Gunn to make a movie to go along with his sick mixtape.
The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
2017 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Batman reigns supreme. Dark, Gothic, self important egotist with serious commitment issues. The Lego Batman Movie could have been little more than a cash in on a popular character from the 2014 surprise hit, The Lego Movie (2014), but instead we get a film which would seem to cement the future of this spoof, family entertainment franchise.

The “Real” Batman, as we all know, is struggling along the rest of hid Justice League pals to break back in to big leagues, but as long a Marvel are ruling the box office this is an uphill task, but here we have a movie and franchise which is limitless in its possibilities, plotting and imagination as anything and everything can be pulled out for the bag for the most entertaining, if not bizarre mash ups imaginable.

Not just limiting himself to DC, director, Chris McKay of Robot Chicken fame, other movies and toys of all ages can band together to create these plots but that said, these are not just cynical product placements, they are taken from the minds of the audience, whether they be three years old or 80, as Batman is himself referenced to be in this film.

Also, drawing on Batman’s long and lavish history as much as possible, we have it all, from the earliest comics, theatrical serials, every previous feature film and a few new twists to be thrown in at will. In short, this is as much fun as you can imagine and it lives up to its potential if not surpassing it from the opening black frames to the final credit.

Recommended for all the family whether you are Batman fans or not.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Cast (3 more)
Epic Scale
Forced political message (0 more)
Almost a perfect movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
I just got out of Avengers: Endgame. This will have minor spoilers, but nothing related to the plot.

If you read my review of Captain Marvel, you'll see that I was underwhelmed because they didn't really explain her powers or weaknesses. Avengers: Endgame is exciting, funny, rich, and fantastic, full of great callbacks to earlier MCU movies and references to things we hadn't heard about it a while.

And yet... Here comes Captain Marvel. Again, her powers aren't explained. She doesn't help much until the last 20 minutes, and in those minutes she is seemingly invincible. Because we don't know what can hurt her, the stakes are minimal. It's an invincible woman punching an invincible man and there isn't really an expectation of anything.

But then she gets hit. And someone says "She has backup" or "She has friends" or something similar, and then we see almost every female character from the MCU come behind her to help.

I literally don't care if a superhero is male or female. It doesn't matter. But by forcing scene into the film, it is a reminder that Captain Marvel = Girl Power!!! and it pulled me right out of the film. It was an unnecessary political statement in the midst of a galatic battle. And I hated it.

I'm pro-woman. I'm pro-man. I think both sexes have unique attributes and abilities and features. But trying to say "The women have her back!" was, again, like I felt the directors sitting next to me in the theater, poking me in the ribs, saying "Look at the woke subtext!!!"

It isn't necessary. It is dumb. Let the heroes - all of them - have moments of strength and weakness. Imagine if there was a hero who suddenly called on the name of God and a big cross appeared behind them and the hand of God came down and helped them. That's the kind of heavy-handedness (pun intended) it felt like.

Go see the movie. It's great. But that one bit really soured the end of the movie for me, reminding me that it was a fictional story set in modern times. Why?
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Good use of humour throughout (0 more)
Emotionally upsetting (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
After winning this in @Smashbomb giveaway recently I sat and watched the movie again. I must admit when i watched it at cinema I nearly walked out after the first five minutes of the movie having watched Loki die, my favourite character. And after having watched it four or five times it's not any easier to watch.
I like this movie as it feel a bit more grown up in terms of the story line than the other avengers movies. You know that this is the build up to the big showdown, and something serious is going to happen.
Having said that they do still manage to keep the humour going all the way through the movie which lightens it up a bit.
I think my favourite thing about it is all the separate characters coming together I.e Dr strange and the guardian's being introduced. The only downfall being Hawkeye and Antman are absent.
Also as much as your supposed to hate him. I kind of love Thanos in the movie, Josh Brolin played him brilliantly, and I would have maybe liked to have known a little more of his back story.
Also the end of this film was so edge of seat suspense, I've never felt like that before watching a film. You so want them to win but know that they won't. I was practically screaming in the cinema at the screen. It has been a ten year journey with the marvel franchise and I've got to say I feel like these movies are a part of me. I think the cliffhanger this movie left on, left everyone in my cinema screen in utter shock and speechless.
The only reason I've marked it down is because there more and I would hope that all this is leading up to a ten out of ten for the final one, as heart breaking and soul destroying that one may be.
Thankyou @Smashbomb for my dvd

Eleanor (1463 KP) Jul 18, 2019

Had the same Loki moment... 😭🙄


Emma (519 KP) Jul 18, 2019

Even Heimdall made me emotional, worst five minutes of a film ever 😥

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
More entertaining than I expected.
Avengers: Infinity War was surprisingly entertaining. I’m not a huge fan of the Avengers series, especially the big multi-cast productions. I fully expected to go into this one and be bored to tears. However, when it came to movies available in the cinema that we could also take the nine-year-old to… Pickings were slim. So, superheroes it was. And yeah, even though there were a few scenes that weren’t nearly as funny as they were intended to be, it was an enjoyable watch.

I will say this: I did not understand what all the fuss was about the end. I saw people tweeting about crying and whatnot. I felt absolutely nothing. It’s a Marvel movie. The sequel is due out in a year. We all know they’re going to find a way to undo at least half of what happened in Avengers: Infinity War. Dramatic scenes lose much of their power when you know the chance of most of it not being negated in the next movie is practically nil. This Marvel money train is going to chug on until something happens to derail it completely.

I liked the interaction between most of the characters. I felt like they did a better job of making it seem a bit more realistic. I also like how some of the decisions and actions from the previous movies are coming back to bite the Avengers in the butt. Iron Man and Dr. Strange have a bit of a fun relationship. As for Spiderman… Well, he’s slowly winning me over. I still have absolutely zero desire to watch a movie just starring him, but he plays the impulsive teen angle well. Hulk, though, Sweet Baby Cthulhu, I’m getting tired of that character. I didn’t like the direction they took him in the Thor movie, and then for Banner to be the way he was in this one… ugh.

There were several scenes that made me gasp. A few where I was like “NO NO NO NO!” at the screen. Non-stop action and dialogue that wasn’t too groan-worthy do a lot. A lot happier with this movie than I ever expected to be. It’s not nearly as good as Black Panther was, but a solid offering nonetheless.