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The Walking Dead - Season 10
The Walking Dead - Season 10
2019 | Drama, Horror
The latest season of The Walking Dead is why I have trust issues. I was all but done with this show during season 8, and now, I'm genuinely sad that we only have one more season left. Stop playing with my emotions!

Seriously though, season 10 is a proper return to form in my opinion. The show continues to prove that the time jump introduced last season was a positive direction to take.
Finally, I care about almost every character again. Negan is a huge highlight this time around. The contrast between the bonafide maniac he once once, and the humble guy genuinely looking for acceptance now is massive, buts it's pulled off in a way that is 100% believable. Big props to Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
This is the first full season not to feature Rick Grimes, so the position of lead character is shared out between Daryl (Norman Reedus), Carol (Melissa McBride) and Michonne (Danai Gurira). I like all three characters so this wasn't an issue for me. With Daryl and Carol in particular being season 1 veterans, it's easy to be on their side.

The villains are once again The Whisperers. I can acknowledge that TWD has delved into antagonist back stories before, but the amount of time spent with Alpha and Beta is commendable. The more screentime they get, the more unhinged they seem. They feel dangerous. There's a trio of mid season episodes here (Stalker, Morning Star, Walk With Us) that are hugely tense and high stakes, and reminded me of some of The Governor episodes from way back that had me on a seats edge.
Samantha Morton and Ryan Hurst sell these characters so so well, and are some of the best villains this show has seen.

TWD is never going to be the same show it was when it started, and it's taken the show runners a hell of a long time to figure out how it's going to look going forward. With the movies and various spin offs approaching, I feel they've finally found their footing again. Here's hoping for a rager of a final season.
    Minecraft: Skin Studio

    Minecraft: Skin Studio

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Maxim (Fueled By Lust #6)
Maxim (Fueled By Lust #6)
Celeste Prater | 2015 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the sixth book in the series and by now, Maxim has established himself as the joker of the pack. He really should know, though, that this mating business isn't all about fun and laughter although this does indeed play a big part in Celeste's books. This book actually goes a fair way before Maxim makes an entrance but it is necessary to learn about Skylar, who she is, and how she thinks, but we don't learn all about her right then. We learn snippets along with Maxim as the story progresses. She's had it tough (understatement) but is still surviving. She is comfortable with who she is but is no wilting wallflower. She is feisty, with a wicked sense of humour and prepared to stand up for herself and those under her protection. Basically, a perfect match for Maxim!

This is a fast-paced book (or maybe it was the speed that I was reading as I simply could not put it down!) with an incredible storyline that involves spoilt, little rich men, psychic abilities, and even the gods. There is never a dull moment and plenty of laughter along the way.

I love the relationship that Maxim has with his brothers and this is evident in the book. The relationship between Maxim and Skylar is both fast and slow. The attraction is instant (as Maxim finds out in the airport) but the rest of it, with love and trust being the biggies, takes time to develop. I loved the explanation given by Skylar about insta-love!

This book has it all for me - action, adventure, a hot alpha male, a smart and feisty female, and sex that scorches the pages. The only trouble I have is leaving the Insedi behind. I feel the need to re-read every one of these books again and I don't say that about every book I read!
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
December 19, 2018
Avenged by Fire (Between Ruin and Salvation #3)
Avenged by Fire (Between Ruin and Salvation #3)
V.J. Silvey | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AVENGED BY FIRE is the third book in the Between Ruin and Salvation series and you must read these books in order, as one follows on from the other.

I won't rehash the storyline - you've got the blurb for that. Suffice it to say it is full-on action once again. Now Ava has beaten Alpha Thomas, she has set her sights on the Council. After all, they do have her parents, child, and mother-in-law! Together with Makaii, they set off around America to form alliances in a bid to take them down. While doing that, the full horror of what the council is doing comes to light - and there is no way that Protector Ava or her associates are going to stand for that!!!

Ava is just as kick-ass as in the other stories and I am finally warming up to Makaii. In fact, I actually felt for him in this book as he tries his best to go against his instincts to wrap Ava up in cotton wool to keep her safe. I may not have been that keen on him but I love their relationship. There are mistakes being made, give and take between two very strong individuals. They haven't just immediately fallen into this perfect life.

Ava also gets to meet more of her family - together with a Fae Prince who is a bit of a jerk, if I'm honest. Mind you, Ava does manage to bring him into line in spectacular fashion. That may be my favourite scene out of the whole book.

Oh, and Bailey sniffs out her mate but avoids him like the plague. I know which one I want for her but I will have to wait and see.

One helluva cliffhanger wraps up one helluva book! I really can't wait for the conclusion and to see Ava in action again. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 12, 2023
Conrad (Assassin's To Order #4)
Conrad (Assassin's To Order #4)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
saved the best for last!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Assassins To Order series, and I strongly recommend you read books 1 to 3 first. OR at least, book 3 Duron. The Devil pops up first in that book.

I think, for me, Sayle and Oliver saved the best for last! I LOVED this, the final book.

Conrad is an assassin, and Kylo a police officer in Paraguay where the lost boys seem to originate from. Kylo has been chasing The Devil for 20 years and calling for an assassin to finally help him seemed like a good idea. Until Conrad gets off the plane and they scent each other: mates!

What I especially liked about this one was that Conrad is fully aware of his sexuality, while his brothers had not been. And Kylo calls to his Dom, much like his lion. And while Kylo is an Alpha male, a panther, he doesn't question Conrad and his connection and what Conrad can do for him, he just goes with it, and accepts what the Fates have planned for him.

Loved that Wyatt pops up, and who with and how THAT all plays out! Kinda saw that coming in the last book, but loved that it gets explained.

The Devil and what happens with all that was a surprise, and I loved the showdown! I'm still not entirely sure how many animals Conrad has, but they range from a blue dragon to a spider and everything inbetween. What happens between them all at the showdown was shocking but Kylo took it all in his stride. Loved that, while Conrad's lion is his most Dominant animal, the dragon has to have the last say!

There is talk of the other assassins, but only Wyatt pops up, The Thalassa guys are mentioned as well, but none appear here. I kinda missed them!

I'll miss ALL these guys, now both series are finished, but I think this really was a fitting end. I do hope we get some follow ups shorts!

I was waiting for this, and it did not disappoint.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Claimed (Breaking Free #7)
Claimed (Breaking Free #7)
A.M. Arthur | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
5 star series!!
**verified purchase Jan 2019**

This is book 7 in the Breaking Free series, although there are 8 books, with a short that spans across 3 and 4. I would STRONGLY, HIGHLY, ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY recommend that you read the other books before this one. BUT while I do say that, this one is far more a stand alone than the others. Things are recapped and caught up, but it takes a different path, as well as winding with the on-going story arc that continues through the other books.

We met Brandt, an Alpha, along the way: he is boos to the other police officers in the series, boos to ALL of them. He lost his pregnant mate, Ollie, ten years ago without a trace and has finally decided he should (mostly) move on. Going to an anonymous sex party seems the best way to get some sexual relief, without the commitment he cannot make. Meeting Little Blue, however, makes him change his mind. We met Demir, a beta, in book four, Found. He is Isa Higgs youngest son and was 15 at the time. Now an adult and betrayed by the person he thought he loved, Demir also attends said party. Big Red is just the person who pushes all of Demir's buttons and then some. There is a true connection between these two, but when they discover who Brandt is to Demir's father, they keep their relationship a secret, for now. Oliver is in the province to speak at a conference about omega trafficking. He cannot remember a time before ten years ago, when he was found in a van wreck. Meeting Brandt makes him feel . . . .something . . . .he's not sure what though. when Brandt explains who he is to Oliver, things begin to drop into place. But when Brandt tells Oliver about Demir, and that he simply cannot choose, Oliver presents a solution that will at least give them all a chance. Can they make it work?

This one, I found, was like a watching a train wreck coming at ya,it really was. You KNOW there is going to be fall out when Demir and Brandt find out who they are to each other. You KNOW there is going to be a big ole mess when Brandt and Ollie come face to face again. You KNOW that Ollie is going to fight this with every fibre of his being. You bloody well KNOW the Oliver's brother in law is not as . .pure . . in his intentions to Oliver after the death of his husband. An you KNOW, that when Isa finds out about the three of them, he is gonna go nuts. And there ain't a damn thing you can do to stop it! You just watch, and read, and wait and see how it all turns out! Amazing reading, I have to say.

I loved that it was OLLIE who came up with the solution to their predicament. That HE suggested they at least try to be a poly-family, since in his home of the last ten years it really is quite common. Loved that Ollie took Demir into his heart very quickly, the younger man making him feel as safe as Brandt did.

But Isa?? I wanted to punch Isa bloody Higgs so bad! After everything he has told his sons about being betas, that they can do anything, be anything they want to, as much as the alphas can, and he goes and says THAT to Demir! Not saying what, but if you've read these books, you can probably guess. He does redeem himself, but still, a punch was heading his way!

All the other guys pop up in this books, at some point or other, and it's great watching the babies grow up together. Seeing them already forming bonds: alpha, beta and omega all together is great. It would be amazing to catch up with these babies, as they grow and have babies of their own!

So, now, I'm sad! I only started this series because books one and two were shared with me, and I needed something to clear my head after a particularly heavy book. I thought this might be a good hangover cure! And BOY was I wrong, in the best way! Not a hangover cure, not in the least, but another deep dark book that pulled my into an eight book series, that did NOT let me go!

Thank you, Ms Arthur, for pulling into your worlds. I have some other books to read next!

5 amazing, but sad to see it end, stars

**same worded review ill appear elsewhere**