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The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass
Philip Pullman | 1995 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (68 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally reviewed on

Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass will forever be one of my favorite books. I remember reading it when it was first published in 1995 and thinking then I had never read anything like it before, and each subsequent reading (along with the other books in the His Dark Materials series, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) still brings that feeling of wonder. The ideas and themes that Pullman introduces in these books challenged me as a reader then, and still do over 20 years later.

Lyra's story of friendship and loyalty found in the most unlikely places, and opposing and challenging those whose beliefs may be strong but not necessarily in the right, resonated strongly with me right out of high school, and I still think that these are important themes for any young reader to experience, especially told through Lyra's eyes. Her strength of character and resolve in what she believes right creates a fantastic role model for anyone, but especially those, I think, who are trying to find their way in the world and are looking to literature to help them. Of course, Pullman disguises much of this in a fast-paced adventure story filled with political intrigue and suspense around every corner, so it will keep readers both young and old eager to find out what happens next. Not every book deserves the title "unputdownable", but I think this was one of my first experiences with a book that earned that description for me. An alternate universe, witches, daemons, polar bears who talk, and more make this book one of the more unique books you'll read, and Philip Pullman's writing is beautiful and poignant.
That's what I get for choosing a book based on Amazon reviews. I should really know by now that I march to the beat of a different drummer...actually it's not a drum at all, it's a bagpipe, and I skip, not march. ;P While I didn't hate the book, it wasn't nearly as good as I was led to believe. The whole feel to the book wasn't quite right, it didn't have that Buffyverse atmosphere. Part of that had to do with the overabundance of Crystal/Shugra's point-of-view, which took away from the other characters. While I didn't mind a bit here and there, the flashbacks were unnecessary, often boring and uninteresting; they really added nothing to the book and were more filler than anything. The characterizations were decent but lacked energy and didn't quite hit the mark. I didn't sense much depth and sometimes, I hate to say it, they were rather bland. There wasn't much humor but it managed to get a few smiles out of me. The ending was the best part and definitely had more of the usual Buffyness than the rest of the book.

What I found amusing is the remark about nothing suspicious happening in Cleveland. Since there happens to be a Hellmouth stationed there, I would think there would be plenty of abnormalities. Demonic activity was actually mentioned in the episode <i>The Wish</i> that came out before this book was written, but maybe I can let that pass since the episode was mainly set in an alternate time-line. Although I still don't get why there wouldn't be a Cleveland Hellmouth in both realities. Gosh, I'm such a BuffyGeek. :D

Still, I enjoyed the book and appreciated the author adding in little things sprinkled throughout for the fans.
When It&#039;s Real
When It's Real
Erin Watt | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sometimes you just need a story with a ridiculous, rather implausible situation to soothe your soul.
This book was tons of fun and really compelling. I couldn't put it down and read it in 24 hours. Both Vaughn and Oakley were really interesting characters with a lot of depth behind their silly situation. As he was probably supposed to, Oakley irritated me in the beginning; yes, we are supposed to feel sorry for him, but he was also really good in his role of being a jerk.

"Am I already the washed-up pop star before I hit my twenties?"

The first person point of view in this one makes it very easy to read. The chapters alternate between Oakley and Vaughn and just slide by. The book is a slow burner (no immediate romance here) and fun and hot. Sure, it's a little predictable and you know nothing will go smoothly at first, but it's really enjoyable seeing how things play out. For me to enjoy a romance, I have to like the characters, and I have to be invested in their story--both of those things were definitely happening here. I fell for Vaughn and her family and then for Oakley, too, as I got to know him. There was some good depth and background to both characters, and I empathized with Vaughn as she struggled to find herself, especially after her family's tragedy.

"I’m good at pretending, but not so great at living."

There's even some fun twists in this one, with things not always happening exactly as you might think. Overall, it's really fun, with two great main characters and a really humorous supporting cast. The story has its serious moments, and it's easy to get invested in Vaughn and Oakley's romance. It's a fast read and a good one. 4 stars.
Top Gun (1986)
Top Gun (1986)
1986 | Action, Drama
Karaoke scenes (5 more)
Insisting on a shower
Taking me to bed before you lose me forever
Having goose talk to you....
Val Kilmer is awesome, despite not wanting to even be in it, had to for contractual reasons... it's one of his all time best.
The "Danger Zone" soundtrack
A Modern Classic, and Tom Cruise's best work.
this is an 80's classic, a movies movie. Cinema perfection. It embodies a time with no excuses, and really delivers on every level. want to know how quotable this movie is: The real Top Gun School imposes a five dollar fine to anyone in the staff that quotes the movie.

Val Kilmer is amazing: When the guys, as students, were first being spoken to by Charlie in the hanger, Maverick explains that he gave "the bird" to a MiG. She asks how he saw the MiG up close, and he says he was flying inverted. Right then, Ice coughs "bullshit" and the guys laughed. The "bullshit" line was ad libbed by Val Kilmer, and everyone's reactions are genuine.

Also a little known fat.No one had ever "buzzed the tower" at Miramar before. The Navy pilots, who were flying the scenes for the film, drew straws to see who would get to do it. It went to Lieutenant Commander Lloyd "Bozo" Abel. Michael Ironside just happened to be at the hangar that day, and the plane flew low enough to where he could actually see into the cockpit as it flew by. He said it was one of the most spectacular things he'd ever seen.

  As is this movie good sir... as is this movie....

Also here is an awesome alternate movie poster for your enjoyment. I hope it holds you over until Top Gun 2 comes out.