Weapons of Choice: World War 2.1 - Alternative History Science Fiction
The impossible has spawned the unthinkable. In 2021, a quantum military experiment goes horrifically...

A Critical Guide to Intellectual Property: Alternative Histories and Perspectives
Ours is an era when human genes can be copied and patented. From genetically modified foods to...
Foundations of Atlantis, Ancient Astronauts and Other Alternative Pasts: 148 Documents Cited by Writers of Fringe History, Translated with Annotations
The public enjoys considering questions like, did aliens visit ancient civilizations? Could Jesus...

Phantom Doctrine
Video Game Watch
Set in 1983 during the Cold War, Phantom Doctrine is an alternate history thriller in which players...

Twilight Histories
Listen to the Twilight Histories in the dark... You are a time splitter sent to a strange and exotic...

Games Editor (16 KP) rated Black Orchestra in Tabletop Games
Mar 7, 2018
Original Rating: Great
Critic: Dillon Flaherty (BoardGameBuds)
Full review: https://boardgamebuds.com/black-orchestra-review/

A Most Malicious Murder
Not all monsters are fictional. In an alternate 1851, Edgar Allan Poe has finally overcome his...
Historical Fiction Mystery Alternate History