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Black Orchestra
Black Orchestra
2016 | Spies / Espionage, World War II
Beautifully thematic and serious Cooperative Tabletop Experience
At the end of it all, if you’re lucky enough to have pulled off the impossible and taken out Hitler, the rulebook will give you an idea of how many millions of lives could have been saved if history went with the alternate path that your victory provided. It’s a sobering moment after an exciting victory or defeat and serves as a reminder of the gravity of history behind this experience.

Original Rating: Great
Critic: Dillon Flaherty (BoardGameBuds)
Full review:

Guy Maddin recommended Häxan (1922) in Movies (curated)

Häxan (1922)
Häxan (1922)
1922 | Documentary, Fantasy, Horror

"Strange little silent history of witchcraft out of Denmark, fashioned sort of in the Intolerance shape, featuring incredibly chiaroscuroed mise-en-scène, with plenty of pornish coven action. Being evil never looked so sumptuous. I like the alternate version, Witchcraft Through the Ages, narrated by William S. Burroughs—his voice seems to have been created to discuss any matters supernatural. You can’t tell for sure how much he believes in it, yet still he manages to be equal parts hilarious and menacing!"

The Man in the High Castle  - Season 1
The Man in the High Castle - Season 1
2015 | Sci-Fi
All the thrills and twists and turns of a good spy story (1 more)
Lots of Awesome Easter eggs and references for history Buffs
The pacing can be a little slow (0 more)
The man in the High Castle is a beautifully crafted story of an alternate 1960s timeline where the axis won worldWar 2 now America has been split in the middle by the Germans and Japanese incorporating their culture and beliefs into everyday life the story follows a few different individuals who's lives are changed forever when they come across and watch propaganda films that show a very different outcome of World War 2 these films inspire hope and are quickly becoming the strongest weapon in the resistance Arsenal
The Years of Rice and Salt
The Years of Rice and Salt
Kim Stanley Robinson | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a stunning, epic tale. A collection of lives, a group of souls described as a jati, wending their way across the centuries of an alternate history.
What if the western / European world was wiped out completely in the 14th century instead of only 1/3rd of the population? Kim Stanley Robinson vividly imagines the stages of life and consequences to the world. The rise and spread of Islam instead of Christianity. The different minds who would awaken to the natural sciences. The empire building of China into the New World. The continuation of Native American cultures through their cooperation and shared values.
Dystopian historical science fiction with serious questions of religion, philosophy, and sociopolitical theories expertly woven together.
Dark Prince (Greek Series, #2)
Dark Prince (Greek Series, #2)
David Gemmell | 1991 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sequel to David Gemmell's earlier Lion of Macedon, with more emphasis on the mystical elements this time around: whereas that earlier novel was perhaps 90/10 in favour of history, this is (IMO) closer to 40/60.

As the novel starts, Alexander is but a 4 year old and Parmenion is out of favour with Philip of Macedon, who is jealous of the Spartan general's success in battle. Alexander is still plagued by the Chaos Spirit, and - at around the 1/4 mark - is magically transported into an alternate Greece, where the myths and monsters of Greek legend are all real. With a little help from Aristotle and the Siptrassi stones, Parmenion is soon off on a rescue mission, accompanied by Philip's assassin Attalus (without Philips knowledge). The bulk of this novel - parts 2 and 3 (of 4) - then takes place in that alternate Greece, with Parmenion - again - reliving his past and playing a key role in proceedings, before it returns to 'our' Greece for the final part of the novel.

As is standard for Gemmell, lots of musing on the nature of Good and evil throughout, and with a conflicted central protagonist.
Behemoth (Leviathan, #2)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As the world plunges into The Great War, the Leviathan travels to the Ottoman Empire in hopes of keeping the peace with the Emperor. Follow Deryn and Alek as they travel around the world. These books abound with secret missions, new beasts and machines, hidden lies and truths that are (FINALLY) revealed and many historical figures encountered. As you may have guessed, I have a problem with binge reading. When I find a series that I am IN LOVE with, I won't stop until I am finished! However, most of the time I need to wait six months to a year before the next installment. Thankfully that was not the case with Mr. Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan Trilogy. My favorite beastie by far is the perspicacious loris. I want one!!! It was so much fun reading this alternate history of WWI. Learning a few interesting details about the war that did in fact happen along the way. Although Mr. Westerfeld has made some definite changes to history in this book, it was very entertaining and engrossing. I love the whole idea behind this series.

Lirahlu (37 KP) rated Dread Nation in Books

Mar 1, 2019  
Dread Nation
Dread Nation
Justina Ireland | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing Alternative History Horror
In a post-Civil War America where neither side won because of the Zombie Apocalypse, Jane McKeene studies to become an Attendant – part body guard, part chaperone – as part of the Native and Negro Reeducation Act due to the breakdown of institutionalized slavery. While she excels at the fighting and weaponry, Jane continually fails her etiquette lessons despite being the daughter of a wealthy, white plantation owner. While other girls at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore County, Maryland desire an Attendant’s life with a wealthy family, Jane’s one goal is to return home to Rose Hill Plantation in Kentucky. Just weeks shy of graduation, Jane, her ex-beau Red Jack, and her light-skinned “frenemy” are sent West to a “Survivalist” pioneer town where blacks are still very much treated as slaves and forced to fight “shamblers” on the front lines with rusty, ineffective weapons. Though segregated with the rest of the blacks, Jane refuses to accept the town’s ingrained injustice – even when the price of resistance is death.
Dread Nation is a fantastic mashup of the alternate history and horror genres. Ireland’s characters are intricate and flawed, and therefore believable. Ireland does not shy away from the horrific history of slavery and racism in the United States and the characters and world she’s built around them are stronger for facing these issues head-on. An absolute must-read for anyone who is not shy about gore and loves a strong female character who can hold her own in a fight.
Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire #6)
Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire #6)
Naomi Novik | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
On paper this book ticks all the boxes for one that I should like: Alternate history, historical setting and dragons.

Unfortunately the reality for me fell well short fo what I felt could be acheived. This is the first book by Novik I have read and perhaps starting at number 6 means I am missing something, but this just failed to gel.

The concept of the dragons being a reality and influencing history was one that was easy to grasp but so very little was done with it. The dragons themselves are quite dull - far from the spectacular beast of legend they have little interesting to do and virtually no personality. There is also not a great deal of plot strung out very thinly involving a chase across Australia, but it takes so long to get going and the chase is repettitive and didn't capture my imagination.

There are some sparks of good ideas here - the smuggling, the political issues in Sydney (caused by the governer - a certain Captain Bligh) - but they end up undeveloped and drowned by the plodding narrative which doesn't seem to want to examine anything that doesn't involve the dragons.

The central idea may have promise in other books of the series, just not this one. Sorry Naomi
The Bird King
The Bird King
G. Willow Wilson | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have not yet read G. Willow Wilson's first novel, Alif the Unseen, but I really want to now, because this one was beautiful. I really enjoyed this story, watching Fatima mature through her travels and change from the sheltered Sultan's concubine/possession to become - well - what she becomes.

The Bird King is the story of Fatima, concubine, and Hassan, mapmaker, on the run from the Inquisition. They were both members of the house of the last Sultan in Iberia. When the Spanish (and the Inquisition) came to negotiate his surrender, one of their conditions was they wanted Hassan, because of the magic he used in his maps. Hassan has been Fatima's only real friend; he's the only man that wanted nothing from her, because he's gay and unmoved by her beauty. His sexuality has been largely ignored by the court; his maps were too important to the war effort, so it was tolerated and just not spoken of. When Fatima discovers the Sultan intends to turn Hassan over, she runs away with him. She has some unexpected help in her journey, which, along with Hassan's mapmaking, makes this a kind of magical realist historical fantasy novel. It's not really alternate history, because nobody's actions change how history plays out on a large scale.You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Disappeared in Books

May 25, 2019  
The Disappeared
The Disappeared
Amy Lord | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dystopian Britain
Set in the near future, Britain has become a one party, military controlled state, where reading the wrong book could mean that you are ‘disappeared’.

The Authorisation Bureau we’re responsible for the disappearance of Clara’s father, a university English lecturer, and she is determined to pick up where he left off. Along with her History professor boyfriend, they decide to teach a select group of students about the past and the books that they are now forbidden to read. But things do not go as planned. Clara has some protection, as her stepfather is a ‘high up’ interrogator with the Authorisation Bureau, but this can only go so far to protect her.

I thoroughly enjoyed this dark tale of an alternate UK. It was rather violent in places, but it’s message was ultimately that of hope. My only complaint (which isn’t really a complaint) is that we could have done with more from the resistance organisation, Lumiere. I would have loved to have read more about them.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to the author, Amy Lord, for reading along and answering questions.