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The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Solid performances (1 more)
Great effects
The Cloverfield link (1 more)
Muddled story
Not a long review for this one as I can't think of too much to say about it. There's a great movie here somewhere, the first half in particular sets up a solid space adventure that looks to really focus on the intriguing alternate reality concept it presents. But this ends up becoming muddled and not overly interesting. The cast are fne and the script has moments of greatness, but a lot of this is just a bit dull and not as gripping as it could have been.

As for the Cloverfield part, well it seems that this was never meant to have a connection at all. It seems all too apparent that all the links to the franchise were included later through reshoots and as such, it's all a muddled mess by the time the credits roll. It's a sometimes good space movie, but a pretty shoddy Cloverfield movie. Marketing wise though, the release of this was genuius. It's just a shame that hype vanishes once the movie concludes.
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
A romcom that isn't a romcom
Contains spoilers, click to show
Natalie is an architect at a business where nobody respects her, and is looked down on except for a male colleague who unbeknown to her has a big crush on her. One day Natalie is mugged and hits her head causing her to wake up in an alternate universe. In this universe every male is being nice to her which makes her feel uncomfortable, however she thinks the way to get back to reality is to make a guy fall in love with her. This movie is definitely a big middle finger to romcom, it has every cliche you can think of from a spontaneous singing and dancing scene to kissing a gorgeous bloke (and boy is he gorgeous) in the rain to which as a romcom hater, Natalie comments on every time. Just like I am pretty, the movie has a strong message to women to love yourself for who you are. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and would definitely watch it again.

Pete Fowler recommended The Willows by Belbury Poly in Music (curated)

The Willows by Belbury Poly
The Willows by Belbury Poly
2004 | Electronic
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love Ghost Box. In a similar way to how British psych from the '60s looked back to a whimsical past and kids' fiction from the Victorian era, Ghost Box look back to a more modern past – specifically the '60s and '70s, which is when I grew up. It's an analogue sound that seems to evoke brutalist architecture, new towns and the like. You can imagine Ghost Box soundtracking a film about a new town built on a burial site. Jim [Jupp] and Julian [House, Ghost Box co-founder] come from Caldicot, which is a really spooky part of Wales. Lots of weird gothic architecture and a lot of weird local folklore and superstition. This record by the Belbury Poly [Jupp] presents someone's version of the past, a vision that's both real and ephemeral. It harks back to a time that wasn't obviously psychedelic but it's not obviously retro. Without being too rose-tinted specs about this record, it has a slight 'warm blanket' effect, while still being a little uncomfortable, if that makes sense. It's possibly a weird record for me to pick in a list of psychedelic records but it definitely does that thing of successfully imagining an alternate reality. I can imagine walking around this place."

Assassin's Touch (Iron Portal #1)
Assassin's Touch (Iron Portal #1)
Laurie London | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In an alternate reality exists two worlds, both at war with each other. Neyla is drawn into this war against her will when it is discovered that she has a latent Talent. Enscripted into the army, in a war full of propaganda and struggling with the mistrust of the soldiers she's supposed to be fighting with, she is injured by a soldier on her side and captured by a 'barbarian'.

Taken over into Cascadia, she soon learns that the war is different to the stories that she's been fed. Given time to spend with the citizens, she realises that she doesn't want to go back. Of course, Rickert might also play a big part in that as the attraction between the two absolutely sizzles.

This is a fantastic start to the series with wonderful world-building. The characters are all full-bodied and believable, even the ones you dislike. Thoroughly enjoyable and definitely recommended for those who want a short but hot paranormal romance read.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 21, 2015

LucyB (47 KP) rated Dark Matter in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
Dark Matter
Dark Matter
Blake Crouch | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
The pace, the style, the whole concept (0 more)
It's pretty far-fetched (though the author carries it off well) (0 more)
Mind-bending, fast-pasted, gripping to the end
Every so often, I come across an author who is so different, it blows me away. Blake Crouch is definitely one of those authors! The storyline is so completely 'way out' that I'm amazed he pulled it off, and his style of writing (short to the point of sparse) shouldn't work, but really does!

The story is about Martin, the man who has the perfect life, the perfect wife, a lovely son...but fifteen years ago, gave up his illustrious science career to have a family. Suddenly, he's kidnapped, drugged, and (wait for it), forced into an alternate reality. I can't say anymore without spoiling the plot, but what follows is a frenetic race through alternative realities to get back to the life he once knew, at any cost.

The storyline is impressive, not least because the concept is so complex, yet Crouch handles it with ease. I'd say that this is the author's greatest gift - being able to simplify and abbreviate, without dumbing down. In fact, this book is probably the best example of 'all killer, no filler' that I've ever read.

A formidable book... I'll be looking forward to reading the Wayward Pines series next!
Radio Free Albemuth
Radio Free Albemuth
Philip K. Dick | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A lot of semi-autobiographical elements
While this is not PKD's best science fiction, the fact that much of it comes from his own experiences makes this an interesting read.

From being burgled, by what PKD believed to be an FBI covert operation, to hallucinatory visions, this posthumous book reveals much about his thought processes at the end of his life. Although this novel was written and scrapped, it was released in 1985 and has similar themes to his Valis series. In this, PKD plays a main character himself as a science fiction writer, while Nicholas Brady, a quirky record shop clerk, is his friend although he represents parts of the author himself.

In this dystopian science fiction, an alternate reality shows the US being run by a secret Communist regime despite appearing to be the opposite. Brady one day starts seeing visions in which he is controlled and he is able to communicate with an outer being who is trying to change the course of the country. His sceptic friend, PKD follows him wherever he goes only to find that there are some truths to his ravings.

It's quite a horrifying ending, and it does make you wonder how mentally stable PKD was at the end - but it definitely shows why PKD is still the master of sci-fi.
Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Ben Galley | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is hard to describe this book purely because it appears to try to do too much.

It is set in an alternate universe where much is familiar but some things are very different.
It is a western, mostly set in an frontier town in Wyoming with the usual cast of restless townspeople, lone prospectors and ruthless land owners.
It is a fantasy involving faeries and magick

Yet in Galley's capable hands these elements are moulded into a seamless and thrilling story. All the different aspects fit together neatly and consistently producing a terrific platform for the characters and plot.

The main character is 13 year old Tonmerion Hark (known as Merion), son of the Prime Lord (think Prime Minister) of an alternate version of Victorian Britain. When his father is murdered by assailants unknown he is sent to his last remaining relative - an aunt living in Wyoming. Travelling with him is is best friend, a faerie called Rhin who is a fugitive from the rest of the Fae. Desperate to get back to London to find his father's killer and rescue his inheritance, Merion is instead drawn into conflict and underhand dealings in the small town of Fell Falls where is aunt is the undertaker.

The alternate universe is particularly striking. Very nearly everything is familiar but with important differences. The biggest of these is clearly that creatures such as the Fae exist (even if few people have ever seen one) but other changes include the natives of America, the Shohari, not being quite human and a lot of clever differences in London that really make it clear what kind of world Merion inhabits. The magick is also well thought out with a lot of thought and imagination given to its mechanics and its implications.

Galley's writing is a joy. It is clear and concise yet conveys the scene to the reader with impressive ease. The hot sun and gritty sand of the desert feel very real indeed. The characters are very well described and a great deal of care has been taken to express them. These are not cardboard cliches, which would have been easy. Merion is the hero but at heart is still a 13 year old boy, a boy who is impetuous and complains how life is unfair. All through the book there is a subtle undercurrent of wry humour.

What this whole book reminded me of - both in the writing and in the almost but not quite like our world setting - was a slightly darker Terry Pratchett. That is not an exaggeration, This book really is up there with the very best Discworld books in terms of story and inventiveness. It is darker in tone than anything Pratchett would write and not quite as laugh out loud funny in places but it is damn close.

The story itself unfolds at a fast pace - which is good because there is a lot to get through with several plots running intertwined through the narrative and sparking off each other as they twist and turn through every reveal. The final showdown is suitably climactic and the prose as well as the magick crackles off the page in a breathless rush towards the final chapter.

I do like to balance my reviews with maybe some small point that counts against the book but I really can't think of one for Bloodrush. It simply is a magnificent piece of work. You may not have known you wanted a alternate reality fantasy western but once you have read this you will wonder where the next one is coming from.

Very very highly recommended and the 5 star rating was easy to give.

Rated: Strong language so not for the youngest of young adults
Black Mirror - Season 4
Black Mirror - Season 4
2017 | Sci-Fi
Back on form
I'm probably one of the few people who didn't rate the third series of Black Mirror. In my eyes, it just wasn't up the high standards set by the previous series. So I'd put off watching series 4 as i didn't have very high expectations, but I'm now very sad that I didn't watch it sooner!

This is a fantastic series with a lot of very strong episodes. From the USS Callister which really makes fun of the old school sci-fi shows, to Hang the DJ which introduces a whole new method to modern dating. Virtually every episode is full of dark humour, with very ominous overtones. My favourite would have to be Black Museum, as it is ridiculously funny and I loved the references to the previous episodes. The only truly weak episode would probably be Metalhead and that was more due to the execution rather the premise itself.

For me, the best thing about Black Mirror is the social and cultural commentary and the use of technology for sinister means. As this is set in an alternate or near future, you can almost see these things happening in reality and each episode is a great talking point (if you happen to be watching it with someone else). Arkangel is a great example, highlighting the pitfalls of overprotective parenting.

A fantastic return to form for Black Mirror, and has left me wanting more!

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated The Mirage in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
The Mirage
Matt Ruff | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Mirage tells an alternate version of history. Where the world is rocked by a terrorist attack on the Tigris & Euphrates World Trade Towers in Baghdad on 11/9/01. The planes were hijacked by Christian fundamentalists from the Third World country of America.
Years after the attack on the superpower, a homicide bomber is captured in the United Arab States (UAS) & questioned. He tells a strange story of a mirage. This mirage is one where the UAS is the super power & America is poor & broken. He argues that this is not true reality...that in the real world the USA is the super power & was attacked on 9/11 by Muslims. Gradually the Homeland Security officers in Arabia begin to unravel the story & start to believe this crazy bomber.
The story is very well written & makes you stop & think without at doubt. At times it is humorous (The Quail Hunter from Crawford, TX who takes his enemies out on hunts & accidently shoots them or the crazy man in TX who is always looking for someone or something but can't seem to find it or remember who or what he's looking for or David Koresh leading the reisitance in America or Timothy McVeigh appearing as a protector to one of the invaders). This was well worth the time. The only reason it gets 4 stars from me is that it is a book you can't put down or read in small chunks. You need to read it straight through to keep everything straight, but it is well worth the time!
Something Rotten (Thursday Next, #4)
Something Rotten (Thursday Next, #4)
Jasper Fforde | 2004 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
In his previous Thursday Next books Fforde has explored the world inside books and how Thursday - literary detective from an alternate reality from our own - interacts with its denizens. Now he turns that on its head.

Thursday, along with her young child Friday, decides it is time to leave the Bookworld behind and return to the real world, despite the danger this poses from the all powerful Goliath corporation. They have already erased her husband from existence and wanted to do the same to her. But Goliath are now benign and repentant. But that doesn't mean that Thursday can have a happy ending. Not only does she need to get her husband back, but unless Swindon can win the Superhoop croquet world cup there will be an unstoppable chain of events leading to the end of the world.

As usual with Fforde the plot is complex, convoluted and wildly improbable but that doesn't stop him pulling the reader into the slightly off-kilter world of the Nexts. As could be expected the humour is packed in tight. Literary jokes, in world jokes, real world jokes. Playing with language and words in every inventive way possible. All of these are his stock in trade and he uses them to great effect here.

This was for me a little weaker than the first three books, possibly because now back in Thursday's world is a little more mundane than seeing works of literature from the inside but there are still plenty of laughs to be had and the various plot strands will keep you guessing