Alternate Reality Games and the Cusp of Digital Gameplay
Antero Garcia and Greg Niemeyer
Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) challenge what players understand as "real." Alternate Reality Games...

Alternate Reality Games: Gamification for Performance
Charles Palmer and Andy Petroski
While formal training and communication are a foundational approach to developing employees in the...

Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities
Games and Entertainment
Finalist in the CVA videogames awards 2015. Nominations: Best Audio, Best Original Music, Best Indie...
The Universe Next Door: A Journey Through 57 Alternative Realities, Parallel Worlds and Possible Futures
You are here. But what if you weren't? You could easily have ended up in a different reality...

Life is Strange: Partners in Time: Tracks
Max, Chloe, and Rachel's adventures from the hit game Life is Strange continue! Time-rewinding...

The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
Movie Watch
Orbiting a planet on the brink of war, scientists test a device to solve an energy crisis, and end...