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Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies (1999)
Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies (1999)
1999 | Horror
4.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Alternative/goth female lead? Check. Atrocious CGI? Check. Casual homophobic slurs? Check. We are deep into shitty 90s straight-to-video territory here.

Wishmaster 2 is a big step down from the first film in almost every way. In its defense, it had a pretty small budget, but Christ it looks cheap. All of the characters are boring and under-developed, the lead character is somehow more irritating than the girl from the first Wishmaster, some of the acting on display is pretty horrific and the sound mix is just all over the place.
I found myself forgetting the general plot as I was watching it - what the fuck was that Russian gangster side plot all about?

If there are some positives to take from Wishmaster 2 (and believe me, there aren't many) then the best one is obviously Andrew Divoff, returning as The Djinn. He hams it up a storm, and provides the only entertainment value this movie has to offer. I will also say that the make up work on his demonic form looks pretty good.
Aside from that, there are a couple of good gore scenes, the guy forcing himself through the prison bars is a particularly gratuitous and bloody moment and the practical effects are decent enough, it's just that these fleeting moments of something resembling quality are few and far between. There's also a bit where a guy contorts his body to literally fuck himself, so there's that...

Overall then, Wishmaster 2 is pretty crap, which is a shame, as the flawed but entertaing first movie showed some franchise potential. Can't wait to put myself through Wishmaster 3 and 4....

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Body of Stars in Books

Jan 16, 2024  
Body of Stars
Body of Stars
Laura Maylene Walter | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Body of Stars is an enjoyable YA novel set in the near future. This is a world where the markings on a woman’s body predict the future for not only themselves, but for their families as well.

Instead of this phenomenon giving women autonomy over their own lives, it seems that it’s the same old story. Their bodies are a commodity, mapped out by a government organisation, checked over by their fathers when their markings change during puberty. They are warned not to show themselves off or be by themselves, lest men can’t control themselves as they’re driven wild with lust. So far, so stereotypical.

Celeste Morton is excited by the prospect of this transition, and her brother Miles is desperate to practice his interpretation skills on his sister. But when Celeste transitions, a terrible fate is revealed. And in a desperate bid to keep this a secret, Celeste experiences the worst thing that can happen to a changeling.

I have to admit to being very frustrated whilst reading this. There’s nothing feminist about this story - there is a good argument for why feminism is necessary though. Misogyny is rife in the world of this book! To be honest, the story could have run in exactly the same direction without the need for freckles, moles and other markings. It was depressing that even in an alternative near future, women would be experiencing the same restrictions and abuse that so many live through today.

This was a novel that I loved to hate - the frustration was immense! Do I recommend it? Well yes, but be prepared for the deep breathing, calming exercises that you’ll need!
Fly by Night
Fly by Night
Frances Hardinge | 2005 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
116 of 220
Fly by Night ( Book 1)
By Frances Hardinge

A fantastic adventure story set in an alternative historical world that launches the career of a uniquely talented children's writer. In a fractured Realm, struggling to maintain an uneasy peace after years of civil war and religious tyrrany, a 12- year- old orphan and a homicidal goose become the accidental heroes of a revolution. Mosca has spent her life in a miserable hamlet, where her father was banished for writing inflammatory books about tolerance and freedom. Now he is dead, and Mosca is on the run after unintentionally setting fire to a mill. With a delightful swindler named Eponymous Clent, she heads for the city of Mandelion. A born liar, Mosca lives by her wits in a world of highwaymen and smugglers, dangerously insane rulers in ludicrous wigs, secret agents and radical plotters. She is recruited as a spy by the fanatical Mabwick Toke, leader of the Guild of Stationers, who fears losing his control over the publication of every book in the state. Mosca's activities reveal a plot to force a rule of terror on the Realm, and merry mayhem soon leads to murder..

I really enjoyed this. A girl trying to escape her fate she releases a prisoner and becomes his aide this is a full adventure for her and as she goes she learns a lot about herself and who to trust. It’s a hard road for Mosca but she has her pet goose to help her through. It’s a quirky world inspired by English history. Where books are dangerous.

Nikki Massey (8 KP) rated Carrie in Books

Feb 7, 2019  
Stephen King | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (72 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female lead (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Stephen King has been on my 'must read' list for many years. I've always wanted to read his books but never plucked up the courage.
I finally went down to my local library and the librarian raved about him - which books were good, what collections were interesting, all about the films, TV shows, similar authors. I was sold!
I went in expecting Carrie to be this evil witch using her telekinesis to harm others. I ended up feeling so sorry for her and in some way able to relate to her. She had a difficult time through school, singled out for being different and getting bullied for it. I didn't enjoy school myself and the people who say that it is the best time of your life are highly mistaken and lying through their teeth.
Carrie was just pushed one too many times and then all hell is let loose at her Senior Prom.
I found the writing method quite different to anything I had read in the past. It is an epistolary novel - in that it uses clippings of newspapers, diary entries and such to get the story across. It is also quite unusual in that due to the clippings you find you know what has happened quite early on in the novel but not how. I guess that is what keeps you reading, to find out exactly how it panned out.
I finished with a few questions remaining but perhaps that is part of the joy of a good novel - it gets you thinking and you end up questioning what actually happened and researching possible alternative endings.
I have found my new favourite author in Stephen King and already have Salem's Lot, The Shining and The Stand on order from the library!
Wonderful Wonderful by The Killers
Wonderful Wonderful by The Killers
2017 | Alternative, Indie
Alternative rock band The Killers are back in business with their 5th studio album, Wonderful Wonderful. The lead single off this album, “The Man,” was an instant hit with me. I remember thinking to myself when I first heard it on the radio, “This would make a great choice for an ESPN promo song during football season.” Sure enough, once the 2017 NFL season was underway I heard the song playing during an episode of ESPN’s Sunday NFL Countdown. Are those good instincts or what?
Anyways, going back to “The Man,” if you haven’t yet been struck by the contagion of the song you are missing out! The lyrics are so puffed up and arrogant, they’re simultaneously ridiculous and fun to listen to. Altogether, the song’s fast-paced, high-energy style reminds me a lot of “Move” by the band Saint Motel. It is the perfect song to listen to if and when you need to get pumped up for something.
Okay, enough about “The Man.” The 9 other tracks on The Killers’ latest album are all worth listening to as well. The second most energetic song on the album, “Run For Cover,” addresses domestic abuse; another track, “Rut” focuses on the struggles of PTSD; “Tyson vs Douglas” echoes the shock that lead vocalist Brandon Flowers felt after watching Mike Tyson get defeated for the first time in the memorable 1990 boxing match. The songs in this album are all so different from one another both message-wise and sound-wise, and that’s part of what makes Wonderful Wonderful one of the best albums The Killers have released. Fun fact: In one of the songs, “Some Kind of Love,” Flowers has his 3 sons doing backup vocals near the end…how cool is that?
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
Fantastic thoughtul and moving horror
The much-hyped horror series, telling the story of the Craine family who lived in "Hill House" during an ill-advised renovation project until the mother died in mysterious circumstances. The story moves between the present day, when the 5 Craine children are all grown up, and the past when they lived in Hill House.
The bulk of each episode is more focused on the drama of the family, and less focused on the horror aspects. But in each episode there are moments of utter, heart-stopping terror - either through true unexpected jump scares (there are few of these, but when they come, they are effective) or just complete bone-chilling creepiness.
As is so often the case, the viewers reaction to the ghostly interactions relies heavily on it happening to a child, really hitting hard at times.
I'm not a fan of horror films going all metaphysical and time-travelly (Paranormal Activity for one) but it is reasonably well handled here and isn't a forced point.
The cast is decent, if not outstanding, especially the younger child actors who are fantastic. And there's still something about Carla Gugino that makes me feel all funny.
I got a little distracted looking for the hidden ghosts throughout the series (there are over 40 of them, some are pretty much impossible to spot, others catch your eye after a few seconds and totally creep you out).
The series is somewhat toned down horror, there is virtually no gore and the jump-scares are few but effective, with much more focus on the drama. For me this was a refreshing twist on the genre and made it a much more enjoyable series than if it were all-out horror. A nice alternative to American Horror Story.

JT (287 KP) rated Sucker Punch (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Sucker Punch (2011)
Sucker Punch (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Sucker Punch will pack just that, a massive visual punch, so hard you’ll be doubled over by the stunning action sequences the film has to offer. Using a number of different scenarios from an alternative reality concocted in the mind of Baby Doll (Emily Browning), she plots a daring escape with the help of her fellow sexy inmates, and I do mean sexy.

This group include Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), Amber (Jamie Chung ) and sisters Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish) and Rocket (Jena Malone). They teach Baby to retreat into increasingly ridiculous fantasies to escape the sinister fate that awaits her. During a number of daring missions in which they tackle everything from Nazis, mechanical robots and fire breathing dragons they must acquire a selection of different items along the way each aiding them in their quest. All the time guided through by the Wise Man (Scott Glenn).

There is no denying that Snyder is one of the most exciting action directors about although some would say that his storytelling is not as strong. He leaves the backstory to be played out in the opening credits. Personally I don’t see anything wrong with that, in fact I think it is done very well.

It’s clear though from the limited and brief interlude of a back story that Snyder was only thinking about making these dream sequences as elaborate as he possibly and he certainly achieved that! The girls battle through in next to nothing, short skirts, knee high socks and push up bras. Titillating, it’s close to a peep show with guns.

Given that this is Snyder’s own original screenplay I think he has done enough to hold his own. While not as engaging as 300 or Watchmen it’s a definite A for effort with a soundtrack that is not a bad listen either.
Show all 4 comments.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Mar 12, 2020 (Updated Mar 12, 2020)

These films were good and underrated..

Dawn of the Dead, was a underrated horror remake.

300, was a underrated period action film,

Watchman, was a underrated comic book movie and

This movie, was a underrated psychological fantasy film.

The rest of his films kind of suck.


Jackjack (877 KP) Mar 12, 2020

So glad others have watched this! It is up there with my favourites. Not many of my friends have watched it or would give it a chance 🙄


Vince Clarke recommended Hotel California by Eagles in Music (curated)

Hotel California by Eagles
Hotel California by Eagles
1976 | Rock
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I've never seen them live, but I've seen loads of footage of them performing live. 'Hotel California' is an incredible track, or at least I think so. It's like a best of American rock, or country rock or whatever you want to call it, it's the perfect example of that genre. It's got perfect harmonies, really good songs. I love watching them with their double necked guitars and shit like that, it's just really professional, really impressive, something that I could never do. It's an admiration thing. I got into The Eagles late, about 1990 or something. I started hearing them a lot on the radio, I'd known their songs but hadn't paid any attention to them in any detail. Then when I started listening to them properly, I thought, ""Yeah man, that's pretty damn cool"". Living in America it's been interesting to discover that there's a much bigger alternative scene here than I imagined there was. I live in Brooklyn and there's a big electronic scene here, lots of people doing experimental music. The whole thing started with electroclash really, I loved that [chuckles], it was so cheeky. Since I did that record [VCMG] with Martin Gore I've been listening to a lot of techno stuff, it's not one particular artist, but I'm on Beatport every day. It's quite a revelation, I was quite out of touch with electronic music, but now I'm finding loads of new stuff. I'm working on another collaboration record, with various DJs and mixers, it's quite a long project, but I thought that rather than work with an individual it'd be interesting to get different people, get different angles on the music. Hopefully when Martin comes off tour and has a bit of time we could do another record together, because I really enjoyed doing the last one."

Krampus (2015)
Krampus (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Horror
Krampus is an absolute gem of a Christmas movie. It manages to pack in a bit of festive spirit, whilst simultaneously being a fun-as-hell horror ride, and has enough strikingly creepy imagery, ensuring it satisfies horror fans, and potentially a slightly younger audience at the same time.

The first third is sort of a comedy, as the characters are introduced against the familiar backdrop of having the dreaded experience of extended family over for the holidays. The cast are all great - Adam Scott, David Koechner, Allison Tolman, Conchata Ferrell and Krista Stacker all carve out personas with their own unique traits, and all do it in a relatble manner. The shining star is of course Toni Collette, who just manages to be fantastic in everything she's in, even a silly comedy horror like Krampus. The kid actors are great as well, especially Emjay Anthony as lead character Max.

When the horror starts to unfold, it's executed in a sort of gateway-horror style. It's fun enough to appeal to a younger audience as mentioned, but still has creepy moments. For instance, when the titular Krampus is first glimpsed, bounding across rooftops in a blizzard, it's a striking visual that manages to be quite haunting. The whole aesthetic is fantastic, festive one minute, dark and cold the next, with an almost Nightmare Before Christmas look to all of the monsters. Krampus himself looks horrifying when he is finally revealed in all his demonic yuletide glory. There's also an incredibly charming animated segment around the midway point that just adds even more to the overall experience.

If you're looking for an alternative Christmas movie, then you can do a lot worse than Krampus. It's hugely entertaining and memorable, and just a good time all round, and the best movie to include a scene involving murderous gingerbread men (sorry Gingerbread Man...)
Luuv - Single by Broken Hearts Club
Luuv - Single by Broken Hearts Club
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Broken Hearts Club (Richie Aquino and Bradly Baldwin) is a dream-pop duo from Orange County, California. Not too long ago, they released their debut single, entitled, “Luuv”.

“Don’t want to be here. Now I can’t see clear. This party’s starting to suck. Then you walked in slow like something magical and started changing my mind. Now every time I dream about you, you’re turning me on. But every time I think about you, it feels so wrong.” – lyrics

‘Luuv’ tells a bittersweet tale of a young guy who falls head-over-heels in love with a desirable female.

Apparently, in the beginning, all is good and well with them. He always wants to feel her lips, steal a long kiss, and see her eyes in the morning light.
But unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end, and he experiences an emotional heartbreak. Now that she’s gone, he dreams about her all of the time and can’t seem to get her out of his mind.

‘Luuv’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and groovy instrumentation scented with an emo-indie-alternative aroma.

Also, the likable tune will be featured on Broken Hearts Club’s upcoming EP, entitled, “Make Out Music”.

“This song is about being so wrapped up in someone that you clearly know is not right for you. That you would rather be miserable having pieces of them than being happy having never known them at all.” – Broken Hearts Club

Broken Hearts Club came to life in 2019, when they bonded over their recent breakups, near-death experience, and their love of Rachael Leigh Cook and 90’s RomComs.

But instead of sulking in their pain, the duo turned their inspiration into a dream-pop world filled with songs about love and heartbreaks.