Can a bout of laziness or a digressive spell actually open up paths to creativity and unexpected...

Groovy Science: Knowledge, Innovation, and American Counterculture
David Kaiser and Patrick McCray
In his 1969 book The Making of a Counterculture, Theodore Roszak described the youth of the late...

Awix (3310 KP) rated The World in Winter in Books
Sep 5, 2019
What makes the book a bit problematic for a modern reader is that some of the attitudes in it feel uncomfortably close to outright racism - it almost feels like a cautionary parable about what would happen if the traditional colonial roles were reversed and Africans were in a position of power over Europeans. That the book is a product of the era when the British Empire was dissolving is obvious, and the racial attitudes do impact on the story - protagonist and antagonist form an alliance at the end, despite a long history of bitter conflict between them, simply because they are both white men and the alternative is to allow Africans to dominate the UK. While the book should be considered in the context of its time, it still leaves a very sour taste in the mouth, quite unlike any of the author's other books.

Facing it: Epiphany and Apocalypse in the New Nature
Blending memoir, cultural history, and a literary perspective, Facing It bears witness to...

Music Tubee - Music Video Player for YouTube
Music and Photo & Video
Music Tubee is a simple way to listen to the top ranked and latest hits of your favorite songs. ...

Beyond Blaxploitation
Novotny Lawrence and Gerald R. Butters
Beyond Blaxploitation, the first book-length anthology of scholarly work on blaxploitation films,...

Hippie Food: How Back-to-the-Landers, Longhairs, and Revolutionaries Changed the Way We Eat
An enlightening narrative history—an entertaining fusion of Tom Wolfe and Michael Pollan—that...
food history
The Chinese Typewriter: A History
Chinese writing is character based, the one major world script that is neither alphabetic nor...
Globalization and the Critique of Political Economy: New Insights from Marx's Writings
The nature of the contemporary global political economy and the significance of the current crisis...