Museums, Heritage and Indigenous Voice: Decolonizing Engagement
Current discourse on Indigenous engagement in museum studies is often dominated by curatorial and...
Satow's Diplomatic Practice
First published in 1917, Satow's Diplomatic Practice has long been hailed as a classic and...

Ash by Ibeyi
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French-Cuban twins Ibeyi are back with their second album Ash, a record that tackles subjects as...
World experimental electronic

ClareR (5789 KP) rated Babel: An Arcane History in Books
Feb 14, 2023
Robin Swift is brought to England by a mysterious Englishman after he is orphaned in Canton. The Englishman educates him, and then sends Robin to Babel to continue his studies. But is Babel everything that Robin wants or expects it to be?
This truly imaginative novel looks at colonialism, the power of language, resistance and sacrifice.
I loved the narration as well, it really added to the story, I felt, particularly the footnotes that were inserted into the rest of the dialogue explaining pronunciation and etymology (I really liked these parts, more than is normal or socially acceptable, probably! 🤭). I’ll admit that there were some mispronunciations of the Oxford colleges which would have been easy to avoid (I have to admit to mainly learning how to pronounce them by watching University Challenge 😆).
If you love language, languages (I do!), fantasy and an alternative history, then this will really appeal to you.
I do feel that I should have finished the book having learnt at least one more language though. Ah well 🤷🏼♀️
The Politics and Philosophy of Chinese Power: The Timeless and the Timely
R. James Ferguson and Rosita Dellios
This book provides a timely analysis of the politics, philosophy, and history of Chinese power,...

Austere Gardens: Thoughts on Landscape, Restraint, & Attending
Austere Gardens suggests that being open to other ways of observing and sensing can yield new...

Danielle: Chronicles of Superheroine
USA Today Top 150 Best Seller Publishers Weekly Best Seller Ray Kurzweil, legendary inventor and...

Debbiereadsbook (1327 KP) rated Lonestar's Lady in Books
Dec 15, 2017
Gussy travels across the country to find the man she was supposed to marry a liar, and a drunken fellow. Max Lonestar offers Gussy an alternative, one that would get them both what they want. Can Gussy see past Max' history, his prison time, his heritage??
I thoroughly enjoyed this!
Gussy is a bit of a headstrong young lady, and for her time, maybe too much, but she wants what every girl of her age wants: a husband, a permanent home, children. Granted, she went across country as a mail order bride to get what she wants, so maybe not the best way, but Lonestar's alternative is better than a trip home. And let's face it, Lonestar is a much better looking man than her original intended! So she puts her heart and soul, and indeed her body, into making this work, even when Lonestar pushes her away when things get dangerous.
Pulled to Augusta like no woman has ever pulled him, he hopes and prays that this will work, that she will give him what he craves. I liked that he gave her an "out" option should they not be able to work it. I liked that he, and he alone called her Augusta.
It's quite obvious who is causing the trouble to Max and Gussy, to me at least, I just didn't think he would go THAT far! I LOVED that the town pulled together, finally, to help Gussy and Max rebuild.
Not overly explicit, it carries the right amount of steamy stuff that is proper for this book, and for the time this was set. Just enough, I thought! It does carry some prejudices but they were common at that time (some still today!)
Not a difficult read, just one of those books you can fall into and lose a couple hours, I managed to read this in one sitting. But well written, from both Gussy and Max' point of view, so you get to hear from both of them.
Thank you to Ms Camp for my copy, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated The Philosopher's Flight in Books
May 29, 2018
I love stories that take me away to another place - get me out of reality and imagine what life would be like if things were "different". And this book does just that. It's very clever how it's pretty historically accurate, just with this twist of Sigilry, these signs and symbols drawn to move energy and ultimately produce some sort of effect (hovering/flying, restoring health, moving an object, sending messages). There are great stories of friendship, interesting characters, and stories of love as well. All wrapped up in a creative story of action, adventure and social-awareness.
There are a few "racy" scenes...so I'd recommend a more mature audience, but its fantastic all-around in general. I'm excited to see if the Philosopher Flies Again! Thanks NetGalley!

Ross (3284 KP) rated You Die When You Die in Books
Jan 21, 2020
There follows a brilliant, exciting, funny story of this small clan with mixed abilities (some well trained warriors, some powerful yet cowardly warlocks, some useless wastes of space) travelling across North America, hunted by the magically-enhanced warriors sent to end them, and meeting numerous clans and tribes along the way.
The wonderful merging of plausible pre-history America and a more familiar fantasy setting (prophecies, evil empires, warriors) results in this superb story. The dialogue is witty and funny, the world is familiar yet strange enough to make you think, and the action sequences are fantastically narrated, often from different viewpoints.
The characters are all very well crafted and unique, and their interactions and conflicts really spur this story on.
I would urge anyone keen on fantasy to read this book. While the cover, and title, may suggest it is a brutal slobberknocker of a book, it is actually very clever, funny and thrilling.
I cannot wait to jump in to the next book in this trilogy. Wootah!!!