Cuzco & the Inca Heartland
Robert Kunstaetter and Daisy Kunstaetter
Peru's Inca Heartland is home to lost cities, ancient trails and colonial palaces. Footprint's Cuzco...

The Counterlife
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction The Counterlife is about people...

Perspecta 48: Amnesia
Aaron Dresben, Edward Hsu, Andrea Leung and Ted Quintana
Architecture, the most durable of the arts, is inextricably linked to issues of memory, nostalgia,...
Boats on the Marne: Jean Renoir's Critique of Modernity
Boats on the Marne offers an original interpretation of Jean Renoir's celebrated films of the 1930s,...

Reclaiming Pluralism in Economics
Jerry Courvisanos, James Doughney and Alex Millmow
Until the end of the early 1970s, from a history of economic thought perspective, the mainstream in...

Spatial Cultures: Towards a New Social Morphology of Cities Past and Present
Sam Griffiths, Alexander von Lunen and Matthew Carmona
What is the relationship between how cities work and what cities mean? Spatial Cultures: Towards a...

Conservation and Development
Andrew Newsham and Shonil Bhagwat
Conservation and development share an intertwined history dating back to at least the 1700s. But...

Economics for Business: A Guide to Decision Making in a Complex Global Macroeconomy
Economics for Business enables the reader to develop a clear understanding of the economic...

Agrarian Dreams: The Paradox of Organic Farming in California
In this ground breaking study of organic farming, Julie Guthman challenges accepted wisdom about...
Liturgical Reform After Vatican: The Impact on Eastern Orthodoxy
Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC) was the first document promulgated by the Second Vatican Council. The...