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Low Tide (2019)
Low Tide (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
Solid Movie Despite Some Slow Spots
A friendship breaks in half when the trio discover prized gold during a routine break-in.

Acting: 9

Beginning: 8
The beginning is harrowing as we are immediately thrown into the consequences of the friends’ actions. As they make their escape through their sleepy town, I was intrigued by what was to come. I have seen better starts, but I was definitely impressed here.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Director Kevin McMullin captures the vibe of a small town perfectly. As two of the characters ride a ferris wheel above the heights of a carnival, bright colors pop through the dull fog coming off the ocean. Shots like this and many more set the scene perfectly for the story.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 8

Memorability: 7
While the movie isn’t chocked full of historic moments, there are enough high points in Low Tide to leave a lasting impact. I enjoyed the thrill ride I was taken on as I didn’t really have any idea how things would end up. The story is one I enjoyed and has a solid replay value.

Pace: 7

Plot: 8

Resolution: 5

Overall: 82
Despite its slow moments in spots, Low Tide has a number of high points that drive the overall excitement of the story. I didn’t know what to expect when I started the movie but was ultimately impressed by how well it was put together. I definitely recommend giving this one a watch on Amazon Prime.