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JT (287 KP) rated Drive Angry (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Drive Angry (2011)
Drive Angry (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
5.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The only thing going for this piece of red necked, muscle car mayhem was that it was shot in 3D, and maybe the inclusion of Amber Heard. Aside from that is was pretty poor and that is being nice. After Ghost Rider I thought Nicolas Cage might steer clear of the ‘escaped-from-hell- out-for-revenge’ type role, but he’s ventured straight back.

Cage plays Milton a father who is out for justice after escaping from hell (why he’s in there we’re not sure, all we know he’s a former criminal) to avenge the death of his daughter and save his granddaughter.

Hot on his heels is The Accountant played by William Fichtner, who was actually one of the shining lights of the film. Smartly dressed in a suit with a coin very reminiscent of Harvey Two Face for quick decision making or possible misdirection he ads some comedic presence and has some of the films’ best lines.

In the end the finale is the only thing to get excited about as you realise that the film is finally going to be over

Amber Heard was there for pure sex appeal, and when she was sat in that muscle car every bloke would have been reaching for the bucket of cold water. But she doesn’t hold up the side-kick role at all well, instead she swears a bit, kicks some ex boyfriends’ ass and gets her nails painted by a random naked bloke in a hotel room.

The title Drive Angry should suggest just that, but fails. We get the odd car chase but its hardly anything to get excited about. How can you, when a muscle car as powerful as it is fails to keep up with a camper van full of sadistic Satan worshippers!

In the end the finale is the only thing to get excited about as you realise that the film is finally going to be over. Cage looks bored practically all the way through it, and had he actually bothered to be awake it might have been a better vehicle.

Instead this one got a flat the moment the opening credits rolled.
Pineapple Express (2008)
Pineapple Express (2008)
2008 | Comedy
The ultimate stoner movie - rivaled only by 𝘛𝘦𝘥 and 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘥 & 𝘒𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘳 𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘎𝘶𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘰 𝘉𝘢𝘺. Just so precisely captures that essence of getting high with your buddies, and then ingeniously represents it through these literal Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Chaotic Evil trio of leads - played to (unsurprising) perfection by Franco, Rogen, and McBride respectively. The comedic value earned in each scene by transitioning from shooting the shit about nonsensical high musings abruptly into blunt violence cannot be understated - those fights are so side-splitting. And I'll be damned but the action... actually looks like action! Further proof that these are at their best when made by people who regularly get blazed as hell. Two hours straight of hilarious Rogen and co. histrionics, general destruction and chaos which routinely draw blood, and it ends with a 15 minute long shootout + fistfight combo in a pot farm. Just spectacular, as funny during its low-key moments as it is when it goes off the rails. Naturally, Amber Heard is the only major weak point.
The Ward (2010)
The Ward (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Very poor
I've considered this film every time I've looked through horror films on Sky, mainly because it's John Carpenter, and I finally decided to give it a go this evening. Sadly I wish I hadn't bothered.

This film might have been made in 2010, but it looks a lot more like it was filmed when the film is actually set in the 60s. And I don't mean from a realism point of view either. It looks and feels that bad, the effects are awful - admittedly this is kind of explained during the ending but for me it was still no excuse for shoddy physical effects. Amber Heard is actually okay in this but sadly the rest of the cast are rather unremarkable. The wonderful Jared Harris is definitely underused. The whole film relies on poor effects and predictable and rather pathetic jump scares that aren't even scary. The horror aspect of this film is sadly lacking.

I didn't see the ending coming, but even when it did this sort of storyline has been done in much bigger and better films. And the final scene was rather pathetic and obvious.
Overall a very poor return for John Carpenter.
Machete Kills (2013)
Machete Kills (2013)
2013 | Action
6.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
B-Movie Exloitation Film
Like I said in my Machete review, its so weird and odd to see some of these actors working together, cause you would never think in a million years that some of these people would work together like.. Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Sofia Vergara, Amber Heard, Walton Goggins, Lady Gaga, Cuba Gooding Jr., Antoino Banderas and Vanesssa Hudgens. Like would ever thought that all of these actors would work together in a B-Movie Exploitation film called Machete Kills is just strange and somehow it works. I dont how, but it just works.

The plot: When the president (Carlos Estevez) of the United States has a mission that would be impossible for just any mortal man, the person he needs is Machete (Danny Trejo), a knife-wielding ex-Federale agent. Machete's mission is to take down Voz (Mel Gibson), a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has come up with a plot to start a nuclear war. Facing death at every turn from assassins, Machete pulls out all of his skills to get the job done.

If you havent see either of the machete movies go watch them.

JT (287 KP) rated The Ward (2010) in Movies

Mar 16, 2020  
The Ward (2010)
The Ward (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Occasional good use of camera angles (0 more)
Poor acting (2 more)
Laughable twist
Not scary
Carpenter must have been having an off day
his is a massive disappointment and there is no place to hide here for John Carpenter who making a return to directing since 2001′s Ghosts of Mars has delivered us a real ‘dog’ of a film.

I’m a big fan of his work, but that is his early work with the likes of Halloween and The Thing as my personal favourites, but here Carpenter’s trademark suspense is all but lost in a story that is as predictable as it is stupid.

After setting fire to a barn Kristen (Amber Heard) is sent to a mental hospital, where she is terrorised by a ghost, a hidden past his reflected upon but never fully delved into. There is of course more to it than that, and Heard spends a vast majority of the time either locked in her room or trying to escape while at the same time piecing the puzzle together with the help of some of her fellow inmates.

Carpenter’s use of the wide camera angle is effective in places, and the long cold corridors of the ward are enough to give anyone the chills. However, it is not built on in any way and all the suspense is somewhat lost by the poor acting and monotonous build-up to the next potential terrifying scene. When the ghost is revealed it is, to be honest laughable and not in the least bit frightening which is probably one of the main downfalls of the film.

The twist ending is anything but predictable and you could have spotted it a mile off, it’s a poor effort this perhaps not helped in the writing department, but Carpenter is one of the masters of horror but here he hasn’t even bothered to turn up.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Dec 22, 2018 (Updated Dec 22, 2018)  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
CGI/VFX (0 more)
I was expecting this movie to be a clusterf*** if I'm being honest. the trailers made it look really hokey. BUT, this movie was super entertaining. Of course, it was predictable, as most mainstream films are, but I wasn't super annoyed by it. It was a big, slightly dumb, fun film.
The action was good. The VFX/CGI made this entire film, and... cough, cough, Marvel take note because the CGI in the last 3rd of Black Panther and last battle scene in IW were a cluster from a VFX standpoint.
Do you want fighting underwater? Some dude in a weird helmet with daddy issues? A slight Indiana Jones vibe for around 30 minutes? Some big d*** energy from Aquaman? Then, this is the film for you.
I don't even like Amber Heard, but she was one of my favorite characters. I don't think Aquaman really had to save her throughout the movie. Jason Momoa was definitely the right person to pull off Aquaman without making him super weird.
The only weird casting decision was Patrick Wilson... Anytime I see him in films, I think of that super weird/awkward sex scene in Watchmen, which forever scarred me...I will gladly go see this at least one more time before it leaves theaters.
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
A little too cheesy
I really badly wanted to like this film, but for me it was a little too bad in places to really be anything other than just ‘ok’.

As stated by virtually everyone else who has reviewed it so far, the CGI is fantastic. For the most part, this film looks visually stunning. There are a few instances though where I thought some of the sets and costumes were a little too lurid and garish and looked a little bit ridiculous. But mostly it looked great. And I give a huge thumbs up to the fight scenes - I’m sick of watching shaky camera fights that give you motion sickness, so it was freshing to watch the brilliantly shot and choreographed scenes in this, the flowed very well. Jason Momoa is also fantastic, he plays Aquaman perfectly with just enough charm, brashness and charisma to make him funny and likeable. I even found myself liking Amber Heard, which is odd as I’ve never liked her in anything else. The rest of the cast though are hit and miss; the excellent Willem Defoe is underused, Patrick Wilson is misplaced and hamming it up far too much, and I can’t look at Nicole Kidman anymore without seeing all of the fakery and plastic in her face... and Black Manta? When he turned up in his fancy suit, he just looked like a goth version of Alpha from the Power Rangers. Very poor choice of bad guy there.

Where this film really falters though is the script and parts of the plot. Whilst this film is obviously meant to be silly, the script is horrendous and stilted in parts and the plot is beyond predictable. And I also thought the runtime is much too long. The cast, effects and director do their best, but it’s let down by the writing.

Also, did anyone else think the Karathen looked like a Kaiju? Didn’t clock she was voiced by Julie Andrews though until afterwards.
Show all 3 comments.

Ross (3282 KP) Jan 9, 2019

Lol'ing at Black Manta being a goth Alpha.


Sarah (7798 KP) Jan 9, 2019

@Erika she did didn’t she? I’m surprised she still gets any roles now as she can’t really move her face...

Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Momoa saves it from being a complete disaster
I have been a defender of the darker DC Universe films. While not as popular (nor, generally, as good) as their Marvel counterparts, they all do have their good points - until now.

AQUAMAN is not a very good film and I could really only come up with 1 good point - Jason Momoa as Aquaman. Some are calling him "the next Rock" and he certainly has the physique, the screen presence and the charm to pull this off. This movie ALMOST worked because of Momoa's presence on the screen.


Director James Wan (Furious 7, The Conjuring) certainly had the "chops" to Direct a film like this, unfortunately, I found his Direction to be choppy. What I mean by that is that this film never really settled into a good flow. It cut back and forth - both in content and in tone - to such an extent that I, the movie-goer, could never settle back into my seat and enjoy the ride. I'm sure Mr. Wan would call this movie a "roller-coaster ride", but if it is, it is an old, wooden, rickety roller coaster, jarring the riders as they go.

As for the cast, they are "fine". From Patrick Wilson to Amber Heard to Willem DaFoe to Dolph Lundgren(!) to good ol' Nicole Kidman. They all do decent, professional jobs with what they are given, but what they are given is weak and disjointed.

I would like to point out Yahya Abdul-Mateen as the sub-villain of this piece, Black Manta. This is the most incompetent Super-Villain in any Super Hero movie to date. His Black Manta was there, obviously, to give Aquaman someone to beat. And he beats him...again...and again...and again.

All I wanted to do was "beat feet" out of the theater.

Letter Grade: C+ (for Momoa's efforts)

5 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)