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The second book in Michael Arnold's planned <i>Captain Stryker</i> series of books, all set during the time of the English Civil War.

Despite being one of the defining period in English history, it's actually a subject rarely touched upon: when I was at school, we were taught more about the American Civil War than about the English counter-part! Short of this series, I can't - personally - think of any other novels set in and around the same period.

Like Cornwell's [i]Sharpe[/i] series of books, the events of this are all set in and around real historical events: in this case, the storming of Cirencester, the siege of Lichfield and the battle of Hopton Heath. If I'm honest, I wasn't familiar with any of these events, which is something I've always enjoyed about this type of book: a chance to learn some new history while also enjoying a good read! :)