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    Amy Louise (1 KP)


    Lover and collector of books, avid reader and tentative writer. English literature graduate and...

    Last Active: Jan 2, 2019
Seasons of an Amish Garden
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you’ve followed my blog for sometime now, you’ll know that one of my favorite genres, outside of thriller novels, is Amish fiction. And, in that Amish Fiction, I have 5 top favorite authors. One of those is, without a doubt, Amy Clipston. I fell in love with her writing style and books way back when I read a book she did that wasn’t Amish fiction. Every time I pick up a novel by her, she sweeps me off my feet and puts me in the heart of the book, as she did with this new one.

This is a collection of four novellas. These novellas feature the characters from her novella in An Amish Love collection. Each story here brings us a different season, in which the garden that is planted will grow. Each story, each season, brings something new to the book, taking the reader on a whirl wind ride of love, hope, fun, and memories.

The characters that Clipston brings us back to, all feel like coming home to family. They are chiseled perfectly, their emotions radiating right off the pages. My personal favorite from this collection is Home By Summer, which is following Clara Hertzler and Jerry Petersheim. I loved the message woven into this particular story. Understanding, hope, and most of all, renewed faith in the Lord above. I felt so refreshed after reading their story!

Anything less than 4 stars for this captivating read, would be injustice. The pages of this book will pull you in, have you up late into the night, making new friends, and enjoying time with old friends. If you are looking for a book that will refresh your mind, your soul, and take you through the seasons of life, then grab a copy now. You will not be sorry, and if you’re new to Amy Clipston’s work, you’ll be a new fan, instantly! Amy Clipston, hats off to you, once again, for another collection of heartwarming stories that I won’t soon forget!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Booklook Blogger Program and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

ClareR (5667 KP) rated The Disappeared in Books

May 25, 2019  
The Disappeared
The Disappeared
Amy Lord | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dystopian Britain
Set in the near future, Britain has become a one party, military controlled state, where reading the wrong book could mean that you are ‘disappeared’.

The Authorisation Bureau we’re responsible for the disappearance of Clara’s father, a university English lecturer, and she is determined to pick up where he left off. Along with her History professor boyfriend, they decide to teach a select group of students about the past and the books that they are now forbidden to read. But things do not go as planned. Clara has some protection, as her stepfather is a ‘high up’ interrogator with the Authorisation Bureau, but this can only go so far to protect her.

I thoroughly enjoyed this dark tale of an alternate UK. It was rather violent in places, but it’s message was ultimately that of hope. My only complaint (which isn’t really a complaint) is that we could have done with more from the resistance organisation, Lumiere. I would have loved to have read more about them.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to the author, Amy Lord, for reading along and answering questions.
An Amish Reunion
An Amish Reunion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful collection of stories about different seasons of change !
  In the first story Amy Clipston gives us a story about Marlene and Rudy, a young couple learning change through working together. Marlene navigates the change of moving home after years spent away and she deals with memories of loss associated home. I thought this was a great story on how to push yourself to overcome past sadness and turn it to something new.
  In the second story Beth Wiseman tells a story about Ruth and Gideon and how they deal with the loss of a child and the impact on their marriage. They don't handle the loss well at first, but after five years the Lord leads them home to each other. A great story about grief and the growing that can come out of that time in life.
  The third story is by Kathleen Fuller. She tells a story about a wonderful, sarcastic, and straight speaking Grandma type lady who is used to matchmaking for other people. But this time God had something special in mind for her. A very sweet story.
  Last but not least we get a story by Kelly Irvin. She tells us a story about a young couple who didn't wait and it was made worse by some decisions that were made. But through their trials came forgiveness and growing into the people that God wanted for them to be. A particularly good story as it is not always a subject people will face head on. I loved it and I think it was a great representation of the true circumstances that people go through when they have a baby out of wedlock, especially in an Amish community,
  This is a great collection of stories that I would definitely recommend reading, it is great encouragement when going through different seasons of change.
  I volunteered to read this book from Zondervan Fiction in return for my honest feedback. The opinions expressed within are my own.