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Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated The Refugees in Books
Jul 24, 2017
Enjoyable but the stories are disparate
Viet Thanh Nguyen is a wonderful storyteller, bringing together both the hardships and opportunities faced by the refugee Vietnamese community. The stories are a complex mix of perspectives highlighting the difficulties of trying to balance identities. Only the theme seems to tie the stories together, which makes it slightly disjointed at times. And while I have read more emotive experiences, it still makes for an enjoyable read.
The Pho Cookbook by Andrea Nguyen is an in-depth introduction to pho and its history. The book is split into six sections Pho Manual, Master Pho, Adventurous Pho, Pho Add-ons, Stir-fried, Pan-fried pho and Deep-fried Pho and Pho Sidekicks. Each section is includes high quality photographs that show both food and life in Vietnam.
An excellent book, both from the point of view of the approach and extensive documentation, as well as a sample of quality food writing. Beyond the useful directions and details about how to prepare the traditional Pho, and the meals to match with, the reader is also offered anthropological observations about the history of this meal and other insider information based on frequent visits to Vietnam and direct experience in her mother's restaurant.
The book provided many variations of Pho, which I am looking forward to trying out. While I haven't yet made any of the recipes, I did read over them and they vary in skill and level of difficulty, which is something I appreciate as a lover of Pho as well as a lover of easy recipes.
I received this book from Ten Speed Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
An excellent book, both from the point of view of the approach and extensive documentation, as well as a sample of quality food writing. Beyond the useful directions and details about how to prepare the traditional Pho, and the meals to match with, the reader is also offered anthropological observations about the history of this meal and other insider information based on frequent visits to Vietnam and direct experience in her mother's restaurant.
The book provided many variations of Pho, which I am looking forward to trying out. While I haven't yet made any of the recipes, I did read over them and they vary in skill and level of difficulty, which is something I appreciate as a lover of Pho as well as a lover of easy recipes.
I received this book from Ten Speed Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated Strange world (2022) in Movies
Jan 7, 2023
Takes Too Long To Find It's Legs
If a film is going to be 1/2 good and 1/2 bad, is it better to have the good part first (which will get you to watch until the end) or last (which will leave you with a good feeling, if you make it that far). With the new Disney Animated Film STRANGE WORLD it is bad first, good second. So, if you stick through the disjointed first part of this film, you’ll be rewarded for your persistence with an interesting and satisfying finale.
A nod to the “Pulp Magazine” Science Fiction works of the 1950’s, STRANGE WORLD follows the adventures of the Clade clan as they try to find out what is beyond the hills of their land with the central conflict of this movie being that the Grandfather - the great explorer Jaeger Clade - wanting to explore. His son, Searcher Clade, wanting to stay put and the Grandson, Ethan Clade, caught between the 2.
It is pretty standard fare that is made all the more confusing by the setup of the premise and the clumsy introduction of the myriad of characters and situations that leads the audience to the exploration adventure that is to come.
Written and Co-Directed by Qui Nguyen (and directed by Don Hall) - both of whom are responsible for the criminally under-rated RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON - Strange World stumbles out of the gate and spends the first 1/2 (maybe even the first 2/3) trying to recover from that stumble.
It finally does get it’s legs under itself and the end is worth the patience one must have to get through the beginning.
The voice cast is steady - but unspectacular. Jake Gyllenhaal (Searcher), Gabrielle Union (Meridian Clade - the Mom and pilot), Jaboukie Young-White (Ethan, the Grandson), Lucy Liu (explorer Callisto Mal) and Dennis Quaid (Jaeger, the Grandfather) all put in “professional” work, but none of them stick out - which is especially disappointing in Quaid’s case, for his character looks like it was written to be the quirky, different, interesting character.
Disney animation has had a mixed bag with “action/adventure” animated films. For every BIG HERO 6, there are TREASURE PLANET attempts that seemed earnest and well-meaning, but just don’t hit the mark.
If you are in the mood for a good Disney/Animated adventure that comes from Hall and Nguyen, skip STRANGE WORLD and, instead, check out RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON.
Letter Grade: C+
5 1/2 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
A nod to the “Pulp Magazine” Science Fiction works of the 1950’s, STRANGE WORLD follows the adventures of the Clade clan as they try to find out what is beyond the hills of their land with the central conflict of this movie being that the Grandfather - the great explorer Jaeger Clade - wanting to explore. His son, Searcher Clade, wanting to stay put and the Grandson, Ethan Clade, caught between the 2.
It is pretty standard fare that is made all the more confusing by the setup of the premise and the clumsy introduction of the myriad of characters and situations that leads the audience to the exploration adventure that is to come.
Written and Co-Directed by Qui Nguyen (and directed by Don Hall) - both of whom are responsible for the criminally under-rated RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON - Strange World stumbles out of the gate and spends the first 1/2 (maybe even the first 2/3) trying to recover from that stumble.
It finally does get it’s legs under itself and the end is worth the patience one must have to get through the beginning.
The voice cast is steady - but unspectacular. Jake Gyllenhaal (Searcher), Gabrielle Union (Meridian Clade - the Mom and pilot), Jaboukie Young-White (Ethan, the Grandson), Lucy Liu (explorer Callisto Mal) and Dennis Quaid (Jaeger, the Grandfather) all put in “professional” work, but none of them stick out - which is especially disappointing in Quaid’s case, for his character looks like it was written to be the quirky, different, interesting character.
Disney animation has had a mixed bag with “action/adventure” animated films. For every BIG HERO 6, there are TREASURE PLANET attempts that seemed earnest and well-meaning, but just don’t hit the mark.
If you are in the mood for a good Disney/Animated adventure that comes from Hall and Nguyen, skip STRANGE WORLD and, instead, check out RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON.
Letter Grade: C+
5 1/2 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Hairpin Bridge in Books
Jun 17, 2021
A harrowing, page-turner of a thriller
Lena Nguyen arrives in Montana to figure out what happened to her twin sister, Cambry. Three months ago, Cambry supposedly committed suicide on Hairpin Bridge, but Lena simply cannot believe it's true. Now she's at the bridge, driving her sister's abandoned car, to find out what really happened. She's meeting Corporal Raymond Raycevic, the highway patrolman who found the body, at the scene itself. He seems apologetic and straightforward. Still, Lena remains suspicious. Records show Raycevic pulled Cambry over for speeding just a hour before her death. And what about the sixteen attempted 911 calls she made in the dead zone? Or the fact that Raycevic's name appears in the final text Lena ever received from Cambry? Despite the fact the sisters were basically estranged, Lena needs to know what happened to Cambry. But the more she digs, the more Lena's own survival may be in jeopardy out there on Hairpin Bridge.
"I have to know. What happened to you, Cambry?"
I actually read Adams' NO EXIT not that long ago and that book totally stressed me out. This one did the same, though thankfully a kid wasn't full and center. Goodness, he excels at writing at tense, action-packed books. This thriller certainly keeps you guessing--I was never exactly sure what was real or what was truly happening or had happened.
HAIRPIN BRIDGE, crazily enough, mostly takes place on a bridge (who knew?), but it alternates between the past and present. It's told in snippets, with Lena and Raycevic's perspectives in the here and now, and then pieces of Lena's blog, as well as what seems to be Cambry's past flashbacks, but could be Lena's own interpretation of what happened. This part was the hardest for me, as that was incredibly confusing. The idea is to keep you off-balance and prevent you from knowing what was really happening, but sometimes I felt a bit too confused.
This thriller feels more like a movie than a book at times, with its dramatic tension and constant "what on earth can happen next" feel. Lena comes across like an action hero in moments, and I often wondered what else Adams could throw at us. (Oh, he could come up with more insanity, don't worry.) The result is a book that's dark, action-packed, and sometimes completely horrifying. It's incredibly dramatic, but wow, does it keep you turning the pages. I know I finished this one in less than 24 hours. I absolutely had to find out what happened to Cambry, Lena, and Raycevic.
As I felt with NO EXIT, I'm not sure I really enjoyed this book. It's more that I survived it. I admire its structure, and it's great having a page-turner to fly through. I would have liked being a little less confused, but there were some great, terrifying twists here. If you don't mind a graphic and dark thriller, I recommend this one. 3.75/4 stars.
"I have to know. What happened to you, Cambry?"
I actually read Adams' NO EXIT not that long ago and that book totally stressed me out. This one did the same, though thankfully a kid wasn't full and center. Goodness, he excels at writing at tense, action-packed books. This thriller certainly keeps you guessing--I was never exactly sure what was real or what was truly happening or had happened.
HAIRPIN BRIDGE, crazily enough, mostly takes place on a bridge (who knew?), but it alternates between the past and present. It's told in snippets, with Lena and Raycevic's perspectives in the here and now, and then pieces of Lena's blog, as well as what seems to be Cambry's past flashbacks, but could be Lena's own interpretation of what happened. This part was the hardest for me, as that was incredibly confusing. The idea is to keep you off-balance and prevent you from knowing what was really happening, but sometimes I felt a bit too confused.
This thriller feels more like a movie than a book at times, with its dramatic tension and constant "what on earth can happen next" feel. Lena comes across like an action hero in moments, and I often wondered what else Adams could throw at us. (Oh, he could come up with more insanity, don't worry.) The result is a book that's dark, action-packed, and sometimes completely horrifying. It's incredibly dramatic, but wow, does it keep you turning the pages. I know I finished this one in less than 24 hours. I absolutely had to find out what happened to Cambry, Lena, and Raycevic.
As I felt with NO EXIT, I'm not sure I really enjoyed this book. It's more that I survived it. I admire its structure, and it's great having a page-turner to fly through. I would have liked being a little less confused, but there were some great, terrifying twists here. If you don't mind a graphic and dark thriller, I recommend this one. 3.75/4 stars.