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The Tiger Warrior (Jack Howard #4)
The Tiger Warrior (Jack Howard #4)
David Gibbins | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Tiger Warrior follows archaeologist and adventurer Jack Howard as he follows a tantalising clue that perhaps some escaped Roman legionaries had found themselves pitched against the bodyguard of the First Emperor of China and one had taken refuge in the jungles of India.

This might sound far-fetched but Gibbins knows his archaeology and comes up with a plausible (if tenuous) story to make this work. The story is then taken up at the end of the 19th century in India when Howard's great great grandfather is part of the British Royal Engineers Corps trying to push roads - and hence British rule - into the jungle. He stumbles across an old temple that contains a secret.

The story roves around the the world showing us some incredible - but real - historic sites across Asia. Genuine books and records are quoted to back up the (modern day) Howard's quest to find out what happened - to both the Romans and his antecedant. Everything has very solid historical underpinnings with the more fantastic elements of the story cleverly weaved between them.

I did enjoy the book but it wasn't an unqualified success. There isn't really much menace, threat or drama in what happens to Jack Howard and his associates as they follow the past (told in a series of flashback chapters), uncovering clues one step at a time. Yes there are 'bad guys' but they seem quite ineffectual and the 'big boss' is in fact never seen at all but only mentioned in passing towards the end of the book. Judging by the notes from the author this is a very personal book - the character and story of Jack's ancestor in India is very much based on his own forebear - and this limits the scope for making the pieces fit into a pleasing whole.

That isn't to say I didn't enjoy reading it - as a subtle way of introducing surprising archaeological facts it works well (I didn't know that Ancient Rome traded with India but apparently so) and some of the set pieces are gripping to read. I will certainly be finding another Jack Howard book to read, but I suspect this was too personal a project for my first taste, which is s shame.
The Calling (Endgame #1)
The Calling (Endgame #1)
James Frey | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The result of collaboration between James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton is this first book in a dystopian series, <i>Endgame: The Calling</i>. Twelve teenage descendants of ancient cultures from across the world have been trained to represent humanity in a game that will determine the future of the world. The only way to win is to discover three keys and be the last player left alive. These young people are not just playing for their own lives for if they die their entire family line will be wiped out.

<i>Endgame: The Calling</i> focuses on discovering the first key, Earth Key. After meeting each other in China, each of the twelve is given a clue to solve that will help lead them in the right direction. Although there can only be one winner, a couple of the player decide to help each other out, but is there really anyone who can be trusted?

<i>Endgame</i> reminds me of <i>The Hunger Games</i> by Suzanne Collins but on a much larger scale, and also a more adult version. The entire planet is the games’ arena, which does not bode well for a lot of the world’s inhabitants. That is one of the things I disliked about this book, the unnecessary deaths of innocents. There was a lot of gruesome murder, which admittedly is the point of <i>Endgame</i>, but some of it was uncalled-for.

I did not particularly care for the writing style and formatting of the text. It was often confusing to work out who was saying or doing what. Another thing I did not like was that there was not an obvious protagonist. It is hard to know whether there is a particular character we should be rooting for or whether they should all be regarded as equal.

For a science fiction, dystopian novel <i>Endgame</i> is an interesting idea, fast paced and full of action. Unfortunately the events, names and puzzles leave the reader feeling bewildered, and the gruesome scenes rather disgusted.

Overall I think this book would appeal to an audience who loves a lot of brutal action and solving things. It requires the reader to be able to think rather than sit back and enjoy. Personally, I am not bothered about reading the next in the series.
    The Great Wall

    The Great Wall

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    Tabletop Game

    The Great Wall is a new asymmetric worker/soldier placement game with engine building themes and a...

Do you like slowly wandering around the woods with no particular aim than to take in the surrounding beauty, breathe in the fresh air and be present and at one with nature? Then this book Shinrin-yoku: The Japanese Way of Forest Bathing for Health and Relaxation by Yoshifumi Miyazaki, should definitely be on your bookshelf! Honestly, if you’d asked me if there was such as thing a couple of weeks ago, I would have laughed at you and told you, you were just lazy. But it really is a thing.

Shinrin Yoku or ‘forest bathing’ was developed in Japan in the 1980s and brings together ancient ways and wisdom with cutting edge environmental health science. Believe it not, (oh, you must!) there are now forest bathing stations and walkways scattered throughout Japan, but you don’t have to all the way over there (although I would love to) to experience this simple, calming practice. No! With this book you can learn the art, strap on your walking shoes and get on out there and start your own Shinrin Yoku pathway.

Although, reading the book, it’s got a certain appeal and much more “hippyish” in China, including an itinerary of forest therapy (and tree-hugging), soba-noodle making, pottery workshops and stargazing – and that’s just day one! Can also include mediation, yoga, aromatherapy and forest concerts.

Involving all the senses, and taking all the greenery around you (and green is a very relaxing colour) you will find Shinrin Yoku benefits you in ways you didn’t know were possible. Numerous tests and studies have been made for this book. One example I’d like to share was how subjects were monitored (and properly measured) after just 15 mins walking in the morning, and 15 mins sitting and viewing the greenery in the afternoon. This short break in everyday life – reduced stress, blood pressure, pulse rate and cortisol, and increased a whole range of feelings from comfort and calmness with a decrease in anxiety.

Another great example showed the effects of just staring at a Bonsai tree for 60 seconds. Well, I tell you, I’m getting everyone I know who needs de-stressing a Bonsai tree for Christmas! It will be the best bloody present they could ask for – even if they do look at me as if I’m going mad when I ask them to just do one thing for me. Sit and stare at it for 60 seconds every day…

Now. Are there any Bonsai specialists in the UK? I want one or two.
    Pluviometer - Rain gauge

    Pluviometer - Rain gauge

    Weather and Utilities

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    The pluviometer is an instrument used to measure the amount of rain fall in a day. It is part of...