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The Other Wind: An Earthsea Novel
The Other Wind: An Earthsea Novel
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this has been my favourite of the Earthsea novels. It tied all the previous stories together, and included two of my favourite characters - Tenar and Tehanu.

Again, there were times where I felt a little bored or lost, but when I was able to sit and really focus on reading it, I really did enjoy this book. I guess it's not really a "light" read.

This story focused more on dragons, and how humans had broken an ancient promise by seeking immortality. Women - who were previously seen as lesser than men - are invited to Roke, and help to bring peace amongst dragon and mankind.

The history of dragons and men being one species was a really interesting concept, as was the "other wind" that Irian and Tehanu long for. The ending was pretty sad, too - the bond between Tenar and Tehanu was so strong, but they knew that they would have to let each other go.

I definitely found this the most interesting out of the series. The writing is lovely (if a little archaic, but that fits the universe Le Guin has created) and I love some of the characters. 3.5 stars.