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2015 | Ancient, Card Game, Mythology
Greek Mythology has ALWAYS been a fascination of mine. I remember rewinding and replaying the original “Clash of the Titans” movie over and over on VHS. It’s super warped today but I still enjoy it now digitally. When I saw Elysium was coming out several years ago I knew I had to take a look at it, and I’m glad I did because it shot up my Top 100 Games of All Time and even spent a while in my Top 10. Not so much anymore, but I still love it. Why, you ask?

Elysium is a set collection card drafting game for two to four players. Each player will be attempting to complete the greatest collection of Legends written and subsequently transferred to their Elysium (Ancient Grecian version of heaven) for Victory Points. Whomever weaves the greatest Legendary tapestry will emerge victorious and really have a story to tell.
To setup, follow the instructions in the rulebook, but a three player game should look similar to what is pictured above. Players will receive their own player board, starting VP tokens and gold, and a set of columns. Cards from five different Grecian families will be shuffled and displayed in The Agora (middle of the board and the place to draft the cards). Once setup the game may begin.

Elysium is played over five Epochs (rounds) and each Epoch is divided into four phases. Phase I is Awakening, which is simply setting up The Agora for the new Epoch by removing all existing cards there and revealing more. Phase II is Actions, where players will be using their columns to draft cards from The Agora (as long as the color of column matches one of the icons on the card) and taking at least one Quest tile (also denotes player order for the next Epoch). Phase III is Writing the Legends, where players will redistribute the player order discs, receive gold and VP per their Quest tile, and transfer any cards from their Domain – active holding area – to their Elysium for VP at game end. Phase IV is End of Epoch, where players will perform basic cleanup tasks to prepare for the next Epoch of play. Play will continue in this fashion until the end of the fifth Epoch and players tally their final VP to determine the greatest Legend-crafter in all the land!

I know this is a VERY brief summary of what is done during the game, but Elysium has many card effects and combos to consider that I just cannot detail here for fear of readers falling asleep or my fingers falling off.
Components. Elysium has simply an incredible aesthetic. The non-card components certainly radiate ancient times and the art on the cards is breathtaking. Every piece is very high quality, which is something I have grown to expect from Space Cowboys games. The columns are fun to hold and move, and as a whole is just visually stunning. I love playing this game and seeing it all out on the table.

Obviously we place our ratings on the very first graphic you see so it is no surprise by the time you read down here, but I love Elysium. Like I mentioned in my open it was in my Top 10 for quite a while, and for very good reasons. First, I love games that simply LOOK good. Is that shallow? Maybe, but it’s what I like. Second, I love the card interplay and combo potential in Elysium. Chaining together cards to build small engines is always fun and provides so much replayability by never really being able to experience every card combo in the box. Finally, it has great components and a theme that speaks to me and my personal interests. It feels like a game that was meant to be played by me specifically. When you find a game like that you have to give it high ratings.

So if you are at all like me and enjoy games with a great theme, excellent art and components, and intriguing replayability, then certainly grab a copy of Elysium. Purple Phoenix Games gives it an Olympus-sized 11 / 12. So many Ancient Greece themed games exist and Elysium is simply one of the best.
Witch's Legacy (Supernatural Evolvement #0.5)
Witch's Legacy (Supernatural Evolvement #0.5)
Katrina Cope | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book in a new series by outstanding young adult author Katrina Cope is something of a big deal. Both her previous series are particular favourites of both mine and my teenage children. Set in the same universe as her Afterlife series, this tells the story of an ancient feud between witches and shapeshifters.

Living in a coven with her mother, Della has to put on a front of cruelty to fit in with the other witches, especially when her mother makes one of her frequent disappearances. One day she accidentally discovers a terrible secret that means that she must go on the run, attempting to survive in a modern world she is unprepared for and with few allies. With the whole might of the coven on her trail she must adapt and find friends to survive.

Once again Cope proves why she is one of the best young adult authors out there. Although the members of the coven do perhaps veer to towards a cackling stereotype at times they do come across and dangerous, evil and threatening. The other characterisation is up to the usual high standard. Della is a very likeable - and sometimes fallible- protagonist and grows as a person throughout her experiences. The other people she meets are also carefully described and have their own distinct personalities and goals.

The plot perhaps isn't complex, dealing as it does with setting the basics for the series to come, but does have a couple of twists if not any major surprises. But the story is always interesting and engaging and the reader will definitely be siding with Della and holding their breath as things get tight.

I very much enjoyed this and so will the young adult audience. 5 stars even though I know very well that every book in the series will just get better and better and I have left myself nowhere to go. But that's been the case with both of Cope's other series.
    112 Bible Maps Easy

    112 Bible Maps Easy

    Reference and Education

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    112 Bible maps covering topics related to Bible study from the ancient past to more modern times are...

A Not So Dead Man's Journey
A Not So Dead Man's Journey
C. J. Jordan | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Needs a good edit/proof-read
The first book in this new author's series immediately throws the reader into an exciting Indiana Jones-style ruined temple where the main character, Alden, is searching for ancient magical texts.
From the end of this scene, however, the tone changes dramatically as Alden returns home to a painfully dull and twee life with his wife and daughter. This section is laboured and very dull, going way beyond setting the scene and embedding the characters.
Alden is then thrown into a new quest as he is kidnapped by pirates and taken far away to take part in a magical ritual. From here, where the story should be hooking you and growing, the pace is all wrong and I felt like I was the one taken prisoner by this book.
Alden goes through something of a transformation (which is not explained in any way, but that is largely fine) and having been away for 10 years he travels home.
A number of things about the story are just absolutely implausible, and inconsistent. Characters who have barely met, let alone like each other are suddenly best friends with so many fond memories. Magical abilities are suddenly revealed which would have been very useful earlier in the story. And the underlying plot needs a lot of work to thrash out the details and character motivations.
The author's narrative tone is quite charming, but a little twee for some of the darker sections of the story, and the character's thoughts are quite irritatingly thrown in and generally add little of substance.
The writing needs a lot of work, there are so many spelling errors and grammar crimes. And the punctuation is all wrong as well, which may sound pedantic but at times it does throw the reader off and make them question what the sentence meant (see "helping your uncle jack off his horse").
I am convinced there is a good story in here somewhere but it needs a really thorough proof-read and substantial editing.