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99 Homes (2015)
99 Homes (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm sitting on the fence with this one, i was pretty enthralled and it kept me watching but it didn't quite get anywhere and there was no twist or big ending, it just finished. There could've been much better endings for this film and I was imagining all sorts as I watched it so I think I disappointed myself when none of it happened! Having never really seen Andrew Garfield in anything before I thought he was superb.
While visiting her Uncle Andrew, Trixie decides to find the sheep thieves who are targeting the farms in the area. I liked this book as a kid, but I find it annoying now. Trixie says, "It's because too much of the story is narrated via dialogue! And because all of us seem to speak in exclamation points!!!!"

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Proper bad arse erotica

Andrew was the kind of guy who looks good, is good in bed but is a bit of a d***. Or he is to start with. But he grew on me. He just had to break our girls heart a time or two along the way. I don't entirely blame him for being how he was but come on! Be nice to the girl!

Nevertheless, he got there in the end and had their HEA.
Monsters (2010)
Monsters (2010)
2010 | Drama, Horror, International
6.3 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When a probe crash lands in Central America, large creatures form and begin to take over. Journalist Andrew Kaulder (Scoot McNairy) is hired by his boss to find his daughter, who is stranded in Central America, and bring her home.

Acting: 8
Very strong performances from the two stars of the film. The acting was far from the problem here. It was everything else. Whitney Able plays Sam Wynden, the woman Andrew was hired to rescue. Her display of emotions are well-ranged and believable. You can feel her dismay, her fear as she moves from one scene to the next. Truly a talent that I enjoyed watching work in her craft.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 1

Cinematography/Visuals: 3

Conflict: 3

Genre: 0

Memorability: 2

Pace: 1

Plot: 7

Resolution: 5

Overall: 40
Nothing eventful really happens for the majority of the film. Like nothing. Not even exaggerating. I could rip this film apart, but you see the numbers. I don't need to waste my time. Don't waste yours either. Stay away from Monsters. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Scott Morse recommended The Third Man (1949) in Movies (curated)

The Third Man (1949)
The Third Man (1949)
1949 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"While working in story on an early version of Wall-E, I boarded a sequence featuring a chase through a cityscape. Andrew Stanton, the film’s director, called me on it: “This is so Third Man!” He had a big smile on his face, and why wouldn’t he? I’ve learned where to find tough guys who cast long shadows. And I’ve also learned where to milk a character reveal: Carol Reed plus Anton Karas plus Robert Krasker equals Harry Lime, and cinematic perfection"

The Phantom&#039;s Apprentice
The Phantom's Apprentice
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Heather Webb’s latest novel, she re-envisions Gaston Leroux’s story from 1910 about Christine Daaé, the soprano haunted by the Paris Opera’s “phantom.” This original dramatic work is now best known from its adaptation as a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Webb, however, has new ideas about who Christine and her phantom were. You can read more about what I thought of this novel in my review of “The Phantom’s Apprentice,”
Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy #1)
Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy #1)
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy #1) by Sara Dobie Bauer
Escaping Exile is the first story in a planned trilogy. In this excerpt, we are introduced to Andrew and Edmund. Andrew is a vampire in exile on a tropical island, whereas Edmund is a ship-wrecked naturalist. We find out more about Andrew's life in a series of flashbacks, whilst Edmund recites his to Andrew. As well as a vampire to contend with, both men have to deal with sharing the island with cannibals, who are very interested in 'fresh' meat.

It is for books like this, that I wish I did half stars! I have swung from 3 to 4, and back again. Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed the story, and the backgrounds of those involved, I would have like a bit more detail of the era concerned. All that is really mentioned, all that is really needed to be mentioned on a tropical island mind you, is the clothing. However, I would like to know more about the era they both live in now, what their past home lives were like, things like that.

That being said, this was a thoroughly enjoyable story, with plenty of other details given, and plenty of chemistry between the two main characters. It was great to see Andrew's attitude changing, and the reasons for it. This finishes HFN, but don't panic, there are still two more installments to come.

A well paced story that is definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
You&#039;re Not Alone  by Andrew WK
You're Not Alone by Andrew WK
2018 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Incessantly positive (0 more)
Pseudo spiritual (0 more)
Partying in the modern age
Andrew W K took some time out of music to become a motivational speaker and learn some new tricks.
This has a grand epic sound compared to his debut album (I Get Wet).
Still sounds like a party but has elements from 70s prog rock (without the infamous solos) and the pseudo spiritual influence is thankfully not religious.
The songs are interspersed with a few short motivational speeches which mainly serve as positive self help interludes.
The King&#039;s Men (All for the Game, #3)
The King's Men (All for the Game, #3)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars

This one picks up a few days after the second book with Neil a battered mess and on his way to the Foxhole Court for training. He has some explaining to do to his team mates about where he disappeared to over Christmas and about the state he's in. Add in the tension that's sparked between Neil and Andrew and the budding friendship between the rest of the group and this is a roller coaster.

Everything was now out in the open and the shit had hit the fan, pitting Neil against his abusive father, and I was honestly waiting for Andrew to come kicking the door down to rescue him. (I'll let you read it to figure out if that actually happened) It was some crazy stuff but God, I was hooked. I'm just glad that nobody I'm come to care about in this series died in this one. Good riddance to the evil ones though.

I haven't been this invested in a series or bunch of characters in a long time. I was literally bouncing in my seat when the final match between the Foxes and the Ravens began, thinking "Come on, guys, you can do it!" and what a ride it was! I actually had to put it on hold while i went to work at 98% and couldn't stop thinking about it on my half hour walk, waiting for when i could finish those last few pages. It was killing me! Luckily I had a little time before I started and binged it and wow! I wish that there had been a separate little epilogue with just Andrew and Neil to see them now that the threat had gone. (I totally understand why people have written fanfic about this series!)

Every single one of the characters grew in one way or another as people, thanks to Neil's urging - okay, maybe not Andrew as such, he's still a little psychotic at times - and I feel like most other people who've read this book that i may have to reread it once a year or so just to relive this amazing series. Yes, it is dark in places but you can't help caring for this team of friends and urging them to come out of the other end after their crappy upbringings.
The Proposal (2009)
The Proposal (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Romance
If you have ever had an awful boss you will commiserate with Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) executive assistant to fiendish editor Margret Tate (Sandra Bullock). A Canadian, Margret is about to loose her Visa and prestigious job when she devises a plan to stay in the country by marrying Andrew. Realizing that Margret’s deportation also means he will loose his dream chance at becoming an editor, Andrew unhappily agrees.

To make matters worse a tenacious immigration clerk suspects the false conspiracy and threatens fines and felony charges if the bond is not truly romantic. In an effort to make their rouse seem more convincing the two not-so-in-love birds decide to visit Andrew’s family in Alaska.

Through a variety of comedic events and heart to heart discussions their relationship grows. But this new understanding of one another, and appearance of Andrew’s ex-girlfriend, threaten the marriage ploy.

While it is a cute movie the preposterous premise is the core obstacle with the film. Can anyone actually believe a person would ever fall in love with a boss so heinous that the office instant messages warnings of her arrival?

Further detracting from the film’s romantic attempts is the use of disjointed screwball comedy. These scenes, ranging from Ramone’s (Oscar Nuñez) bachelorette strip tease to Grandma Annie’s (Betty White) dancing in the wilderness, would have been more appropriate in “Animal House” than a romantic comedy.
Still the film does have some redeeming qualities; Ryan Reynolds’ bold delivery combines well with Sandra Bullock’s awkward appeal. Also the meritorious supporting cast will surely make you laugh. But if you are looking to be enchantingly swept away this is not the right film.

More funny than romantic the problematic premise makes “The Proposal” simply an OK comedy.