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Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
A Berserk Excursion Down Uncanny Valley.
“I see you”. James Cameron‘s fingerprints are all over this one, as producer ahead of his threatened (and with this movie-goer, entirely unwanted) Avatar sequels. Alita is a huge great smelly CGI mess of a film, but quite fun with it.

The Plot.
Christophe Waltz plays Dr. Dyson (no, not that one), a cyber-surgeon in the 24th century whose job is to give cyber/human crossovers (which just about everyone now seems to be) a ‘service’ to get them back on the road again.

Hanging over Iron City – in just the same way as bricks don’t – is a huge floating cloud city called Zalem (“What keeps it up?”; “Engineering!”). A stream of detritus falls from the city into the scrap yards below, and Dr Dyson scavenges through the mess for parts. He discovers that the best way to get ahead in business is to… get a head! In this case, it’s the head and upper torso of a female ‘teenage’ cyber-girl who he finds to be still alive and who he names “Alita”.

But Alita (Rosa Salazar) isn’t just any teenage girl. When fitted out with a new body, one very precious to Dyson, Alita proves to have massive strength and dexterity which sets her up to trial for the national sport of Motorball: a no-holds-barred race around an arena to capture and keep a ball. Her love interest, Hugo (Keean Johnson), can help her in that department.

But dark forces are also in play and the agents of Nova, the Zalem-overseer, have great interest in destroying Alita before she can damage his plans.

What a mess!
I’ve significantly simplified the plot and reduced the characters referenced. There are so many different things going on here, it’s like they’ve made Back to the Future I, II and III and squeezed them all into one film. There’s Dyson’s ex-wife Chiran (Jennifer Connolly) and her partner in crime Vector (Maherashala Ali); there’s their pet thug called Grewishka (Jackie Earle Haley); there’s a bunch of “Hunter-Warriors” including a vicious sword-wielding guy called Zapan (Ed Skrein); there’s a kind of “Lost Boys” vibe to Hugo’s pals including Alita-hater Tanji (Jorge Lendeborg Jr.); etc. etc. etc. It’s a huge great sprawling mess of a plot.

The movie is also highly derivative, and watching it feels like you are working through a mental set of check-boxes of the films it apes: Wall-E (check); Elysium (check); Terminator (check); Rollerball (if you’re old enough to remember that one) (check); even some Harry Potter quidditch thrown in for good measure.

Urm… berserk dialogue.
The story is based on a Manga work by Yukito Kishiro, but the script by James Cameron, director Robert Rodriquez and Laeta Kalogridis has some bat-shit crazy moments.

Remembering that Cameron in Avatar brought us the mineral ‘unobtainium’ there are similar ‘jolt yourself awake’ moments here. At one point Waltz starts talking about what sounds like “Panda c***s”…. I’m sorry… what?? (This was clearly an episode of David Attenborough’s “Life on Earth” that passed me by! Although frankly, if male pandas took a bit more interest in panda c***s, that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. But I digress….)

The turns.
What stands out if the quality of the cast. Who wouldn’t kill to have Waltz, Connolly and Ali starring in their film? The inclusion of Maherashala Ali in here was a surprise to me. I know he has had a part in “The Hunger Games” series, but this is surely (Marvel must be kicking themselves) his most ‘mainstream’ film to date. And he again really shows his class, bringing a gravitas to all the scenes he’s in.

It was also interesting to see Ed Skrein in a movie for the second time in a month. He was the racist cop in “If Beale Street Could Talk“, and here he plays an equally unpleasant character with a sideline in vanity.

Also good fun is to see the cameo of who plays Nova in the final scene of the film. I was not expecting that.

But the film lives and dies on believing Alita, and after you get used to the rather spooky ‘uncanny valley’ eyes, Rosa Salazar really breathes life into the android character: you can really believe its a teenage android girl developing her understanding of the world and of love. (We’ll gloss over the age thing here which doesn’t make a lot of sense!). One thing’s for sure, when Alita gives her heart to a boy, she really gives her heart to a boy!

Will I like it?
I was not expecting to, but did. It’s a big, brash, loud CGI-stuffed adventure, but well done and visually appealing (as you would expect given the director is Robert Rodriguez of “Sin City” fame). The BBFC have given it a 12A rating in the UK, which feels appropriate: there are some pretty graphic scenes of violence (true they are “mostly involving robots fighting each other” as the BBFC says, but not all). That would make it not very suitable for younger children.

But I was entertained. You might well be too.

Debbiereadsbook (1324 KP) created a post

Dec 5, 2017  
Cold Fire, Emma Layne

Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

I have a *thing* for dragons, as you well know, so when asked if I would like to read this, because, you know, I saw DRAGONS in the title! (This has however let me down before!) and who am I to dent dragons!

But I really REALLY enjoyed this book!

Faro and his brothers are on Earth to, basically, loot the planet of what they need to save THEIR planet, and since Earth is on the direct path of a comet, it's a bit of a free for all. Amy runs the hotel the brothers stay in, while doing their looting. She is struggling though, since the death of her father and Faro is drawn to her grief. Then he realises that maybe it's not her grief that draws his emphatic powers, but AMY herself, that she might just be the stuff of legends. She might just be his mate.

Like I said, really really enjoyed! Loved that the dragon doesn't show himself til very VERY late on in the book, but Faro tells Amy of his existence, and of where Faro and his brothers came from.

It's not overly complicated, or explicit or violent. Some of the words that Faro uses for various body parts are amusing, dated, like something out of an historical romance, BUT Faro does say, while his race is technically advanced, they do prefer the old ways, so maybe he meant old words too. Thats the way I read it. Liked that little clarification!

Told from both Amy and Faro's point of view, in the third person, it hit the right spot for me. It's a little on the long side for a hangover cure, but it was such an easy read, I cannot file it anywhere else. This is, by the way, a GOOD thing, being an easy read!

The passion between Faro and Amy simmers along nicely, but it is some time before they actually give in to it, and OH!!! what a surprise! I'm not gonna say what that is, but hey, lucky Amy! :-p

I'm expecting all the brothers, and the android to have their own story, and I saw at least one laying out here. And the issue of looting on Earth and the fate of Earth is going to run through those books. Because two years is not a long time, and before long Earth scientist will find out what's in their future.

Thank you to Ms Layne for my copy!

so, for an easy, dragon read

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Cold Fire: A Pre-Apocalyptic Dragon Romance (Ice Drake Series #1)
Cold Fire: A Pre-Apocalyptic Dragon Romance (Ice Drake Series #1)
Emma Layne | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really great, fun read, 4 stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

I have a *thing* for dragons, as you well know, so when asked if I would like to read this, because, you know, I saw DRAGONS in the title! (This has however let me down before!) and who am I to dent dragons!

But I really REALLY enjoyed this book!

Faro and his brothers are on Earth to, basically, loot the planet of what they need to save THEIR planet, and since Earth is on the direct path of a comet, it's a bit of a free for all. Amy runs the hotel the brothers stay in, while doing their looting. She is struggling though, since the death of her father and Faro is drawn to her grief. Then he realises that maybe it's not her grief that draws his emphatic powers, but AMY herself, that she might just be the stuff of legends. She might just be his mate.

Like I said, really really enjoyed! Loved that the dragon doesn't show himself til very VERY late on in the book, but Faro tells Amy of his existence, and of where Faro and his brothers came from.

It's not overly complicated, or explicit or violent. Some of the words that Faro uses for various body parts are amusing, dated, like something out of an historical romance, BUT Faro does say, while his race is technically advanced, they do prefer the old ways, so maybe he meant old words too. Thats the way I read it. Liked that little clarification!

Told from both Amy and Faro's point of view, in the third person, it hit the right spot for me. It's a little on the long side for a hangover cure, but it was such an easy read, I cannot file it anywhere else. This is, by the way, a GOOD thing, being an easy read!

The passion between Faro and Amy simmers along nicely, but it is some time before they actually give in to it, and OH!!! what a surprise! I'm not gonna say what that is, but hey, lucky Amy! :-p

I'm expecting all the brothers, and the android to have their own story, and I saw at least one laying out here. And the issue of looting on Earth and the fate of Earth is going to run through those books. Because two years is not a long time, and before long Earth scientist will find out what's in their future.

Thank you to Ms Layne for my copy!

so, for an easy, dragon read

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue
Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue
Marissa Meyer | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
As the second and final graphic novel (for now) chronicling Iko's adventures after the events of the Lunar Chronicles, Gone Rogue does a brilliant job catching us up on what all of our favourite characters have been up to in the last year. Despite the fact that Wires and Nerve continues the story in graphic novel form, rather than the original book - I never felt like I was missing anything.

As the story focuses on Iko, there was less time dedicated to the other pairs from the series. In the first graphic novel, I felt that Cress and Thorne were given a lot of story time and that they weren't as present in the second novel. On the other hand, Scarlet and Wolf were almost nonexistent in the first and had more of a presence in the second. Meyer did a brilliant job developing the relationships further and showing readers how they have evolved despite the limited amount of text she had to work with because it was a graphic novel.

Although Iko was a supporting character in the original series, she completely stole the show and lit up every scene that she was in. It was wonderful to see her take the lead in this series and adapt to a world in which she looked human, although there were still those that constantly reminded her that she was not. She struggles to deal with the reminders that she is an android and programmed to be the way that she is, despite the fact that her closest friends never see her as anything but normal.

The three main additions to the series are the villain, the guard Kinney and his sister Tressa. I felt that the two male characters were well developed and you could understand their motivations throughout the story. Tressa felt less real and I honestly forgot who she was from the first book to the second, until reminded in the course of the story. She is an exuberant character who loves a lot of the same things as Iko, but I don't feel that I know as much about her as I wish I did so that I could connect to her more.

Overall, the plot was brilliant and the story was so engaging that I didn't put the book down from the moment I began reading it until I was on the final page. While I am saddened that this is the final graphic novel in the Lunar Chronicles, I love the world and characters so much that I hope that the series continues in some manner. I felt satisfied with the ending and feel that if it is in fact the end of the story - I am happy. I loved this series so much and being able to watch Iko shine in her own adventures.