Placenames, Language and the Anglo-Saxon Landscape
M.J. Ryan and N.J. Higham
The landscape of modern England still bears the imprint of its Anglo-Saxon past. Villages and towns,...

The Material Culture of Daily Living in the Anglo-Saxon World
Maren Clegg Hyer and Gale R. Owen-Crocker
This illustrated book introduces serious students of Anglo-Saxon culture to selected aspects of the...

Compelling God: Theories of Prayer in Anglo-Saxon England
While prayer is generally understood as "communion with God" modern forms of spirituality prefer...

Inhabited Spaces: Anglo-Saxon Constructions of Place
We tend to think of early medieval people as unsophisticated about geography because their...

Imagining the Jew in Anglo-Saxon Literature and Culture
Most studies of Jews in medieval England begin with the year 1066, when Jews first arrived on...

Undoing Babel: The Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon Literature
The Tower of Babel narrative is one of the most memorable accounts of the Bible, and its...

The Material Culture of the Built Environment in the Anglo-Saxon World
Maren Clegg Hyer and Gale R. Owen-Crocker
The Material Culture of the Built Environment in the Anglo-Saxon World, second volume of Daily...

Childhood and Adolescence in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture
Susan Irvine and Winfried Rudolf
Childhood and Adolescence in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture counters the generally received wisdom...