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    Page Turner (0 KP)

    Book Nerd, Dog Mom, Teacher, Peace Seeker

    A teacher by trade and by heart, I love to help others however and whenever I can, and, of course, I...


    Amaranyx (4 KP)

    Fantasy/ YA bookworm, sci-fi TV show fanatic

    I've done a bit of acting which I really enjoy, I am always reading a fantasy book and I love junk...

    Last Active: Jul 11, 2018

    Kelsica (4 KP)

    Dog walker by day, crafter by night.

    I walk dogs for a living. I enjoy read/ listening to books, knitting and crouching, hand embroidery,...

    Last Active: Mar 15, 2018

    M. Perry (0 KP)

    Dog Mom, Avid Reader, Animal Lover, Writer, Empath

    I am never without a book, a backup book, a TBR list, and customized reading recommendations. I'm in...