Joypa Colors - Interactive Coloring Game
Games, Education and Stickers
Welcome to a magical world where coloring pictures brings them to life! Lots of fun combined with...

Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and Their Godfathers
Roberto Saviano and Anabel Hernandez
Narcoland describes a disastrous 'war on drugs' that has led to more than 80,000 deaths in half a...
Wildlife Habitat Conservation: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions
Michael L. Morrison and Heather A. Mathewson
"Habitat" is probably the most common term in ecological research. Elementary school students are...

Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling
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Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores
Games and Entertainment
Hunt or be hunted! Embark on the hunting expedition of a lifetime in pursuit of the ultimate game in...

Sea Dolphin Simulator 3D
Become a beautiful wild ocean dolphin! Have you ever imagined how to be a wild animal like a...

Technologies for Livelihood Enhancement
Twenty five s in this book are grouped into six sections: o setting the stage: topics relevant to...

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated A Cure For Wellness (2017) in Movies
Jul 12, 2019
After a young power-hungry stockbroker receives an odd letter from the CEO during a major merger he becomes blackmailed into going and retrieving him. Pembroke (Harry Groener) has taken up permanent residence in a mysterious gothic styled rehabilitation center in a remote part of the Swiss Alps. Pembroke has no intentions of leaving the hospital so Lockhart has plenty of time to explore. As soon as he arrives though, he notices that there is something strange going on. Patients are eating decadent and costly meals and flying kites as if they were on vacation rather than in treatment. Little does he know, he will be at the center of it all after an accident turns him into a patient rather than a visitor.
I feel as though this was less of a thriller and more of a flop. I wasn’t able to connect to Lockhart and frankly at times his character was rather annoying. This made it difficult to sympathize with what might be happening to him. Lockhart reminded me of Leonardo DiCaprio in Scorsese’s Shutter Island. Though Scorsese’s film was way more entertaining and thrilling than this. The film was extremely long (2.5 hours) and when you thought it was going to end another curve ball would be thrown. Though the film was less than entertaining, the actors portrayed their parts well. The scenery and landscapes along with the colors of the filters used did give the film that bit of eeriness the story needed. Some scenes were creepy and others involving animals were disturbing and could’ve been left out in my opinion. I left the theater scratching my head with the old “what the heck did I just watch” thought. This film was just not for me and seemed more like Verbinski bit off more than he could chew. The audience also seemed to be disappointed with it as well.