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Alone in Berlin (2017)
Alone in Berlin (2017)
2017 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Small Rebellions.
Once again, World War II turns up another true story of quiet valour to turn into a motion picture. At a time when Trump is pontificating about so called “fake news”, here is a timely tale from history which centres on the battle against genuinely fake news: the Nazi propaganda machine.
After losing their only son in the French campaign, Berliners Otto (Brendan Gleeson,”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”) and Anna (Emma Thompson, “Saving Mr Banks“) turn against the regime and in repeated acts of rebellion Otto laboriously hand writes subversive postcards to leave in office blocks around Berlin.

Resistance is futile. Otto (Brendan Gleeson) and Anna (Emma Thompson) out on a new mission.
Out to catch him is local police investigator Escherich (Daniel Brühl) but in an age before CCTV that’s no easy task and with increasing SS pressure the stakes for Escherich steadily increase. For Otto and Anna, the stress is there but both are resigned to their fate: with their son stolen from them for an unjust cause they are an island of indifference in an unholy land. Both are ‘alone in Berlin’.

Daniel Brühl as police detective Escherich getting more than he bargained for from the SS.
After 70 years it still chills the blood to see German locations decked out in Nazi regalia, but one of the joys of this film is this rendering of life in wartime Berlin: starting with jubilation at German progress prior to D-Day and turning to despair and genuine danger as the tide turns towards 1945. In a pretty bleak film there are touches of black comedy now and then: Otto’s carpentry company is being encouraged “by the Fuhrer” to double and triple their output… of coffins.

A (very clean) Berlin, decked out with Nazi regalia.
More joy comes from the star turns of Gleeson and Thompson, both of who deliver on their emotionally challenging roles. Gleeson in particular makes a very believable German with a sour demeanor and a steely determination. But the star acting turn for me goes to the wonderful Daniel Brühl (“Rush“) as the tormented police detective, bullied into an ethical corner by the SS. The finale of the film – whilst not seeming quite believable – makes for a nicely unexpected twist.

The Nazi Womens’ League out on another fund-raising sweep, providing Thompson with one of her best scenes in the film with an Oberführer’s wife.
Based on a novel by Hans Fallada, the lead writing credits for the piece are shared between Achim von Borries and the director Vincent Perez – in a rare directorial outing for the Swiss actor. The script exudes a melancholic gloom and at times expresses beautifully both the grief and love shared by this older couple. But some of the dialogue needs more work and we don’t see enough of Thompson in the early part of the film where her motivations should be being developed. This rather comes down to a lack of focus by the director. While the primary story of the card distribution is slight, it is compelling and a detour into a sub-story about an old Jewish lodger living upstairs is unnecessary and detracts from the overall story arc. I would have far preferred if the running time had been a tight 90 minutes just focused on Otto’s mission. One final comment on the script: did I mishear that Anna claimed to have a 6 year old child during an air raid scene? I know Emma Thompson looks great for her age, but….

Otto and Elise Hampel – the real life characters on which the film’s Otto and Anna Quangel were based.
I can’t finish this without commending the beautiful piano score of Alexandre Desplat. From the first note I knew it was him – he has such a characteristic style – and his clever use of the score complements the film exquisitely. “Small” films like this tend to rather disappear into the woodwork for Oscar consideration, but here’s a soundtrack that I think should be considered: (but what do I know… when “Nocturnal Animals” wasn’t even nominated in one of the Oscar crimes of the century!).
In summary, I found this a thoughtful and thought-provoking film, that – despite some of the mean reviews I’ve seen – I thought was well crafted and with excellent production design by Jean-Vincent Puzos (“Amour”). It will be particularly appreciated by older audiences looking for an untold story from the war, and by all lovers of fine acting performances by the three leads.
Black Rose
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars

A story about an abduction, a crazy rapist who enjoys torturing young girls and one couples fight to be with each other again, Black Rose is so much more than what is advertised on the summary. Incorporating all aspects of human emotion, Thompson pulls you into her story from the beginning and leaves you holding your breath for the happy ever after you so desperately want, but fear will never arrive.

I was hooked from the very beginning of this story. I am the first to admit IÕve not read a thriller like this in a long while, but I fell easily back into the genre and loved ThompsonÕs way of telling the story. The dual perspectives of both Richard and Lee were incredibly well written and enabled you to see the story from all sides, meaning your mind was free to ponder what ÔHeÕ was going to do next. This also makes for really compelling reading because the moment you finish hearing about Lee, youÕre on tenterhooks as to what is happening to her whilst youÕre following Richard and vice versa. So many times whilst reading this I ended up with a kindle falling on my face because I just simply couldnÕt put it down.

ThereÕs a great deal of sisterhood between the girls that are trapped, and this could have easily come across as cheesy or overdone, but Thompson had an excellent range of characters, all adding to the dynamic of what must have been a terrible experience for them. The fact they developed the bond in such hardship is remarkable, but to see the sisterhood continue through the many trials and tribulations they experience is fantastic. I canÕt say itÕs a pleasure to read, because their circumstances are grim to say the least, but there was comfort in knowing they had found friendship and a way to survive.

I touched on it, but the characters are phenomenally well written and developed. Lee as the lead character is a true inspiration and her very soul is laid bare so many times that the reader really does empathise with her and want to know every little detail I possibly can. Anna, Kandace, Ruth and the other girls are equally as well written, but Lee really does steal the show. Richard is enjoyable to read, if not a little over dependent on Lee at times, but his devotion to her is a different angle to read and his determination to find her is well written.

Without providing too many spoilers, it was a pleasure to read a story and actually have it conclude in a way you get to see the characters ÔwholeÕ again is definitely very much to my liking! I feel like we got to see a natural conclusion to the story, and that made me feel much calmer and fulfilled at the end of reading. My own niggle was that I would have perhaps liked it to last a bit longer and feel it could have potentially been two books with a lovely little cliff hanger in the middle.

With all that said, I thoroughly enjoyed Black Rose, found it captivating, dark, thrilling and very well written. Congratulations to Thompson on a good story well told.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
On the Prowl (Alpha & Omega, #0.5)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first story, Alpha and Omega by Patricia Briggs, is an off-shoot of her Mercy Thompson series. This story focuses on a much-abused female werewolf in Chicago, Anna. The Merrick's son, Charles, comes to end the abuse and inadvertedly rescues her when he discovers that she is a rare Omega werewolf. Despite the short length of the story, Briggs still writes an exceptional story with unique characters and an intriguing plot. I look forward to reading the next full-length book in this new series, Cry Wolf (Alpha and Omega, Book 1).

The second story, Inhuman by Eileen Wilks, takes place in the middle of her Lupi series, but focuses on a woman, Kai, who can see thoughts. She has a secret relationship with her neighbor Nathan, who is not human, and this developments into some interesting events when he strives to protect her from a killer. Though this story ended with a "to be continued," I am intrigued enough that I want the next book, Night Season (The World of the Lupi, Book 4).

The third story, Buying Trouble by Karen Chance, features a minor character in the Dorina Basarab series, Claire. Claire believes she is a "null," a person that nullifies magic within a certain radius. When she discovers that she is to be sold like a slave, a very sexy Lord of the Fey decides to rescue her. The chemistry between Claire and him is far beyond magnetic and has some very interesting consequences for Claire. I was a bit disappointed that Claire does not get any full-length novels, as her story has great potential.

The final story, Mona Lisa Betwining by Sunny, is heavy in erotic material and light on plot. The story takes someplace in the middle of the Monere series and resembles Anne Bishop's Black Jewels series in many ways. Though Bishop's writing is superior, there is some uniqueness to this series, such as the use of moon imagery. I may check out the first novel, Mona Lisa Awakening (Monere: Children of the Moon, Book 1).

I like reading anthologies not only to get some extra morsels from my favorite authors, but also to be introduced to new authors without having to commit to an entire full-length novel. While Briggs story was certainly the best of the bunch, the other stories were good reads, and I was glad to be introduced to their styles and stories.