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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2084 KP) rated Irish Coffee Murder in Books

Feb 2, 2023 (Updated Feb 2, 2023)  
Irish Coffee Murder
Irish Coffee Murder
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here's to a Deadly St. Patrick’s Day
Once again, these three authors are teaming up for a holiday themed novella collection. This time, their stories are set around St. Patrick’s Day. In the first story, Leslie Meier’s character, Lucy Stone, is doing a story on four local Irish dancers. Then one of their mother’s is murdered. Next, Lee Hollis’s sleuth, Hayley Powell, gets involved when the headlining comedian for the St. Patrick’s Day show dies after proposing a toast with his Irish coffee. Finally, Barbara Ross’s Julia Snowden is enjoying a stormy St. Patrick’s Day in with friends when they start talking about the local unsolved murder from 150 years ago. Everyone has a theory about who did it, but can Julia figure it out after all this time?

Since these are novellas, each story is roughly 100 pages, giving us a good taste of the series and characters before we move on to the next one. I enjoyed all three of them. I do struggle some with Leslie Meier’s entries in these anthologies, but I enjoyed it overall. On the other hand, I am considering starting Lee Hollis’s books because I continue to enjoy their entries in the series. Barbara Ross’s series is one of my favorites, so it’s is no surprise that I loved her entry. All three stories do feature good characters and an intriguing mystery. Lee Hollis and Barbara Ross include recipes with their stories, so you’ll have several traditional Irish recipes. This is a great book to sit down and enjoy with a mug of Irish coffee.
Ethereal Custody: Anthologies
Ethereal Custody: Anthologies
Byron Allanvre | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Ethereal Custody: Anthologies is a story about a young man, who was born in an underground slum and decides to risk his life for a chance to reach the surface. During his pursuit, he discovers that he is part of a much larger scheme of a supernatural nature, in an alternate reality. To escape his world, he grasps the opportunity to create utopia. But paradise has a dark side too.

While we follow this main character, we also follow different characters, who are part of the alternative world that this man created in his dreams - with their own stories of supernatural nature, Angels and people with animalistic tendencies involved as well. 

<b><i>“We don’t hold grudges against Angels who didn’t save us. Our self-held grudges stem from the idea that we should have been able to save ourselves.”</i></b>

The story follows a few different planets, with a lot of different characters.

The book is written in the form of a journal. For me, it was very difficult to keep track of the planets and characters. I was losing interest very quickly, re-reading the same page a few times, seeking for adventures and plot twists, when all I could see were descriptions of places and objects. Sometimes there were good parts, where the story was really intriguing. Other times, I had to put the book down and read something else.

<b><i>“I don’t know if it’s forgiveness or love or grieving. But life feels like this slow and heartbroken process of learning to live without something we wanted so badly that we cannot have. To go on without those loved people we miss so much and all the precious moments we could have shared and knowing those futures will never be. It’s having to learn how to trek forward in a new life without a part of yourself; that missing fragment of a loving heart we surrendered and gave away as a gift to someone who’s no longer here with us.”</i></b>

There were many descriptions of places being repeated with the exact words. This made me wonder and question myself whether I’ve read this before. I then needed to go back in the book and reassure myself. It was very irritating to go back and find the same paragraph a few chapters earlier, with the same description of a place. 

<b><i>“If there’s anything I learned tonight, it is this: I want to die with a smile on my face.”</i></b>

I am sad to say I didn’t enjoy this book.

Honestly, I liked the idea and where it was intended to go. I also liked the way it was written in the form of a journal. However, the writing was bad. Not only from a grammar and editing point of view, but also the skill to keep the reader intrigued. This book put me through a big reading slump. I am not a fan of DNFing books, but I was close with this one. I recommend Ethereal Custody: Anthologies, if you enjoy multiple planets, a lot of characters and a bit of supernatural sprinkles on top, but this book wasn’t for me. 

<b><i>“We are afraid to be silent, yet afraid to speak. We fear to be alone with our demons in the dark, yet we are terrified of those demons being seen in the light among friends. Afraid to be powerless; afraid to be influential. I don’t understand it. I just don’t want to be afraid of myself anymore.”</i></b>

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) created a post

May 21, 2017 (Updated May 21, 2017)  
As it says in my profile I am a writer of both Fiction and Poetry. Last year I was able to achieve something incredible and publish a small book(let) that contained only my poetry. In the past my poetry had been joined alongside many other poets in anthologies, but this one was all me and I could not express how I felt about this when they finally arrived and I held one in my hand, reminding me that this time around, this was real. Not a dream.

However, I was not able to sell as many copies as I'd like, simply due to lack of interest in poetry that I discovered among friends who have supported me in my work. I still have some copies left and I ask you, the people of Smashbomb, that if you enjoy poetry, or think it could be something you could at least read through, then please visit my website;

where you can read some of my work, and even buy a copy of the book(let) I have spoken of for just £4 via PayPal. I don't want to spam this site with my own promotion, so this is why I'm making a long status, because this site is for reviewing, and the reason I am writing this now is so that perhaps some of you might be kind enough to review my work, in order to help me promote it to other audiences. I will create the category for it, if @bird will allow this of course, I would not do so without your permission, and even if you don't buy the book, then please help by reviewing some of my poetry that is free to read on the website. Use the title of the Poem as your review Headline so that I might see which pieces of my work are preferred.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this,
I love this site and it's members, so keep up the good work :)

Bird (1700 KP) May 22, 2017

Hi @Connor Sheffield - sounds great and well done on your achievements so far!

You are of course welcome to promote anything you like on your personal stream and may also create a new item for any published work for others to rate.

All sounds great, and I wish you the very best of luck with it all!


Connor Sheffield (293 KP) May 22, 2017

Thanks a lot @bird I really appreciate your kindness. Keep up the good work with the site. Can't wait to watch it evolve as it has already. So many friendly members with great inspiring reviews :)

Lady Mechanika Vol. 1: The Mystery of the Mechanical Corpse
Lady Mechanika Vol. 1: The Mystery of the Mechanical Corpse
Joe Benítez | 2015 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The steampunk genre has been, more or less, beaten into the ground. The market was flooded. From anthologies to original prose novels, there was a little sumpin' for everyone. Why, there was even a sub-genre to it that was steampunk romance! Wowz!

That said, I really didn't jump on that ride. I liked steampunk well enough, but like anything (yes, even McDonald's!), too much of a good thing is the opposite of good. Hell, even cosplay had embraced, making everything and then some incorporated with steampunk aspects!

However, when LADY MECHANIKA Vol 1 came up as $1.99 on the recent "Indie Sci-Fi" sale on Comixology, I thought I'd give a go. Yeah, there was steampunk, but there was some other things going on, and the art sure was purdy!

At first, I was worried that it would be a book not unlike many of the titles from Aspen Comics: lead females with waists that'd make supermodels jealous, meh stories, and even more meh characters. Fortunately, that was not the case with Joe Benitez's LADY MECHANIKA!

This first volume is comprised of the first 6-issue mini-series. It allows for some backstory, but just enough to keep you interested and coming back for more. It also introduces the two main protagonists: "Lady Mechanika" (not her real name, but a name bestowed upon her by the press) and Mr. Lewis, Lady M's "unofficial" ally and sidekick-of-sorts.

The story is fun, embracing all the aspects of steampunk. There is action and suspense, as well as an air of mystery. It is a series that is easy to get caught up in! So much so, that I went on and bought the other two volumes that were on sale, plus subscribed to the series!

Give it a go! If you have never read anything steampunk, this would be a great entry. And, if you already love the genre, well, then this will be a special treat! Enjoy!
<i>Mean Streets</i> is one of the best anthologies I've read in a while. It only has four different pieces in it, but they're all novellas, and all by strong, experienced writers. I don't think any of them are here riding on someone else's name on the book cover.

Jim Butcher's "Warrior," the first piece, is very good. It follows Harry and the Carpenter family after they experienced some major changes in the last Dresden novel. I could have stood a little more Molly, but Harry and Michael were the focus characters and they worked out some things that really needed to be dealt with. I'm glad I read this before the next Dresden novel, because I feel there's important character development. I seriously recommend this book to all Dresden fans.

I haven't read any of Simon R. Green's novels, though I've heard of the Nightside series and thought about picking one up. If "The Difference a Day Makes" is typical, though, I may not bother. He is a good writer, so I'm not sure what it is that bothered me so much. I know that something framed as one of the nastiest things people could choose to do in this piece isn't even in my top 10, but I feel there's something else that I just can't quite articulate yet.

I've read all three of Kat Richardson's Greywalker novels and enjoyed them enough that I plan to keep reading. "The Third Death of the Little Clay Dog" is my favorite piece of her work, hands down. There's more light, somehow, and that's important to me.

"Noah's Orphans" is my first exposure to Thomas E. Sniegoski, as far as I can recall. It was an interesting piece. I found myself wondering about Remy Chandler's past, about how the character has developed. If there are novels featuring that character, I may give them a read. In any case, it brought up some interesting questions about faith and obedience. I think it would have been more personally relevant to me about 20 years ago, though.
Love, Death &amp; Robots
Love, Death & Robots
2019 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Unique And Visceral Experience
Love, Death, & Robots is an adult animated anthology tv series on Netflix. The series is produced by Joshua Donen, David Fincher, Jennifer Miller, and Tim Miller. Each of the 18 episodes released on the first season was animated by different crews from a range of countries. It's also a re-imagining of 1981 animated sci-fi film Heavy Metal. Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Topher Grace, Gary Cole, Samira Wiley, and Stefan Kapicic.

Produced by different casts and crews, and consisting of 18 stand-alone episodes, each under 20 minutes, the title of the series refers to the recurring themes of love, death, and robots in each episode. Full of terrifying creatures, wicked surprises and dark comedy, it's a collection of animated short stories spanning several genres like horror, comedy, fantasy, and science fiction. Captivating stories come to life with world-class animation in a plethora of tales unlike anything else.

This series was wicked awesome. Reminded me of some of the other animated anthologies I've seen such as The Animatrix and Batman: Gotham Knight, except quite a bit more NSFW. This series also gave me a Twilight Zone vibe but bit darker. More blood and guts and highly sexual. Even though it's pretty graphic, I really liked a lot of the stories they told and the twists that most had in the end as well. Some are kind of hit or miss or just better than others but I think that there is definitely something for everyone despite the gore and nudity and language. I especially enjoyed the following episodes, 1. Sonnie's Edge, 8. Good Hunting, 10. Shape-Shifters, 13. Lucky 13, and 18. Secret War. The way they went about the story telling and world building in each episode was phenomenal. I really feel that some of these episodes deserve their own individual films or series to do them better justice. I mean some were just so good and less than 20 minutes felt like not enough or that they could have been even better. I give the entire series overall a 9/10.
On the Prowl (Alpha & Omega, #0.5)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first story, Alpha and Omega by Patricia Briggs, is an off-shoot of her Mercy Thompson series. This story focuses on a much-abused female werewolf in Chicago, Anna. The Merrick's son, Charles, comes to end the abuse and inadvertedly rescues her when he discovers that she is a rare Omega werewolf. Despite the short length of the story, Briggs still writes an exceptional story with unique characters and an intriguing plot. I look forward to reading the next full-length book in this new series, Cry Wolf (Alpha and Omega, Book 1).

The second story, Inhuman by Eileen Wilks, takes place in the middle of her Lupi series, but focuses on a woman, Kai, who can see thoughts. She has a secret relationship with her neighbor Nathan, who is not human, and this developments into some interesting events when he strives to protect her from a killer. Though this story ended with a "to be continued," I am intrigued enough that I want the next book, Night Season (The World of the Lupi, Book 4).

The third story, Buying Trouble by Karen Chance, features a minor character in the Dorina Basarab series, Claire. Claire believes she is a "null," a person that nullifies magic within a certain radius. When she discovers that she is to be sold like a slave, a very sexy Lord of the Fey decides to rescue her. The chemistry between Claire and him is far beyond magnetic and has some very interesting consequences for Claire. I was a bit disappointed that Claire does not get any full-length novels, as her story has great potential.

The final story, Mona Lisa Betwining by Sunny, is heavy in erotic material and light on plot. The story takes someplace in the middle of the Monere series and resembles Anne Bishop's Black Jewels series in many ways. Though Bishop's writing is superior, there is some uniqueness to this series, such as the use of moon imagery. I may check out the first novel, Mona Lisa Awakening (Monere: Children of the Moon, Book 1).

I like reading anthologies not only to get some extra morsels from my favorite authors, but also to be introduced to new authors without having to commit to an entire full-length novel. While Briggs story was certainly the best of the bunch, the other stories were good reads, and I was glad to be introduced to their styles and stories.