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Rock My Body (Mondez, #2)
Lee Piper | 2017
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rock My Body by Lee Piper ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Four Stars
Rock My body by Lee Piper is a whirlwind of hot and heavy. The story is centered around Riley Sears and Dominic Mondez. Riley is a midwife and has major OCD and anxiety issues. She has been through the ringer all her life and it just seems like she can’t get it right. Dominic is a musician and loves fixing up old school cars. Their story is a storm of highs and lows. When diving in be prepared to feel at every flip of the page. If you’ve ever felt abandoned, unloved, worthless or fear this book will have you in all your feelings. But you also see those same feelings get pushed away but believing in yourself. Dominic is your everyday jerk. He wants what he wants and will do what he can to get it. He doesn’t do relationships or sleep with the same woman twice. He gives off the vibe of someone who would do nothing but leave broken hearts every where he goes. But is it just a cover up for some dark past? I fell in love with this couple because no matter what they did they kept coming back to each other. Fate damned them and the clouds never looked so dark. I loved reading how Riley found her self worth. How she grew into loving herself and knowing she was enough. I recommend you pick this book up not just for the seriously delicious images of male perfection. But for the down right joy of an author who knew what she wanted to get across to her readers and nailed it.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Fallout 4 in Video Games

May 12, 2021  
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
2017 | Role-Playing
Subtle jokes and references (2 more)
Expansion packs
Rich and emersive world
Crashes a lot! (1 more)
Settlement building has so issues
This is my world now.
So I know I am late to the game here, but I finally treated myself to a new console and this game. Oh god was it worth it!
My husband is not exactly thrilled, but looking myself in the Commonwelth has helped me deal with a lot of stress and anxiety. Thanks COVID!
There are sk many ways to play, things to do and tiny details.
There is also the ability to build your own settlement, which is both brilliant, and infuriating in equal measure. It's so cool to display your finds in a player home you built yourself. Though if I find one more random settler in my bed I will shoot him!
Unlike Fallout 3, the enemies seem to get stronger as you do, so getting yourself overpowerd is not an easy thing to do (well, it was not for me anyway), and you will get your a*s handed to you a few times.
There is just so much, you can build your own Mr Handy's (with the expantion), your companions can interact with one another, the law runs deep and there are more Easter eggs than you can shake a bunny at!
Love it, despite the near constant crashes that can occur, the quicksand function helps deal with this, once you get into the habit of doing it regularly.
Quest lines range from funny, sad, disturbing tk just plain nuts! A little something for everyone.
All in all, it has its flaws, but is a great follow up the 3, a must for any fallout fan.

Peter Strickland recommended Midsommar (2019) in Movies (curated)

Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery

"I had an instant soft spot for Ari Aster when he treated anaphylaxis (in “Hereditary”) as the terror that it really is, whilst some other contemporary directors sadly still think someone’s face swelling up is hilarious. “Midsommar” really goes to places untraveled. I heard a lot about its folk-horror roots along with similarities to “The Wicker Man,” but I keyed much more into its cathartic wail borne out of grief. I remember seeing a video of the performance artist and musician, John Duncan lying naked on the floor and letting out an extraordinarily protracted primal scream and the dark heart of “Midsommar” lies somewhere within that realm for me. The film is brimming with the explosive power of grief and it’s one of the starkest examples I can think of in modern cinema. My first reaction when seeing all that verdant grass was the almost invisible menace of ticks — an anxiety that Aster quickly acknowledges. The fear of tick-borne encephalitis is not unusual in both Sweden and Hungary where the film was shot and in some askew and unintentional way, I could imagine seeing the film alternately as a fever dream of someone who had been afflicted by the disease during a meadow ritual. Of course, the front of house is hallucinogenic folk horror, but maybe I bypassed that due to my lack of knowledge, which led to a more primal and simplistic interpretation. I was also blown away by the presence of Björn Andrésen, whom I remember from Visconti’s “Death in Venice.” Aster’s film buff credentials are really to the fore here even though I’m aware that nobody sadly uses the term “film buff” anymore. The ghosts of Bergman, Jancsó and Paradjanov circle the film."


Nick Rhodes recommended Aladdin Sane by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Aladdin Sane by David Bowie
Aladdin Sane by David Bowie
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I would say that David Bowie had the biggest single influence on all music that came out of the time period when I started at the beginning of the 1980s. And all other bands in that modern music zone were influenced most by David Bowie. Throughout the seventies we could safely say that he pretty much owned it. If The Beatles owned the sixties, Bowie owned the seventies. I could have picked any one of his albums. I thought about Hunky Dory which I have played most, or Ziggy Stardust... which was the first album I ever bought. I thought about Station To Station which changed things as his influences morphed and then the whole Berlin trilogy which were extraordinary records. I decided on Aladdin Sane as I think it is the ultimate glam album. Musically, it was fuelled with seventies energy. Mick Ronson’s guitar work is spectacular, the tracks all have an anxiety to them – songs like ‘Cracked Actor’ and ‘Panic In Detroit’ really had an edginess. The singles ‘The Jean Genie’ and ‘Drive-In Saturday’ were probably not even the best tracks on the album – ‘Lady Grinning Soul’ is my favourite track on the album – but had an attitude. You could taste the air they were recorded in. It was the album that turned Bowie into an absolute superstar worldwide. I played it a lot when I was a kid and it was one of those records that made me want to be in a band. Also, it’s by far the greatest cover of the 1970s. The image of the flash across Bowie’s face really resonates. It’s held up – I see that the V&A museum are having a big show of Bowie’s career and memorabilia (and so they should) and the image they are using to advertise it is the front cover of Aladdin Sane."

Wish Upon (2017)
Wish Upon (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
We often wonder what wishes we would cast if given the opportunity. We think of the riches, second chances, and various selfish or generous choices we would make. In Wish Upon, we bear witness to how this plays out for one teenage girl.

Wish Upon stars Ryan Phillippe as a widowed father to a teen daughter, Clare, played by Joey King (Ramona and Beezus). Working as a salvager, he comes across an antique Chinese Box that he gives to her for her birthday. Clare quickly understands that the box has the ability to grant wishes, but her limited understanding of Chinese prevents her from being able to decipher all of the characters on it which reveal an all important disclaimer: each wish will result in the death of someone you know.

The film is ambitious with its premise yet falls flat in its execution. What seemed to be a promising mix of The Box and Final Destination, resulted in an uninspiring teen thriller that, at times, seemed more slapstick than a film that would grab your attention and fill its viewers with anxiety and tension. Wish Upon checks off many of the cliché boxes with respect to their storytelling and interactions between characters and provides little originality.

Wish Upon misses the mark in not finding an identity. It jumps from being a slasher, to being a teen comedy, to being a romance. This would not be problematic if it incorporated all of these facets into creating a film that takes advantage of these aspects, but it does little to allow for the story to seem as one that would be memorable. Wish Upon will leave audiences wishing they had made a different choice at the box office.
The newlyweds window
The newlyweds window
Unknown | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will be writing a review for the couple story's I enjoyed in this book:

Gasping for Air
Author: Ogechukwu Emmanuel Samuel

"Humans! They are the worst thing to have happened to Earth since the beginning" I agree with this 100% humans have ruined the earth with their greed.
I liked this story was very interesting. It was scary but caught my attention. The ending was super confusing.

Border Control
Author: Aldine Jojo Elhassan

This story was sad due to this girl's traumatic delivery and mistreatment from the nurses. Scary to read to being pregnant currently it gave me anxiety and almost had me crying.

The Newlyweds' Window
Author: Husnah Mad-hy

"But her fate was like the rest of the unmarried women; marry young, give the husband and their families some children (at least one boy), and subdue her dreams to the more practical and 'real life' expectations of Swahili women- cooking, cleaning, raising, tending to her husband, attending weddings and funerals, and the likes." This is ok if you want this in life but every girl should not be forced into it.

"She watched and could sometimes hear as they made love every night for six months straight." This is majorly creepy.

This story was creepy and confusing the main character gave off stalker vibes and needs to mind their own business and give the people some privacy.

Black Pawpaw
Author: Obinna Ezeodili
This ones really sad how they have to beg for help and than the abuse the main character receives. Also Binye seeing her as mama instead of his mom is sad. The mom should be around more. The sexual assault is sad and screwed up too and very triggering. And the Aunt died from self defense this girl shouldn't have to be punished for it she was defending herself during sexual assault.
Jaws (1975)
Jaws (1975)
1975 | Thriller
When you think of classic blockbusters, or classic horror, or classic creature features, Jaws is surely a title that will spring to mind. A true masterpiece of cinema that manages to fit and excel in all of the above categories.
Spielberg completely changed how films were planned and released with what is widely considered to be the first summer blockbuster, and all these years later, it's still an effective rollercoaster ride.
The opening scene is utterly harrowing without a drop of blood to be seen, and sets the tone in a dramatic and iconic manner. After some efficient character introductions, we're straight into one of the most anxiety inducing scenes in cinema history, as Chief Brody sits on a packed beach, scanning the shore for danger. The constant barrage of characters interrupting his line of view and talking at him, over him, over eachother, it's almost unbearable, and is paid off with a truly horrifying moment. It's one of many scenes in Jaws that flaunts some masterful editing.
The second half of the film is essentially the three leads - Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss - all jostling to chew up the scenery. The chemistry between all of them is wonderful, from the thrilling chase of hunting the shark, to them kicking back, trading scar stories and singing shanties, to Quints incredible monologue, to the infamous Ahab-esque climax. It's a joy to watch unfold.
The shark itself has a tendency to look a little goofy by todays standards, but an incredible feat for the time.

Jaws is held in such high regard for a reason. It's a film that truly thrills, scares, and delights its audience in equal measure, and still stands tall almost 50 years later. One of the best of all time.

Now I must admit that I sometimes find it very difficult to give a star rating to a self-help book as actually reading the book is only part of the therapy that it provides. In order to give a fully accurate rating the book would have to be read, the constructive ideas written within the pages followed and carried out wholeheartedly and a realistic amount of time left to pass for recovery. As I have only finished reading this book today I have not had time to really go through the processes that are outlined in this book, therefore, I do not know how much this book will actually have an impact on my life BUT I am willing to work my way through the suggestions.

I borrowed this book from the library (I find some self-help books to be over priced and there are just so many out there that you often don't know exactly what you're buying) so I am not able to refer back to this copy time and time again throughout recovery like this book suggests you do (unless I decide to purchase a copy) and so quite a few of the processes will have to be carried out using memory, which I know isn't often advised.

The reason for my high rating is because I found this book to be completely different to any other self help book that I have read in the past. Often these books outline the same sort of processes so you keep being fed the same sort of information but this book seems to have a more relaxed approach to dealing with stress, anxiety and depression...and in some ways a more realistic approach. It teaches you the methods of 'floating' not 'facing', 'accepting' not 'fighting' and 'comfort' not 'conflict'.

I am definitely not a stranger to anxiety and depression and so for a long time I have been actively searching for ways in which these 'illnesses' can be 'cured' or made less intense. This book has definitely helped me in the sense that it has given me a completely different perspective compared to what I had before reading this book. Stress and depression can cause you to be a lot less open minded than you perhaps used to be and being accepting of new ideas and view points may seem very daunting, however, when ideas are presented in this book Dr Weekes gives examples about how the sufferer may be feeling once presented with an idea (personally I found her to be pretty spot on) and so you are given a sense of relief that someone out there knows what you are going through and that she has helped many people in similar situations.

The book also contains numerous 'Case Studies', where Dr Weekes gives examples of some of her clients, their problems, their emotions, their coping strategies and the feedback that she provides for them. The 'life problems' discussed are very broad and so you may find that one might be similar to your current situation, a situation you have been in or perhaps even a situation that you are frightened you might end up in in the near or distant future.

My retraction of 1/2 a star wasn't because this book has any negative aspects but simply because I am yet to fully explore it's full potential and to put it into practice, as mentioned earlier on in my review.

I find that just knowing that someone is there 'talking to you' and 'guiding' you in the right direction is comforting and kind of relaxing in a way...a helping hand, to turn that frown upside down.
OMG, this book was bloody fantastic, one of my favourite reads this year, can't believe this was a debut author it was that good and believe me I read a lot of fiction.
Don't wake up by Liz Lawler was one of those stories that is impossible to put down. I was awake half the night reading, as this was such a compulsive story and I just had to know what was going to happen next.
To summarise we have Dr Alex Taylor, A doctor working A&E. One night upon leaving work she is attacked, upon rousing, she discovers herself naked on an operating table, with a masked stranger.
waking from this traumatic ordeal and believing she could have been raped the police are called. The problem is Alex when found unconscious in the hospital grounds by a security guard and her boyfriend Patrick The vet, is fully clothed with not a mark on her and nobody really believes her thinking she has suffered a head trauma and imagined her horrific experience.
Alex then spirals into a downward plunge of alcohol, anxiety and diazepam.
No one will listen to her, and events are escalating. I won't go into any more detail as I really don't want to spoil this excellent read for others, let's just say we have murder, intrigue a bit of romance and a story of phycological warfare that keeps you guessing until the end.
In conclusion, this is one book that you don't want to miss this year, the writing is excellent and in a sea of fiction, Don't wake up really stands out as a brilliant dark psychological thriller if I could give it more than five stars I would it was that good.
A job well done, Liz Lawler
I received a free E-Copy of Don't Wake Up from NetGalley and this is my own honest opinion.
Furiously Happy
Furiously Happy
Jenny Lawson | 2016 | Biography
8.7 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Made me almost fall off the bed giggling (2 more)
Hilarious descriptions about bizarre situations
Revealing what's going on in her head lets other people know they're not alone
Hysterically funny
How do you even begin to explain a Jenny Lawson book? Known as The Bloggess on the internet, Lawson is one of the most laugh-out-loud, hysterically funny, off-the-wall-crazy-pants writers I've ever come across. From her antics with taxidermied animals to the bizarre arguments she has with her husband to the weird tangents her brain goes on, Lawson is one of the most entertaining people on the internet. In Furiously Happy, she explores her lifelong fight with mental illness, from depression to anxiety to a number of manias, and she does so in a lovely, non-judgmental way. She does get serious - she talks about her "folder of 24" - 24 letters from suicidal people telling her that she, and the community she's built, are the reason they're still here. Lawson tackles the topic of depression head on, and by writing down the bizarre things that go through her head, lets people know THEY'RE NOT ALONE, and that's incredibly important.

As the subtitle of the book says, it might be a book about a serious topic, but oh. my. is it funny. Between sneaking a taxidermied ecstatically happy raccoon into view of her husband's video conferences, and trying to snuggle koalas in Australia while dressed in a full-body koala costume, Lawson also talks about waking up in the middle of the night thinking her arms have fallen off, and being stalked by carnivorous swans. Lawson's blog is hilarious, and this book is one of the most insanely funny things I've ever read, and now I have to track down her other two books. (Let's Pretend This Never Happened and You Are Here)

You can find all my reviews at