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The Power of One (1992)
The Power of One (1992)
1992 | Action, International, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Another film I love is The Power of One, and that became one of my favorite films because I actually got the chance to work with Armin Mueller-Stahl, who is amazing, and I was also doing a film in South Africa at the time. I turned 14 in South Africa and had learned all about Apartheid and the country and the history of it, so watching that film in South Africa was wild, and I felt a definite connection to it. And it’s one of those films that not everyone knows about; you say The Power of One and a lot of people go, “What? I’ve never seen that.”"

Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a white, middle class American, most of my education about colonialism and the resulting systemic and institutionalized racism and poverty have come from my own efforts to broaden my understanding. The more I learn, the more I am appalled not only by the realities themselves but also by the huge missing gap in my American education.

Trevor Noah's Born a Crime provides incredible insight into apartheid in South Africa as well as it's lasting effect, even after it "ended." I was already a bit of a fan of Noah's humor and political commentary, and his memoir is not a disappointment. He tackles big issues with a sense of humor that does not in any way minimize those issues.

ClareR (5577 KP) rated The Promise in Books

Oct 12, 2021  
The Promise
The Promise
Damon Galgut | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Promise is on the Booker Prize 2021 shortlist, and I can see why. I enjoyed this book immensely - I love the idea of being a fly on the wall of a white South Africans house during and after Apartheid, and this pretty much sold the book to me before I even started reading it. The fact that we only drop in to the lives of this family during times of death and the subsequent funerals was a really interesting angle to take. These were people under a great deal of stress due to the fact that someone in their close family had died - even though they weren’t a close family at all. There are four funerals, each completely different in style, religion (or not) and ways in which they died.

As time moves on, Apartheid ends, Nelson Mandela becomes President. But does life change that much for the Swarts? Do they uphold the promise made at the beginning of the book, as overheard by the youngest daughter when her mother was dying? Laws may change, but do people’s attitudes?

This is a disjointed family: there doesn’t seem to be a single close relationship between any of them. They all seem to be selfish people who resent the new South Africa, as they lose social standing, money, and are directly affected by the rise in crime.

It was a thoroughly engrossing book, and I lost myself in it every time I sat down to read. It’s a really good, character-driven novel. Now to wait and see if it wins!!
A multitude of wonderful voices
From Lebanon to Pakistan, there is a whole host of female Muslim voices in this wonderful pioneering collection.

Some of the stand out stories, essays and poems include a man reconnecting with art through a woman's eyes, to political stories about the apartheid state of Palestine, so-called "honour crimes", and the illegal war in Iraq. The writers involved are award-winning authors such as Kamila Shamsie, actors, and even a young 15 year old poet - all based in the UK.

It avoids stereotypes and instead advocates quite a humanist outlook on femininity - that a person is complex, with a full range of emotions rather than just the standard media portrayal. A wonderful plethora of diversity.
A United Kingdom (2017)
A United Kingdom (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
One of the greatest love stories in the past century
Rarely can you make a claim that a true relationship is the greatest love story in the past century until you hear about Seretse Khama and his wife Ruth.

As an African chieftain of Bechuanaland, now Botswana, Khama was studying law in the UK before meeting Ruth, a secretary and daughter to a British Army captain. Even after the Second World War interracial couples faced much prejudice, but none so much as a king of a British protectorate and an ordinary white woman.

Facing many trials and tribulations, even exile from his own country thanks to the British relationship with the then apartheid nation of South Africa, the couple attempt to endure endless hardships to be the rightful rulers of Botswana.

It's always magnificent when you hear these stories are based on real life events. The Notebook has nothing on this.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration
Michelle Alexander | 2012 | Essays, History & Politics
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Detailed, disturbing, an absolute must-read
An absolutely staggering and essential read about America's new apartheid / caste system, created under the guise of the War on Drugs.

Since the civil rights movements and traced back to its origins from the Jim Crow laws, Michelle Alexander discusses how the prison and judicial system is basically used to force African Americans into an underclass. They are not entitled to jobs, housing, benefits and even voting in some cases, stripping them of human rights well after punishment. As 'criminals' they are vilified by all alike thus continually treated like scum.

For others, it's a situation of arresting African Americans en masse for drug crimes, also committed by their white counterparts but are conveniently ignored.

And police forces around the country are continually given bigger budgets to carry out such arrests to bolster their credentials. It can be seen as a racket in many situations. Disturbing but a must-read.
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
S.A. Chakraborty | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Djinn-tastic!! (OK, I know that's bad)
Wow! Magic, Djinns, Ifrits, Daevas - what's not to like?! This was such an engrossing read. Set from two points of view: Nahri, a poor orphaned healer and con-artist and Ali, the youngest son of the King of Daevabad. Their lives meet and are entwined in such a way as to be completely believable. The politics of the realm are much like apartheid, in that Shafit cannot mix with full-blooded Daevas or Djinn. They live in substandard conditions, and Ali tries to change that. He unwittingly causes huge problems.
This is the first in a trilogy, so my only complaint would be that I've now read the first one so close to the release date, that I'm now going to have to wait for AGES for the next part!! Bad planning on my part! I think I'd be more than happy to reread this before the second in the trilogy releases though.
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Noah’s wit and charm (1 more)
Frank discussions of racism, poverty, and family
Some of the humor could be too much at times and border on being offensive (0 more)
A stellar memoir
For those that don’t already know who Trevor Noah is, he is a comedian from South Africa that is now the current host of The Daily Show, taking the place of Jon Stewart when he retired. Trevor is an accomplished polyglot, speaking 9 languages fluently and has some fluency in several more. In much of his comedy he talks about his difficulties with racial identity having been born during apartheid to an African mother and a Swiss father. Apartheid was a system of institutionalized segregation in South Africa that lasted from the 1940’s to the 1990’s.

The book is bursting at the seams with humorous anecdotes about growing up as the wild child in his family. Getting in trouble, trying to outrun and outsmart his mom, committing petty crimes with friends, striking out with girls; Trevor’s life was colorful in no small part because of his mother. In interviews Trevor has stated that his memoir became sort of an open love letter to his mother, Patricia Noah–a fiercely independent woman that refused to be held down by her race or gender and sought to show her son the world outside of apartheid South Africa, who tried to save her son from the cruelty of the world.

“The world doesn’t love you. If the police get you, the police don’t love you. When I beat you, I’m trying to save you. When they beat you, they’re trying to kill you.”

The last chapters had me sobbing which was something that I hadn’t anticipated. Trevor mentions his step-father in the early chapters in passing, like a dark cloud that hung over his family’s life. I wasn’t prepared for the deeply troubling and heartbreaking portrait of a loving family ripped apart by abuse and the failures of law enforcement to prevent tragedy despite numerous attempts to get help.

I was already a fan of Trevor Noah, having watched some of his stand-up comedy and was overjoyed when he took over The Daily Show. From this memoir I have a newfound respect for Trevor not only for the horrendous abuse and racism he has endured, but how he allowed these things to shape who he is. He approaches issues of race, identity, poverty, and abuse with honesty and was able to articulate his feelings on topics that I have been struggling with for years. This memoir was surprisingly cathartic to me as someone that has struggled both with a mixed racial background and as a survivor of domestic abuse.

This was a wonderful memoir that really showcased that even in the darkest of places one can still find hope and strength in love. It was both insightful and laugh out loud funny, even if some of the humor could be viewed as highly offensive. I really enjoyed this memoir and am happy that I read it, it’s definitely going down on my shelf as a favorite.
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was really good. I have been a Trevor Noah fan since my sister told me about him a few years ago and I watched one of his specials on Netflix. Then for my 1 year anniversary with my now husband, we saw him live and he was even better than on TV. When I found out he had written a book, I couldn't wait to read it and I am so glad that I did. It was enlightening, insightful, funny and very honest. I loved hearing about his relationship with his mother, how he came to know his father, learning more about apartheid and how that affected him as a mixed child growing up in South Africa and how he came to be where he is today. I actually listened to it as an audiobook, which I really enjoyed because he has such a soothing voice and he is great at doing variations and inflections on his voice to make it sound younger, older or pretty much anything. Bottom line, it was a great read and it makes me respect and love Trevor Noah even more.
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Funny and poignant
BORN A CRIME was engaging from start to finish. I have to recommend the audio of this book because you get Trevor Noah as the narrator and that truly was everything. The narration, the amusement and feelings that his own narration evoked, enhanced this book ten-fold.

So many issues and topics were covered in this book but most of all, I’ve been educated. I grew up with apartheid being reported daily on the news, I remember the celebration at it’s demise but being a close spectator to life in Soweto and other places, beginning to understand Trevor’s position as not black and not white was truly eye-opening. All this could be such a heavy topic, but actually Trevor brings his naughtiness as a child, the funny side of things and the very tragic too.

Both my kids listened to chapters of this with me in the car and thoroughly enjoyed it. My eldest commented on it being relevant both to her politics and sociology classes, my youngest just loved the ride, especially the tale of Fufi the dog. Some of the book wouldn’t have been suitable for my youngest, but I will be buying it for him when he’s older.

Even if you’re not a biographical or non-fiction reader, give this a go. I think you’ll find yourself unable to look away.