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Operation Avalanche (2016)
Operation Avalanche (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
You’ve heard me say it before. I’ll say it again. Before this year is out, I’ll say it in perhaps another article. The ‘found footage genre’ of movies was played out in perhaps its most notable appearance as well as its debut in the original ‘Blair Witch Project’. Now they’re gearing-up for another round of ‘beating a dead horse’ with a remake would you believe? However, I’m not here writing this article to go on and on and plague your eyes with an entire article complaining about the issue. No. Why you ask? For the unique reason which is since I’ve been writing reviews for movies, ‘Skewed & Reviewed’ has given me the good fortune to screen movies incorporating said genre that present ORIGINAL ideas. Today’s film for your consideration does so in the form of a unique period piece incorporating one of the most notorious conspiracy theories in the world with a pivotal moment in history. Not just in American history but global history.


July 20th, 1969. Less than 10 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis in the midst of the Cold War the great ‘space race’ between the two world superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, is on. NASA astronauts Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong journey to the moon aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft where Neil Armstrong becomes the first human being in history to set foot on the moon. That’s what the history books say. However, almost immediately after the crew of Apollo 11 returned to Earth there were many individuals on both sides who claimed not only was it not possible to land human beings safely on the moon and return them to Earth, but that NASA had faked the entire event in conjunction with other organizations and agencies within the American intelligence and military communities. This is where the basis for today’s film originates.


‘Operation Avalanche’ is an American-Canadian found footage/conspiracy thriller film directed by Matt Johnson who also starred in and co-wrote the film with Josh Boles. The film also stars Owen Williams, Jared Raab, Andrew Appelle, Madeleine Sims-Fewer, Krista Madison, Tom Bolton, and Sharon Belle. The film begins in 1967. The Central Intelligence Agency suspects that a Soviet mole has infiltrated NASA and is providing the Russians with information on American rocket technology. Four employees of the CIA are sent in undercover as a documentary film crew to determine if the agency’s suspicions are true and to determine the mole’s identity. Instead, what the discover sends shockwaves through the agency’s upper echelons and could potentially lead to a Soviet victory in the space race and bring to light one of the biggest conspiracies imaginable.


This movie is a brilliantly conceived and executed piece of film making. It not only includes historical news footage from the event, but combines it with a bit of guerrilla film-making. The film was shot in Toronto, Washington DC, and Houston, Texas. They were able to shoot on site at NASA by claiming they were shooting a documentary which was not entirely untrue. Essential they sort of broke the ‘fourth wall’ three times. The characters in the film were documentary film makers going undercover to shoot a documentary under the guise of a documentary film crew. The attention to detail from the locations, to the music, to the people themselves (how they looked, talked, and dressed) was something that one would imagine would’ve taken a larger budget. These folks pulled it off brilliantly essentially creating a period piece within the film. You get a genuine sense that the characters are who they act like they are in the particular time and place. Four CIA operatives looking to move up in the agency by moving themselves into place to be assigned to an undercover operation with low risk to themselves with the slight possibility of danger but then get caught up in a secret far bigger than anything they originally anticipated. The senses are heightened, the pace increases, and the conspiracy begins to unfold. The film is most definitely worth checking out. It kinda slows down a bit too much at certain points but all in all an excellent film. I’m going to give it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. It’s certainly what I’d like to call a ‘thinking persons movie’. If you’re a fan of history, conspiracy theory, or both this film is certainly worth watching.
    Lighting Handbook

    Lighting Handbook

    Reference and Productivity

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    Lighting Handbook is a tool for all theatre, corporate and event technicians. It displays detailed...

First Man (2018)
First Man (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
I have put off writing this review because I honestly didn't know what, or more precisely how to sum up my feelings about this movie. That's not a typo at the top. I'm giving this one star, and honestly I nearly didn't even give it that.

Previously I've mentioned that I will happily sit through a movie bawling my eyes out. I hadn't quite realised how important it was to have good characters behind the emotional pieces. Twice this movie brought a tear to my eye, and neither were when I particularly expected. I'll circle back round to one of those in a moment.

It is entirely possible that how these people were portrayed is accurate to real life, I honestly don't know much about the people apart from what most around the world know. I could make no emotional connection with them. So much so that at the beginning of the film when we have our first opportunity to sympathise with them I was left frowning at the screen wondering how this devastating story line left me not caring.

The redeeming feature in this film was the Armstrong's oldest son. For the most part they're just around in the periphery of the story, after all most people are there for the space film not the biopic, but he earned this star. Janet makes Neil talk to their sons about the mission he's about to leave for, the boy is just old enough to know what it might mean, how dangerous it is, and in that moment he gave a brilliant performance and I could feel his sadness and anger.

Until I saw Blade Runner 2049 I had not seen Ryan Gosling in a film in 15 years. (I have seen Murder By Numbers but didn't realise he was in it until about five minutes ago.) From that one film I was sold on him as an actor, he played that part really well and I could almost forgive him for doing La La Land. (I have not seen La La Land. However, thanks to the film's sponsorship of drama on ITV2 at a peak moment in time for series I was watching, I have seen the trailer hundreds of times and vowed never to watch it.) Gosling's role in this pained me. As I said, I don't know the people this film is based on, his portrayal of Armstrong could be entirely accurate but I didn't find anything about it believable. His devastation at the beginning of the movie appeared like it should have been a genuine heartbreak for him, and yet his performance didn't reflect that at all apart from some unconvincing wailing.

Claire Foy's Janet Armstrong, again, could be accurate I honestly don't know. Listening to her spend a lot of her time getting angry left me frustrated. Anger is a strong emotion, yet it was another performance that didn't leave me identifying with her pain. I knew where it should have been, but I couldn't find it in any of the scenes.

I feel like I could go on about this for ages. Originally I was going to give First Man two stars, which on my score card is for films that I didn't like but I can see that they're well done and could appeal to other people. Usually that would mean the subject matter isn't too my liking but the performances were good... well. Yeah.

While I can understand the chaotic nature of shuttle's in flight, starting a film with camera shots that are so violently shaky that you can't tell what's going on didn't sit well with me. From the very start you're left confused and not knowing exactly who or what you're watching. Unfortunately that was not the only time that shot was used. The film didn't seem glossy, if that makes sense. It's a film in 2018, we want to see the past in glorious high definition, but everything felt a little retro in an old kind of way. Shaky camera was a constant feature and when we see the exterior shots of the module in space I honestly though I was watching a less technicolour version of Red Dwarf. With one main difference, I like Red Dwarf.

Lots of production choices make sense to some degree. When we go from the landing to getting down on to the moon there is silence. I can see that silence would be a good tool in what is essentially nothingness. But would it have been silent? Wouldn't they have heard console beeping, com channels, and the sound of their own breathing? The silence was deafening, and dull.

When I came out of the film I really couldn't reconcile what I'd seen with what people had been raving about. There was no redeeming feature for me. So much potential telling a story that everyone knows, but doesn't really, and I was left with a bad taste in my mouth and the desire to watch Apollo 13 to reassure myself that there were better films out there.

What you should do

You're going to go and see it because everyone thinks it's amazing. You shouldn't bother. Don't watch it on DVD, don't watch it streaming... buy yourself a copy of Apollo 13 instead.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I want nothing from this film. Anything I could have would be a horrible reminder of me wasting my time at the cinema.
Off Base (Out of Uniform #1)
Off Base (Out of Uniform #1)
Annabeth Albert | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this book!
I lovefinding new to me authors, and narrators and Ms Albert and Mr Stevens are bothnew to me! Zach ishiding himself, from his fellow SEALs, his family but most of all his hidingfrom himself. Moving off base seems to be the best solution but then his worstnightmare needs a place to stay and Zach can’t say no to Pike, and Pike’s cats.So, he grits his teeth and bares it. Pike, however, is gritting his teeth foran entirely different reason. He has a massive crush on Zach but can’t let Zachknow. The two men call an uneasy truce to do up the house, but neither can stayaway from the other for long. That stayingaway lasts only so long and it really was a joy to behold to watch Zach andPike get closer, and begin their friends with benefits thing, but it was alsopainful. Both men knew they shouldn’t do this, and it messed with everyone’s head,mine included! Zach is verymuch in the closet, and Pike is not. That alone causes Zach to have kittensabout every.single.little.thing! Everything, near the beginning, caused Zach topanic, but watching the man fall, watching him come out of himself and thatcloset, watching him fall in love with Pike?? Twas a beautiful thing!I loved thatit was ZACH who made the decision to do something about their situation, andPike did not push Zach, even though he really wanted to.Much of thatbeauty though, is in the delivery, and Tyler Stevens narrates. This is thefirst of his work I have come across and I need more, lots more! I loved thenarration, as much as the story itself! Stevens wasable to wrench so much emotion, particularly for Zach, into his narration, itwas almost listening to your best friend pour their heart out to you.The voicesfor Zach and Pike are very different, getting the point across about the manydifferences between the two men. ALL the voices are distinctive enough for meto not have any trouble with multi person conversations. Stevens reading voiceis deep and clear and very VERY easy to listen to.Someinteresting characters in the book, Ryan and Josiah (apologies if that’s nothow you spell, I’ve not seen it written down!) do they have a book?? Would LOVEto read or listen to their story! And Apollo. That man is sad, it’s too soon,but maybe, just maybe. . . .and OH!! His book is next! I just looked!I have booktwo to listen to next, but that is by a different narrator so it will be interestingto see how Apollo’s voice carries from one narrator to the next. 5 stars forthe book5 stars forthe narration5 starsoverall**sameworded review will appear elsewhere**

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the Xbox Series X version of Immortals: Fenyx Rising in Video Games

Nov 30, 2020  
Immortals: Fenyx Rising
Immortals: Fenyx Rising
2020 | Action/Adventure
Immortals Fenyx Rising is a rare treat in that it is a game that did not come in with the massive wave of hype that usually accompanies a major release; yet delivers beyond expectations.

The game is set in Ancient Greece and casts players as Fenyx who must travel to set right the many things that have gone wrong along the way.

Greek gods provide humorous narration to help move the story along as there is lots for players to do and see in the game.

Once a character is created; players will have to climb, swim, battle, and solve puzzles in a highly-detailed universe. While some may think the combat would be hack and slash being able to gain advanced weapons such as a divine axe and bow really help mix things up.

The Arrow of Apollo as an example allows players to control the arrow in flight which is ideal for solving puzzles and making precisions shots. I also used it to scout an area by firing it into the air and using it to study the layout of the area.

Puzzles are a big part of the game and being able to hold and throw large boulders is key to defeating large enemies as well as moving large objects onto pressure plates to open doors or move heavy objects into position.

After each main mission; players will be able to obtain new powers by completing a challenge from the Gods. This usually involves jumping from objects, solving puzzles, and combat. Upon completion players will obtain a new device/ability which will help them going forward. I can tell you that having a set of wings really helped cover the map by being able to jump from a cliff and glide to a destination as long as my stamina holds up.

One great mission had me move a large pearl across the land and down hills to the see. Not only was it fun and varied; but it also showed how the missions are not repetitions of the prior ones.

I had several hours invested in the game before the area with the cosmetic options and upgrades arrived and the sheer scale of the game ensures that players will not find this a quick gaming experience.

Combat is a mix of hack and slash and ranged combat; but I am a big fan of smashing enemies with large boulders when able.

Some may have issues with the campy dialogue and delivery of the lines but this would be missing the point as the game is a fun and immersive adventure which will provide gamers with plenty of hours of enjoyment.

4 stars out of 5
West really puts your emotions through the wringer!
Independent reviewer for BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There are 2 things I love most about reviewing: finding new to me authors with extensive back lists, and finding brand NEW authors, who smash it out the park. THIS book falls in the latter category.

I fell into this book, and did not come up for air for better part of 3 hours! I didn't move, eat or drink, I was that engrossed in this.

Finn is a soldier, modified to be the perfect assassin. A chance meeting with Kathleen, an undercover cop who tries to save his intended target, and Finn begins to question everything. When Kathleen then becomes a target, Finn disobeys a direct order for the first time.

What I loved about this, was Finn really can't see what has been done to him, until Kathleen points it out. Oh he KNOWS he's been modified, and can be 'reset' at any time, but he doesn't really SEE, you know? Kathleen makes him SEE, makes him wonder about who he was before, about FINN, rather than The Hound, his handle.

There are multi layers to this, and I loved that. I was kept on my toes right from the start and right through the book, that didn't let up.

It's dark, yes. On page assassinations, and violence, but it was needed for the bigger picture to be clear. Although, I'm sure there is a MUCH bigger picture that fully isn't clear yet!

Once Finn started to remember, I loved that he let himself go with Kathleen. He fully gave himself to Kathleen and took what she offered him and I cheered for them at that point.

THEN!! West does what she does and I cried, cos I wasn't sure that Finn could come back from that. He does, and I cheered again. But West puts your emotions through a wringer!!

I only really have a niggle, and it is a niggle cos I'm greedy like that! I would have liked a bit more information about what was done to Finn. We get that he is put through some vigarous mind washing, and genetic modifications, and we get all that but I wanted it in more detail. I wanted to go through that with Finn. Maybe I'm kinda twisted but I wanted to feel his pain, to fully appreciate what he's been through.

Apollo is another soldier who pops up here. I am assuming he will be next and I really hope I get to read it!

4 very VERY good stars, but very well done Ms West!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Creed (2015)
Creed (2015)
2015 | Drama
Life for Adonis Johnson (Michael B Jordan) has always been a struggle. He has moved from one facility to another under the care the state constantly fighting for his place in society. When he is adopted by Mary Anne Creed (Phylicia Rashad), he learns that his father was actually legendary fighter Apollo Creed who had a dalliance with his mother and died before Adonis was born. Flash forward year’s later, despite a life of privilege and a good job, Adonis yearns to be a boxer and follow in his father’s footsteps. Unable to secure fights, he travels across the border to fight on the circuit in Mexico where he is undefeated. When able to quench his conflicting emotions, Adonis moves to Philadelphia to live a simpler life. He hopes to take pointers from his father’s chief rival and longtime friend Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), but is at first hesitant to reveal his true connection to Creed. This is the promise of the new film “Creed”, which is a very worthy and in joy of all entry into the popular “Rocky” series. In older, more cautious and world beaten Balboa is hesitant to go back into the world that made him a household name, but eventually is determined to train the young boxer and in doing so both of them learn what it is to be a champion in and out of the ring.

There is the uplifting training and human stories that made the series so popular but what really keeps this from being a retread is the solid work of Jordan and Stallone. Jordan is very much his own character and not trying to copy his father. He is headstrong, impulsive, quick to anger, but also willing to listen to the wisdom of Rocky. Stallone does perhaps his best work in a very long time in a supporting role by playing a more vulnerable and wise character that is not afraid to show his humanity. This is a very welcome change for the actor who is best known as larger-than-life and unstoppable in many of the roles that he portrays. I know it would be considered a long shot but this is the type of performance that veteran actors get award nominations for in a supporting role.

Of course Johnson is leading up to his big fight with destiny that will either make or break him against an overwhelmingly unstoppable opponent but the well-choreographed and paste fight sequences will have you on the edge of your seat and captivated much like the best sequences from the earlier Rocky films.

This was a very solid and entertaining film that should delight fans of the series as well as sports films in general and was one of the most enjoyable surprises of the year.
Rocky (1976)
Rocky (1976)
1976 | Drama, Romance, Sport
Underdog Tale
Rocky is a classic. A tale of a underdog rising to the top. At the same time its a story of rocky. A underdog, a fighter, a lover, a southpaw, a man who wont give up.

The plot: Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), a small-time boxer from working-class Philadelphia, is arbitrarily chosen to take on the reigning world heavyweight champion, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers), when the undefeated fighter's scheduled opponent is injured. While training with feisty former bantamweight contender Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith), Rocky tentatively begins a relationship with Adrian (Talia Shire), the wallflower sister of his meat-packer pal Paulie (Burt Young).

The film, made on a budget of just over $1 million, was a sleeper hit; it earned $225 million in global box office receipts, becoming the highest-grossing film of 1976. The film was critically acclaimed and solidified Stallone's career as well as commenced his rise to prominence as a major movie star of that era.

Among other accolades, it went on to receive ten Academy Award nominations, winning three, including Best Picture. In 2006, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant". Rocky is considered to be one of the greatest sports films ever made and was ranked as the second-best in the genre, after Raging Bull, by the American Film Institute in 2008.

The film has spawned seven sequels: Rocky II (1979), Rocky III (1982), Rocky IV (1985), Rocky V (1990), Rocky Balboa (2006), Creed (2015), and Creed II (2018). Stallone portrays Rocky in all eight films, wrote seven of the eight films, and directed four of the six titular installments.

Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay for Rocky in three and a half days.

United Artists liked Stallone's script, and viewed it as a possible vehicle for a well-established star such as Robert Redford, Ryan O'Neal, Burt Reynolds, or James Caan.
Stallone's agents, Rumar and Kubik, insisted that Stallone portray the title character, to the point of issuing an ultimatum. Stallone later said that he would never have forgiven himself, had the film become a success with somebody else in the lead.

During filming, both Stallone and Weathers suffered injuries during the shooting of the final fight; Stallone suffered bruised ribs and Weathers suffered a damaged nose, the opposite injuries of what their characters had.

The first date between Rocky and Adrian, in which Rocky bribes a janitor to allow them to skate after closing hours in a deserted ice skating rink, was shot that way only because of budgetary pressures. This scene was originally scheduled to be shot in a skating rink during regular business hours. However, the producers decided that they could not afford to hire the hundreds of extras that would have been necessary for that scene.

Its a excellent movie.