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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-book copy of this book from the editor in exchange for an honest review.

When I read the synopsis for this book, I was intrigued by the prospect of "modernized mythology." The idea that the Greek gods and goddesses are around right now, during our time, working to change humans into immortals through a competition was extremely interesting, and I couldn't wait to see how it played out.

I wasn't disappointed, as the story held my interest throughout, and I found myself trying to figure out which character was which Green god/goddess before it was actually stated. I've always been a fan of mythology, and this brought it to a new level, especially with the competition for immortality. Mary Jane's backstory is extremely sad, but her and Lucas seem to make a great couple, and I look forward to reading more of their story as they move on at the end of the book.

The only criticism I have is I wish it was longer. I thought it was over 280 pages, according to the count on my Kindle app, but the story actually ended around 220, with chapters from two future works at the end. Although the plot is thoroughly developed, I wanted more of it, whether it was more of Lucas and Mary Jane, or information about her parents, or even more with her and her aunt, Eden. However, I know this is only the first in a series, so I'm sure those things will be carried into the next book, which I hope comes out soon. =)
IMVU - #1 3D Avatar Social App
IMVU - #1 3D Avatar Social App
Social Networking, Entertainment
5.5 (4 Ratings)
App Rating
Epic Graphics (4 more)
You can play on your laptop, tablet or mobile phone
Doesn’t allow to share pictures so it helps keeping you safe, it only reveals the information you want to reveal
You can have a feed where you post pictures of your avatar (almost like a Facebook page)
You can create and decorate your own room, add music, etc (only available on laptop version)
You pay to have money on the game (the only money you receive that is free is from Daily Spins and it takes quite a long time) (1 more)
The clothes on the game are quite expensive (the cheapest is 300 coins)
IMVU is a virtual reality online game.
When you sign in with your email and password you are given initially 4000 coins to start your avatar look.
You can create a bio, speak about yourself, make posts like on Facebook in your profile.
You can also go to rooms of every kind, you can search what language you want the room to be in, the amount of people on it or the type of room you want to go to. (Ex: language- Spanish; 0-6 people; Chill out Room)
You can follow, add people, chat with them in the public room or private message them.
It’s a really good app to make some friends.
When you’re in a room, you can move around and click in poses you want your avatar to be, alone, or with someone else.
You will have a wish list where you can put items you eventually want to buy. Your friends can also gift you things from your wish list and you can do the same.
Hot Conduit (Hot Under the Collar #2)
Hot Conduit (Hot Under the Collar #2)
Katherine McIntyre | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HOT CONDUIT is the second book in the Hot Under the Collar series, and we meet Theo and Lex in more detail.

The sparks fly immediately between these two but an early misunderstanding leads to a very prickly relationship - in other words, neither of them likes the other. Unfortunately for them, they're in the same friend group so see each other frequently. Luckily, they've got someone through the CoffeeDates app they can speak to. Unluckily, it's still them! This led to some laugh-out-loud moments when they were complaining to each other about each other!

It took some time for Lex and Theo to change their relationship. In fact, it was only really at the end, BUT it worked. They both needed the time to figure out that the other was nothing like people in their past. I loved the meeting with Lex's ex and how Theo finally had someone stand up for him. Family can be like that sometimes - not meaning to hurt but not thinking about what they're doing or saying.

I loved this book. I loved returning to the characters and seeing how Rhys, Cole, and Sammy are getting on. I loved the reactions in various scenes - goat yoga, anyone? But most of all I loved Theo and Lex for walking a rocky path and finding each other!

Absolutely brilliant and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 6, 2024
Hot Conduit (Hot Under the Collar #2)
Hot Conduit (Hot Under the Collar #2)
Katherine McIntyre | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
so steamy once they decide to act on their attraction!
I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author.

This is book 2 in the Hot Under the Collar series, and it can totally be read as a stand alone. HOWEVER, I loved book 1, Sweat Connection, like LOVED IT, so I strongly recommend you read that book as well. Not necessary, but my personal opinion.

Taken from the review I wrote for book one:

I'm not rehashing the blurb, and I'm not telling you the story, I'ma just gonna jump straight in!


Again, I'm jumping straight in, cos I bloody loved this book!

Theo and Lex have chemistry, right from the start, but the major dislike for each other takes centre stage for a time. Once they click on the app, all bets are off.

I loved that Lex, once he knew about them, made an effort to ease Theo's issues with germs. Like he took wet wipes for Theo to clean the table at the diner. I loved those little things he did.

There is steam here, so much steam. Once they decide to act of the attraction, it flies hawt off the charts! But emotional too. Theo is dealing with his past exes, and Lex had his heart broken. But they get there, they really do.

I loved the goat yoga! I could see that happening, it was so much fun!

I loved book one, and I loved this one too. I can't wait for book 3!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
2021 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Medieval
I can recall so many instances of my board game purchases being based on either the designer, artist, or publisher. Surely I am not alone here. Josh will probably always be a Stonemaier Games fanboy. Laura has aligned herself with Daily Magic Games and Button Shy Games. While I am a big fan of the Valeriaverse, I think my current preferences put me on teams Weird Giraffe Games, Blue Orange Games, and Lucky Duck Games. Speaking of the latter, LDG have come through with some seriously excellent hybrid app-driven games that just wow me every single time. I was definitely a hybrid game naysayer when the first Chronicles of Crime came out, but the more I play them, the more I appreciate the accomplishments. Destinies has now come along to me and it has been some time since I have been this jazzed to play a game over and over and over and over.

Destinies is a hybrid app-driven adventure board game for one to three players. In it, players will be choosing their characters and how to play them, along with the path of their individual destinies across several campaign scenarios. When playing multiplayer, the player who completes their destiny first will win. When playing solo (which is also amazing), the player wins when they successfully complete their destiny.

DISCLAIMER: We are using the Kickstarter version of the game. We do have the expansions from the KS campaign, but will not be using those for this review. Also, we do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rule book, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy from the publisher directly or from your FLGS. -T

Usually I list out the steps to setup a game in this section, but there are so many little items and steps to be taken that I will simply show you, the reader, how a scenario may look once setup. The app will instruct players how to create their character’s stats and which map tiles should be placed out initially. Typically, though, each player will receive a player board, Destiny card (with their character headshot on one side and their Destiny choices on back), two main dice, three effort dice, and one gold coin. Once setup, the app will drive the story along and the players will be rolling dice and making choices in order to win the game or scenario.
Each player will be given their Destiny card with two distinct Destiny paths on the backside. These paths correlate with the current scenario, and the player will be able to choose one of the two given paths to help move their games forward. However, sometimes players will switch their Destiny mid-game due to several factors including successes on previous tasks or current inventory. The only way to win the game is to complete a Destiny, so staying on track is paramount in this open sandbox game – it is incredibly easy to become sidetracked and lose sight of specific tasks to be performed.

Each turn a player may move to a new tile, to previously-explored tiles, or points of interest on specific map tiles. These points of interest could be unique characters to be visited, or more general spaces on the tile represented by tokens. Sometimes visiting a POI (point of interest) will have the player rolling dice to complete tests, initiating trade with the POI NPC, revealing information about their distinct Destiny, or even issuing side quests. Players take their chances by visiting a POI because only one may be visited on a turn. Once a player has moved and visited a POI, their turn is over and the next player’s turn begins.

The most interesting aspect of this game is the experience tracker and results of tests. Player stats are divided between Intelligence, Dexterity, and Power (Strength for my D&D readers). These stats are constantly in flux due to tests and experience, and levels range from 1-12+ on the player board. A player will roll both main dice and any effort dice they wish on each test, and the total result is compared to the discs present on the main player board. One success is counted for each disc’s value equal to or below the rolled result. For example, if the roll is a 6, and the player has a disc on 3 and another on 6 the player counts two successes. Effort dice add values to the rolled result, and one side of these dice depict a star, which counts as one success. Throughout the game players will be moving their skill marker tokens (discs) up and down the tracks. Sometimes this is due to a test being failed or succeeded, but sometimes experience tokens are earned. A player may improve their skill levels by two total values on the tracks for each experience token discarded. Players may choose which tracks, and may maximize their character’s skill or spread out the experience across multiple skills.

Play continues in this fashion of referencing the app for story and plot items, players working toward completing their Destinies, and adventuring across the land rolling tests and improving skills until one player finishes their Destiny and wins the game!
Components. As always, I am going to be honest here by stating I believe that Destinies packs the box with the best components I have seen in a game. The multi-layered insert is perfectly formed and well-thought out, all the cardboard tokens are super-thick, the dice are so fun to handle and roll, the cards and other components feature incredible artwork, and did I mention there’s about a thousand minis in this game? I am reluctant to even call some of these things minis as they are large and in charge for SURE. I have zero complaints or comments on the components present in Destinies. Lucky Duck knocks it out of the park once again. Incredible.

I actually backed this one on Kickstarter just because it comes from Lucky Duck Games. I had played Chronicles of Crime and loved it, and just wanted to try something different but using a similar system. Typically I don’t keep up with the comments and updates to a game I have backed because I enjoy being surprised by the product that arrives at my door. Destinies was certainly a surprise to me, and I have been kicking myself in the butt for not getting it to the table the very first day I received it.

Destinies is my favorite Lucky Duck Games title, and that is saying a ton, as I rave about every game of theirs I have played. I hope you all back me up here, and if you haven’t yet tried this one, I hope you visit your closest friend or board game cafe that owns it. The tutorial scenario is great, and the campaign scenarios have been awesome so far. Okay, yes, when I first played it with Laura, my wife made several comments about it being a 3 hour game, but once that first one is completed, the subsequent plays run much smoother.

What I love so much about this is how indefinitely expandable it is. Most of the components are multi-use (akin to all the character cards in the Chronicles of Crime games), and can be used in campaign after campaign. The drawbacks I see for this, though, is any sort of waning interest in it forcing designers to abandon plans to create more scenarios. Could a new scenario pack be an acceptable expansion versus a large expansion box with oodles of new components and minis? I think so, but I am no designer. Could the Millennium Series treatment be given to Destinies? Absolutely! This system does not need to be played in a medieval fantasy world. It could be molded to almost anything, and that gives me excited shivers over the future of this game.

If you are anything like me and have now embraced the hybrid gaming trend, I highly recommend Destinies. I plan to also review all the expansions in the near future, so do look out for those, but please do yourself a giant favor and pick up Destinies. The excellent storytelling, great components, and just amazing fun helps Purple Phoenix Games give this one a perfectly deserved 12 / 12, and a Golden Feather Award! I can’t stop thinking about it and how I would play it differently next time, and hopefully after I have played through the expansion material I will be able to restart from the very beginning with different characters and choices. It’s a sign of a great game when I can’t stop thinking about it, and I do believe Destinies currently is knocking at the door of my Top 10 Games of All Time. No, it’s there. It’s totally there. TOP 10 BABY!!
Magic Rush: Heroes
Magic Rush: Heroes
Games, Entertainment
2.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Non-buggy (0 more)
Boring (3 more)
Gacha (random character drawing)
Throttled progress
Free to play, pay to progress: Hostageware
The latest in a long line of soulless Gacha
This game gets a solid C for effort. An RPG with occasionally tower defense elements is okay in concept, but this implimentation is sure to leave you feeling hungry for more. As in, more of some other game. Because let me be clear there's nothing satisfying here to playing this game. Take a look at the central gameplay mechanics:
- Energy system arbitrarily keeps you from playong the game at a pace necessary to actually enjoy it (oh, of course, you can insert a quarter in the form of $5 % to keep playing for another twenty seconds)
- hero draw mechanic makes sure that you have no control over what champions you have and whether they're good or not, leaving zero room for customization
- Standard Battles amount to little more than an Idle clicker.
- Alliances encourage you to team up with people you don't know and don't and won't ever care about to do nothing
- weak and meaningless pvp battles because they're still just the aforementioned idle clicker
- re-raid previously completed maps for junk to progress! This of course costs money, and with its poor interface it is left taking days longer than it needs to. But hey, for those of us who like farming but not gameplay, I guess it makes sense.
- constant ads and offers for bundles that cost your life savings and do nothing
 - ...and much, much more, ensuring the game is 4x as generic as every other game on the entire app store. 2 stars for good (read:non-buggy) implimentation of this cash grab street beggar simulator.

Michael J. Bess (2 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jul 6, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Dedicated record of friends listed, capability of adding pics and separating them by occasion, use of app to log into other apps (0 more)
Lacks secure verification process when creating account (0 more)
Great way to maintain relationships, but bad if you do not want your personal life all out there
I use Facebook to keep in contact with men and women I served with when I was in the Marine Corps. Whenever I remember the name of one, I go online and try to track them down. At least 1/4 of my 1000+ friend's list consists of veterans and current servicemembers and civilian employees.

But one thing that Facebook needs to improve on is it's verification process. My 13-year-old niece has had a page (TWO pages in fact!) since she was barely ten. I immediately contacted Facebook about this because I didn't want my niece to be another stat where she is preyed upon online by some phedophile. Facebook continued to keep the pages up.

Another reason the process needs to be improved is because someone may end up being "Catfished," for a lack of better term. My personal business was posted online by a woman whom I never met and I had no idea why this person would do something like that. More than two years later, I found that it wasn't a woman who posted the info, but it was a male friend of mine! A person who I had played practical jokes on the past but never to this extreme. Needless to say we are not longer friends as his ex-wife (my current girlfriend) informed me of other scrupulous things he had done with this particular page.

Connie (244 KP) rated Werewolf Online in Apps

Jul 26, 2018 (Updated Jul 26, 2018)  
Werewolf Online
Werewolf Online
5.3 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Ranked mode (2 more)
New roles being added all the time
Online means you can play anytime
Still in beta more so there are some bugs (0 more)
The best reboot of classic Mafia/ Werewolf card games!
I liked the card game Mafia as a kid. It was fun and made parties interesting. When I found Werewolf, I was more interested--the sci-fi/ fantasy theme really sucked me in farther. Now that it's an app, I literally can't put it down!

One team faces three other teams to try and be top dog (errr... wolf, actually) at the end of the game. Assigned a random role with a special ability, you have to try and hunt down all the members of all the other teams and lynch/shoot/holy water them without your own team being knocked out first. Will you be assigned to the Villager team as a Seer or the Mayor? Will you "wake up" as a Werewolf, or as the Shaman? Will you be the Serial Killer or the Arsonist, trying to kill every other player? Or will you be the Fool or Headhunter, trying to be lynched or get one other specific person lynched?

Every game is different. Every game is online against hundreds of others all around the world. And every game, only one team (sometimes only one player) can win.

It's tactical. It's skill and intrigue, lies and manipulations and downright back-stabbing as the most clever rise to the top.

On top of that, new roles are being added constantly through the Discord servers. If you've got an idea, they want to hear it. Several writers have already had their ideas incorporated, and it's awfully interesting to help those roles get perfected!

All in all this is a solid party favorite made playable anywhere. 10/10 WILL play again!

Kelly (279 KP) rated Clash of Clans in Apps

Nov 22, 2018  
Clash of Clans
Clash of Clans
Entertainment, Games
Regular updates, social interaction, a strive to develop and improve your base. (0 more)
I am a little addicted
I have been playing Clash of Clans for over five years now, and the game still interests me and keeps me playing. When it comes to app based games, they tend to have a self life of around three to six months for me, so Supercell have done well to keep me hooked.

The game allows you to connect with other players from around the world (or a more localised setting if you choose), by joining clans or through global. I personally find global chat a little frustrating, as the talk is immature and does not really aid game play. Through joining a clan, I have been able to connect with players from around the world (and in one case just up the road), and have now joined with them in other strategy games as well as on social networking. The social element of the game keeps us playing almost as much as the game play itself.

I admit in the early days of playing the game, I purchased gem packs to speed up my progress, but since the makers of clash freely give out gems (through clan games and removal of stones and bushes, as well as completed challenges through your profile), I have found that I can maintain a healthy amount of gems for purchasing spells without having to spend money.

Over the years, there have been changes to the game, however Supercell are constantly thinking forward into how to improve the quality of the game for their players. Just as clan wars started to get tiresome, clan games and shortly after clan leagues has brought back a renewed enthusiasm for the game. I am looking forward to seeing what comes in the future for the game.
Immortal in Death (In Death, #3)
Immortal in Death (In Death, #3)
J.D. Robb | 2003
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first two books in this series quite a while ago now and the only thing I remember is Eve and Roarke's relationship progressing quite quickly.

This has taken me a long time to finish and I think that's due to its length. I'm not the biggest fan of long books and the fact the writing in the kindle app for PC is so tiny tells me it's a long one. I've been reading it in spurts between other books but as the investigation into Pandora's death got going I decided to just concentrate on this one and finally get it finished.

So Pandora is a successful model, loved the world over for her style and flair but also loathed for being vicious and cruel. When she's murdered and the prime suspect is Mavis, Eve's long time friend, Eve is determined to help solve the mystery and get her friend off the charge of murder and find the real killer.

I loved the twists and turns in this. I, like Eve, thought that they'd found the killers at about the 66% mark but then like how did they go about proving it? And then it turns out it wasn't those people?! I was like, WHAT?!

Of course, this one also contains Eve and Roarke's wedding and the stuff that leads up to it, including dress shopping, hen and stag nights and picking flowers. Admittedly, we don't get the wedding in this as such, just Eve getting dressed and walking out to make her promise to Roarke.

Although I didn't enjoy this as much as previous books, I think that was down to me not being in the mood for a mystery/crime/romantic suspense book as well as it's long length. Nevertheless I will be reading more books in the series at a later date.