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This book is part of a series by Blythe Camenson that explores different careers centered on a theme. This volume focuses on water related careers and covers the spectrum from aquatic scientists to the Navy, fishing, cruise staff, water safety and rescue, and water sports.

The book tackles each of these items in a series of chapters. Each chapter talks about what the job entails, training needed, salaries, and employment figures. It then concludes with an interview with someone who is currently employed in the field that touches on their background, their job, and what they do and don't like about it.

The book is interesting and covers a range of things that anyone considering a new career would find interesting. However, it does have its shortcomings. At 150 pages, including an appendix of professional associations, the book just barely wets your appetite for more. Each chapter only focuses on one or two jobs and basically lists the others. This means the book isn't one stop shopping, but it does give you a general idea whether you might want to look for further information on the jobs listed.

Additionally, the book was published in the last decade, so some of the information, like salaries, is already out of date. The book focuses on the US, so if you live elsewhere, you'll need to look into local standards, and all the addresses given won't do you any good.