Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies: Re-Conceptualising Design and Making
Jillian Walliss and Heike Rahmann
Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies explores how digital technologies are reshaping...

Lineament: Material, Representation and the Physical Figure in Architectural Production
Focusing on the relationship of geometry to materials, this comprehensive catalogue of contemporary...

Material Revolution 2: New Sustainable and Multi-Purpose Materials for Design and Architecture
Following the huge success of Material Revolution, this second volume addresses the rapid...

The Fabric Formwork Book: Methods for Building New Architectural and Structural Forms in Concrete
Concrete is the most used man-made material in the world and is the fundamental physical medium for...

Time Frames: Conservation Policies for Twentieth Century Architectural Heritage
Massimo Visone and Ugo Carughi
Time Frames provides a reconnaissance on the conservation rules and current protection policies of...

The Journey to Dissertation Success: For Construction, Property, and Architecture Students
Tim Howarth, Elizabeth Laycock and Paul Watson
Are you about to embark on a research project for the first time? Unsure which data collection...

Architecture, Death and Nationhood: Monumental Cemeteries of Nineteenth-Century Italy
In the nineteenth century, new cemeteries were built in many Italian cities that were unique in...

Mis Documentos - app para transferir archivos, organizador, fichero, lector e impresora
Business and Productivity
Save, manage, read, share, print and search your documents EASILY in your iPhone/iPad! The app...
Greenland into White
A tribute to the wilderness of one of the most unknown and fascinating lands, as well as the...